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Thanks for doing the AMA dicky!


1. Favorite rs moment outside clanning?


2. Favorite clanning moment?


3. Best fight you ever called in and why?


4. Best calling performance you had? Against who and why?


 5. When will you acknowledge that BoggedInMehEye was indeed nh and said terrible unforgettable things? Lol slay evil


6. General thoughts on Tempest before joining and then thoughts on Tempest after joining?


7. Who was the best tank in TT?

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49 minutes ago, True 2k8 said:

Whos your fav. callers of all-time?


Whats your biggest strengths and weaknesses as a caller?


Thoughts on how/why Bish left TT? What kind of effect did it have on the clan?

I think Tim is a total package caller who doesn’t fall victim to the emotional negativity that has plagued other top callers. Big fan of Radicalsurfu, Plav, B289, Eomeri. Bishinmo was lowkey the best when it came to clearing snipers in big prepped fights.


I think F2P PvP was my strength, with a focus on transitioning. My biggest weakness was probably getting ahead of myself when it came to transitions. Might drop a pile too quickly and then overcorrect and stick on piles for too long. I think pre-EOC I had problems with being monotonous and not taking total command when I was up.


Yeah so we were massing for some short capped PvP fight against a CWA team, maybe Silent Ember? I’m pretty sure we picked them to get an easy morale boost and they ended up pulling like 55-60 while we maybe had 38-40 on TS when we needed to start. I don’t remember the exact numbers but it was something like that. The frustration at that point boiled over and Bish moved myself and Plav up into the officials channel and basically told us on the spot that he’s closing the clan and starting a new project. He wanted to know if we were in on the project with him or if we should just keep TT going but with him leaving for Collision. I think initially we kinda went along with his hypothetical project, but once we had time to get over the embarrassment of having a shit pull and started to talk to the members it became apparent that we were going to try and keep going without Bishinmo. I think such a seismic change to any organization like that is going to get people’s attention. So, we ended up having quite the surge in activity for about a month and a half. I distinctly remember The Rising approaching us for a fight (it was ALWAYS the other way around) right after his departure. I guess they thought it would be an easy win. We pulled like 98 and stomped them out. I don’t think we had anyone in a position to take the Leader role that could rally people in the way that Bish could. In fact, I don’t believe anyone was named the sole leader in his place. They made some new rank and it ended up being Brad Xavier/Jaacco essentially co-Leading with Plav functioning in a Ned type role. I’m not sure anyone could have saved the clan from the inevitable at that point though. In hindsight I think Bishinmo’s project could have worked out had we gone with it. It basically would have been beating Genesis to the punch of being the trendy 2012 upstart.

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The Titans Officer

Ronin PK Leader

Tempy Legend

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1 hour ago, True 2k8 said:

How did you end up in Ronin? Any regrets?


Whats your favorite TT/Ronin/Tempy moments?


Worst rank from TT/Ronin?


Best rank from TT/Ronin?

Wanted to get back into clans when the F2P servers rolled out, but I was like 105 combat with a bank worth probably 3m. My options were Ronin or Poison in the short term, and Ronin had Lassuri as a rank. Pretty much sealed the deal right there. I don’t necessarily regret Ronin, I had fun. A lot of frustration and shitty parts though.


TT - There’s too many to list. I got TT in a week long crash war with ROT because I took a casual p2p pk trip and barraged out their EP DD. 

Ronin - The fights we had with TR and Downfall summer/fall 2015. One in particular I believe against TR where we hit 67 on TS, our highest pull while I was there anyways. 

Tempy - Spin Cycle, Rev cave pk trips, Wee Man’s demotion


Worst rank:

TT - This weirdo named Cain. Got booted after scamming someone. Was generally useless and only assigned bitch duties.

Ronin - Yeah, uh.. let’s go with Azteka.


Best rank:

TT - Taking into account all aspects of what it means to be an official, I’d go with Kezzab Reds. Genuinely good dude who could mix with any crowd, active, put the work in behind the scenes and was a vocal leader during fights. A consistent echo and more than capable backup, would always bind or snipe, etc. Did a little bit of the e-dating but it never caused a problem.


Ronin - Wee Man. Whether he knows it or not he’s the glue that held Ronin together for a long time, not just with his official duties but with his community involvement and his personal relationships.


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The Titans Officer

Ronin PK Leader

Tempy Legend

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1 hour ago, Victoria said:


this tbh.


no further questions your honor.

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RSN: Minne5ota

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Top 10 in the UK for Riichi Mahjong (UKMA ELO) / Rank 3 for 3-player

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games.



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1 hour ago, Nick said:

love u dickus


do you still keep in touch with anyone from tt/ronin?

Yeah outside of Tempest I’m still in contact with TrueBeaver. I’ve got Esmir on Snapchat but we haven’t talked in a while. Talk to some fellas from time to time in the TT alumni discord.



The Titans Officer

Ronin PK Leader

Tempy Legend

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