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The Rising AMA - Clugred, Des Troyer, Hscrusader07, Monkeyfbi135

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For everyone:


- Is there anything that you learned from your previous clan experiences that helped you make TR successful?


- What specific moment in TR's days stand out the most to you? Good or bad.


TR was created right as I was retiring, so I never got to experience any fights against them or anything, but every time I'd pop in to check on DF I'd hear about TR. Sounds like a clan that hit the ground running, made a strong impact, and had members that loved it there, so congrats on the success of it.

8 hours ago, Des Troyer said:

Ixy, the founder of Golden Sun and a friend at the time who I had confided in towards the end of my time in TA, inspired me with his words of: “If it still doesn’t feel like home, make a new one”, just as he had done.

I'm really happy to have gotten to know Ixy. The dude was a sound guy and was a very positive influence on me back in my UBH days. Is he still around in any capacity? I would love to say hey to him.


I remember Des and Clug from my time in Gladz - wanted to start by saying I'm glad to see you both around and hope you've been well.


Wanted to say hi to Monkey as well.  We didn't have the best relationship in EH/after EH, but I hold no grudges from a long time ago.


For Clug: I was always really impressed by TMRD while in Gladz, and then later when TMRD had wars/capped PKRIs with EH.  I felt like TMRD had greater activity and desire to be involved in PKRIs than the other alliance clans.  Did you find that there were a disproportionate number of TMRD joining TR relative to the other alliance clans?


For Des: Why do you think TR was such an appealing option for many ex-DS members?


For HS: You mentioned disappointment from the lack of PK dedication in "The."  What was your opinion of Germs22?


For all: When Sooz was in EH, I was not her biggest fan.  I felt like she was a manipulative person who was more interested in her own advancement/popularity than the success of the clan.  She was an intelligent individual, but I felt like she used that intelligence to the detriment of EH when she did not get what she wanted.  Do you have an instance that you can recall that she tried to leverage her popularity/others in the clan against the leadership's decisions?


For all:  I feel like TR was a clan born slightly too late.  There were a lot of people in the Alliance that were desiring a more PK-oriented experience around 2006 and dispersed to other clans.  If formed slightly earlier, it is possible that TR would have captured a lot of those folks that went elsewhere.  Additionally, around 2006, EH, VR, and DF were all pulling around ~60 people (still fairly low).  They really built off each other through competition and rivalry.  TR could have also grown off that competition.  Do you think TR might have looked different if formed a year earlier?


For all: What do you think TR's greatest strength was in PKRIs?

For all: Pre-EoC, how was TR's relationship with CL? A clan that was generally of similar size and perhaps of a similar situation (often limited to a certain style of fight due to timezone).

For all: Pre-EoC, how would you characterize your rivalry with The Red Devil Clan?  @Dubbel Drank and I were talking about the TR-RDC rivalry recently.

You all should be proud of the mark TR made in Runescape.  TR started at a time when making a new clan was tough and stood the test to time relative to many others created in the same period.  Respect to you all and to TR - Thanks for doing this AMA!

Edited by 3lite
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I don't have a question right now but good to see old names still active in the community.


Oh wait I do have a question: are you in touch with Håkan still? (The Swedish dude who moved to Ozzies.)





Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward.

Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both.

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honour.


9 hours ago, Monkey said:

Sooz created a lot of ranks that were probably unnecessary. Couldn’t really tell you why.


This was a part of my disagreement with Dan, as Council she wanted some extra ranks that I felt were unnecessary.


8 hours ago, true said:

@Clugred @Des Troyer


What would you do differently at the start of TR if you could go back?

At the start there is nothing I could think of that I would have done differently, we started out strong and with great drive and determination from all our members. Dan's motivational posts and speeches were legendary in getting everyone hyped and excited.


5 hours ago, Vanuckle said:

Hope you're all doing well! Always found it challenging to like TR as an official of EH, because TR came across as the classic GMT clan (refusing to set up fights unless they heavily favoured your memberbase in terms of day + time), but respected your quality and the style of operation you had running in terms of strong community and refusing to crash, offering to AC, etc.


What was the impact of Sooz joining and how did she develop her own culture in the clan?

What was the perception internally when, undoubtedly, you knew she had a certain image with the rest of the clan world (particularly from the EH crowd)?

