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2 hours ago, Adam_ said:


Who are some people that aren't around and don't keep in touch with the RS community you wish you could have contact with again? This list is so long, but to shout a few I'd love to reconnect with Da_Man04, Revenger1mil, Apexflash, Cchaverford, Taliban1248, Weapontaker and Viserys.


Is there anyone still around you're genuinely surprised about? It surprises me.. but it doesn't surprise me.. but Omniusha has been active in DF since like 2007. 


Are there any people in various clans you used to be close with that you no longer get along with but wish you did? Yeah of course, I'm sure they know who they are.


In your old AMA I think I read something which made it sound like you used to be close with Xmas Bandit - are you guys still on good terms or close? Did you just grow apart if no, or did something happen? We were good friends, he was one of the people I knew best when I made the hop from CR to DF and then we were Warlords together for several months. When he retired he basically moved on from DF and I kept going, so we didn't really see much of each other after that until he started playing during the pandemic. He's a good dude, we just don't have much to talk about.


2 hours ago, WG Official said:

Thoughts on His Lordship?

Good guy, had a bit of delusion about WG's strength but this guy is a real RS clan world historian. I really like talking to him.


2 hours ago, Nick said:

Why are your thoughts on Dynasty as a clan and Bles as a clan leader?

Dude this guy is insane and the fact that warm bodies align with him freaks me out.


2 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Did you really lose 3 dragon crossbows in a single fight? 



2 hours ago, Scleritis said:

can i have off topic mod

If we promote one, you're in.


2 hours ago, Adam_ said:

when will @Joni and @stone intro? 

Hopefully never.

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1 hour ago, VirgoVaca said:


What unexpected hurdles have you come across in your first year of leading Tempest? I'd say the login spam was a pretty unexpected sub plot, luckily we rallied around it and we used it as motivation to stay active and upright.


In your clan career, who are some of your strangest or most unexpected allies? Do you have any stories about them? Has to be VR lol, DF and VR were bitter enemies through the last few years of RS2 and I had the mindset of never aiding them outside of traditional team to clear rules. Obviously during that unlikely courtship, VR had some serious lows that were almost comical.


One time they literally pulled 8 to crash DI + ROT. Upon this incident I kept linking pictures of NFL Quarterback Matt Schaub, who was wearing #8, in our group chat.


Rank the following gays of DF’s history in order of smashability: bro


Will you get matching Brutal Forces tattoos with me? Yes


Tell me a story about anything weird that happened in Silent Ember behind the scenes that people might not know about. SE wasn't super interesting behind the scenes from what I remember. 


Not fishing for a compliment, just genuinely curious - you messaged me on August 6th inviting me to join Tempest discord. This was obviously done intentionally by you as a skilled recruiter. Was I supposed to be part of the original memberlist and my lack of enthusiasm/reliability in the past put me on the back burner? Yeah exactly, I was pretty confident you needed time to join. When we were opening I had to make pretty calculated decisions on who to recruit then and who to worry about later to optimize time/effort. 


When you and Frank meet up irl who is going to be the bottom?


What were your favorite parts of the DI/DF rivaly? Least favorite?


Why are you still like 1300 total?


When are you giving ranks to @Icedragon D and @keirezz ?











What do you think of shared members? Obviously in Tempest you guys didn't want it and outlawed shareds with everything but pure clans, and the few pures here seem to prioritize Tempest. Apart from obvious things like conflicts of interest depending on rivalries/alliances and event timing, do you think shared members are a benefit or a hindrance to a clan?









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