What were your thoughts on Toxic911 as a caller? I don't remember very much from fighting TR apart from it was always 11am my time on a Sunday, and that I was usually squaring off regularly against him! Hahaha.

I  believe we felt a similar way, many clans would refuse to set up fights with us outside of their own timezones and when trying to offer compromises it rarely worked in our favour, with refusal from other clans to consider it. That said I wasn't really involved in setting up fights, I was more about taking care of the community and our members.


10 hours ago, Carolina said:

Where did you come up with the name The Rising? 

Can't exactly remember, I think the name may have come first. I remember discussing it with Dan and between us deciding it would be a great name for a clan.


10 hours ago, true said:

@Des Troyer



Thoughts on HsCusader's departure? 

Sad times, Mike was a bit of a middleman between myself and Dan at various points, keeping the parts of the clan working well together and giving us the right balance when myself and Dan would disagree. 


4 hours ago, Bunty said:

For everyone:


- Is there anything that you learned from your previous clan experiences that helped you make TR successful?


- What specific moment in TR's days stand out the most to you? Good or bad.


TR was created right as I was retiring, so I never got to experience any fights against them or anything, but every time I'd pop in to check on DF I'd hear about TR. Sounds like a clan that hit the ground running, made a strong impact, and had members that loved it there, so congrats on the success of it.

My previous clans definitely helped me understand what I did and didn't want from our clan.

The important thing for me: Having spent time in alliance clans, where activity was very hit and miss and the leadership weren't exactly active or interested in the general workings of the clan (Don't get me wrong there were more than enough active officials to get things done and take care of things) I felt to get the activity and motivation going leadership and ranks needed to be visible and approachable and be an active part of the community. I learnt that having active officials wasn't enough if the leadership weren't interested as the officials were always chasing up members who felt it was ok to be inactive, because leadership weren't.


Thank you, I thoroughly enjoyed our early days and the success and camaraderie of TR. We had some amazing members who went out of their way to work hard for all we achieved.


4 hours ago, 3lite said:

I remember Des and Clug from my time in Gladz - wanted to start by saying I'm glad to see you both around and hope you've been well.


Wanted to say hi to Monkey as well.  We didn't have the best relationship in EH/after EH, but I hold no grudges from a long time ago.


For Clug: I was always really impressed by TMRD while in Gladz, and then later when TMRD had wars/capped PKRIs with EH.  I felt like TMRD had greater activity and desire to be involved in PKRIs than the other alliance clans.  Did you find that there were a disproportionate number of TMRD joining TR relative to the other alliance clans?


For Des: Why do you think TR was such an appealing option for many ex-DS members?


For HS: You mentioned disappointment from the lack of PK dedication in "The."  What was your opinion of Germs22?


For all: When Sooz was in EH, I was not her biggest fan.  I felt like she was a manipulative person who was more interested in her own advancement/popularity than the success of the clan.  She was an intelligent individual, but I felt like she used that intelligence to the detriment of EH when she did not get what she wanted.  Do you have an instance that you can recall that she tried to leverage her popularity/others in the clan against the leadership's decisions?


For all:  I feel like TR was a clan born slightly too late.  There were a lot of people in the Alliance that were desiring a more PK-oriented experience around 2006 and dispersed to other clans.  If formed slightly earlier, it is possible that TR would have captured a lot of those folks that went elsewhere.  Additionally, around 2006, EH, VR, and DF were all pulling around ~60 people (still fairly low).  They really built off each other through competition and rivalry.  TR could have also grown off that competition.  Do you think TR might have looked different if formed a year earlier?


For all: What do you think TR's greatest strength was in PKRIs?

For all: Pre-EoC, how was TR's relationship with CL? A clan that was generally of similar size and perhaps of a similar situation (often limited to a certain style of fight due to timezone).

For all: Pre-EoC, how would you characterize your rivalry with The Red Devil Clan?  @Dubbel Drank and I were talking about the TR-RDC rivalry recently.

You all should be proud of the mark TR made in Runescape.  TR started at a time when making a new clan was tough and stood the test to time relative to many others created in the same period.  Respect to you all and to TR - Thanks for doing this AMA!


TMRD was a great clan, with people willing to go out at all times of day, I enjoyed my time there, but activity had started to tail off and I became disillusioned with it. We did have many members come over to us, but they also had some very dedicated individuals who weren't happy about TR and I feel we gave them a new boost to pick up their activity again. We never set out to take any members from TA clans, it just worked out that way as both Des and I had history with them and had friends across all the clans and those obviously had friends in the clans too.


I know this was for HS, but Germs22 was a very strong figure within 'the' and as a caller he was one of my favourites of all time. 


I was also not the biggest fan of Sooz and like you I felt she was manipulative and scheming, I didn't really know her too well, but others in TR were enamoured with her. 


I'm sure TR may have looked different had it formed at a different time and certainly would have been stronger had we formed earlier, not necessarily because of the situation of the TA clans, but because of the situation of the game in general and I would have liked to have had more time before Jagex made their ridiculous decision regarding the wilderness.


TR's greatest strength was the dedication and motivation of all it's members, this showed in the PKRI's with the willingness to return and our callers were amazing at keeping everyone focussed.


I didn't really get all that involved with rivalries, but the best thing about most of them was that it kept us motivated and keen to prove we were a force to be reckoned with.


Thank you, I loved TR and it had many good times, I look back with fond memories of the community and spirit especially in the early days, but am sad for the way things turned out for me personally. 

And your welcome, doing this AMA is proving to be an interesting trip down memory lane for me.

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I'll drop some questions in a bit but just thought I'd say hello - remember most of you and enjoyed fighting TR with CoR.


Hope you are all well - hi monkey!

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Corruption Best Official - 2011

Corruption Best Caller - 2011

Ex Corruption Leader & Dark Ascension Council

What are some things you think its crucial for clan leaders to know in the modern day ? Knowledge you dont think should be lost essentially 


How do you want to be remembered as individuals ? How do you want your version of TR to be remembered ?









Remember TR well and became friends with quite a few TR members over the years. Always enjoyed our fights regardless of the timezone it was in. Not a question or anything but I'm glad to see all of you around the community still even if its just to answer questions. 

Edited by Gamerdad




15 hours ago, true said:

Who were TR's most important officials?


Who were the worst promotions in TR?


What were TR's biggest victories?

Not counting Dan or Claire, I'd say Toxic911 was the most important official. Pete was really solid calling and loyal.


I am going to say Sooz for the worst promo IMO


Honestly there were quite a few, beating EH sticks out for sure in a war early on. I remember the wild being glitched and some people when they were dragging were through the gate, but to me it was the moment I knew we were on the same footing as those clans.

15 hours ago, Z Nick said:

Thoughts on RoT?


Best clan main clan atm in your eyes?


More pull or better quality members?



Can't argue w/ RoT's success. Went from being more of a rag team in p2p to a dominant clan.


For me quality over quantity any time within reason of course.

15 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Is there anything that would interest you in reopening again or playing again?


If you played again but didn't want to reopen, what clan do you think you'd find yourselves in?


What do you think of the following clans?








What in your opinions are the worst/best changes the game has gone through from a pvp/clanning standpoint or just in general?


Do you wish you'd perhaps gotten TR more involved in p2p? How do you think it would have played out?

Never going to get back into it though I did give OSRS a go. Honestly don't even know the clans anymore.


Mentioned RoT earlier, DF was always a good clan never really considered them a true #1. Same w/ VR. Di was just so far ahead of everyone for so long until DS came around. Much respect to DI.

15 hours ago, The End said:

Questions for everyone:


During your time in TR when did you feel the peak was and when was the low and why?


Do you still keep in touch with any TR currently?


When they nerfed the wild I know it really affected us being a pking clan. Highs - That whole first 6 month stretch was just so much fun.


Still friends with a few on social media platforms. Besides a random message here and there not really.

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15 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Did you utilize spies in other clans? If so what clans and how ? 

Yes we did a few times. I remember we put 1mr mage1 in Collision I think so we could gain info and then since he spied for us we accepted him.


15 hours ago, Flukejiver said:

As a member of 'The' during this time, it never really bothered me that people left to join TR as time would go on and we were doing really well.


Do you think TR was more successful in warring than 'The' from 07-10?


Did you consider 'The' as a rival? (or any alliance clan)?

It was definitely not an easy decision for me to leave 'The'. It was my first "real" clan and its where I learned about the clan world.  I do think TR was more successful than 'The' during that time frame. I definitely considered TMRD a rival when we first started since they were GMT & part of The Alliance and so many of us were former TA members. After they close, we definitely enjoyed fighting 'The' as much as possible.

15 hours ago, VirgoVaca said:

When I was in 'The' Clan in 2011 I noticed some tension between the older 'The' members and officials and any mention of "The Rising". Could you explain what may have caused this scoffing and animosity?

The founding of The Rising was from so many members from The Alliance - Dan from Gladz, Claire and myself from 'The', ranks from TMRD & TRD their junior clan etc. So I think there was always some angst among the clans.

15 hours ago, Joe said:

What do you think stopped you from becoming one of the top top clans?


 I can't speak for everyone but you always seemed like a Tier 2 clan that couldn't really break into the top tier even after some huge pulls in PKRIs against the top clans you never really kept it up for long. 

Timezones definitely played a big part. Having so many people be GMT based was a strength and a curse. EoS was one the first clubs to exploit this. They'd hit our PK trip of like 50-60 people with 30 people at 4 PM EST. Within 2 hours we'd drop to 30-40 and they'd be at 50+. After a while we just started walking out because we knew we'd always be out-returned.

Edited by HsCrusader07
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14 hours ago, true said:

Who are the top 5 GMT clans of all-time?

Fools is up there for sure. Same with TRWF. Northern Gods were also really good for a time. WL was fun to fight too. I am sure I am missing a few








14 hours ago, dnd5 said:

What were your favorite clans to fight and why?

I remember Shadow Elves being a class act

14 hours ago, Woot said:

To copy dnd, what were your least favorite clans to fight and why? 

I just always hated fighting the clans where you knew there was gonna be a bunch of shit on Zybez/RSC afterwards. So Adelais, EoS easily come to mind.

14 hours ago, true said:

Who are the top 5 callers in TR history?

Pete is up there for sure. I also really liked calling w/ Footynut he was a good motivator. Oli was solid too. I know I am missing some names and feel bad but definitely those 3 came to mind quickly. If I saw an all-time TR list I am sure I could add to this list. But from the early days they all deserve a shout.

14 hours ago, true said:

@HsCrusader07 why did you quit TR?

Well this is 14 years ago by now so if the details are a bit off I apologize. I had established myself as TR's warlord and was essentially the top official after the two leaders, Dan & Claire. When things were great, it was a really smooth process. At times things would get a little tense between the two and I had to try and keep the peace as best as possible. I may need Dan or Claire to give their side of the story, but I remember Dan due to a medical issue had gone inactive and it was implied I'd get the bump up to Leader but things never really transpired. I remember I got upset and myself and Footynut left and joined RSD. It was a fun experience, but after a month or so I left RSD and came back to TR.

12 hours ago, true said:

@Clugred @Des Troyer


What would you do differently at the start of TR if you could go back?

Going to answer this one myself -- Not leave. I know it was something I always thought to myself had I not left what would have transpired in TR.

8 hours ago, Vanuckle said:

Hope you're all doing well! Always found it challenging to like TR as an official of EH, because TR came across as the classic GMT clan (refusing to set up fights unless they heavily favoured your memberbase in terms of day + time), but respected your quality and the style of operation you had running in terms of strong community and refusing to crash, offering to AC, etc.


What was the impact of Sooz joining and how did she develop her own culture in the clan?

What was the perception internally when, undoubtedly, you knew she had a certain image with the rest of the clan world (particularly from the EH crowd)?

What were your thoughts on Toxic911 as a caller? I don't remember very much from fighting TR apart from it was always 11am my time on a Sunday, and that I was usually squaring off regularly against him! Hahaha.

Yeah I know it was always hard scheduling fights that were "even" for both fronts. Too early, we'd win hands down. Too late/too long we had no chance.


When Sooz first came over, initially I was okay with it. I also remember Franzk hanging out a lot too. It quickly became apparent that she had her intentions in getting ranked. I even remember at one point a conversation happening where they floated out the idea of Sooz being a general, knowing that she never had called before and I was told being a general wasn't entirely based on your ability to call a fight. I feel like Dan was very intrigued by the influence of Franzk and Sooz and followed their influence.

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