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35 minutes ago, poopkid said:

is raising a kid comparable to raising a clan? do you see any similarities - no matter how strange? did leading a clan prepare you for leading a child through life?

Not even comparable. If I had a problem with the clan in late 2012/2013 I'd just fix it, whatever it was. With a child there is a lot of pushing and pulling from multiple parties, my best advice is find yourself someone with your memename tattooed and wife em. Similarities would be that you should be open minded and really ready to change at a moments notice. Leading a clan helped me invesely actually--it just made me realize that yeah, I had some awesome moments, but there's so much I did miss and I can't miss any of this. It's just made spending time with family that much more important because I was putting in some pretty serious hours and losing sight of important things.


34 minutes ago, True 2k8 said:

How do you feel about your time in DF. Do you think you would have fit in long-term? How do you think your presence may have effected the clan long-term?

Yeah, I definitely could have seen a fit. Definitely has a different feel to DF once you're in it, which is mainly I feel in part due to the image Lego installed all those years ago. I don't think I effected DF at all, I had a lot of fun with random p2p stuff. I think I was credited with leaving during a mass leave or something so maybe that's bad. All in all though I had a great time in DF, and I swear to you it was Ghetto that was always wanting to whomp on DF. Love ya Chris! You have to admit it's kind of funny but at the same time, it's the same way a lot of people felt about Solace and me. I remember someone saying I had no idea Solace was dudes dungeoneering and on TS all night, I thought you guys were a military camp...


34 minutes ago, poopkid said:

what was the hardest decision you had to make as an official? hardest as in the most thought provoking and worried for the consequences

Jeeze... I can't really come up with something that jumps out at me but there were a lot of times where we would log out and people would be pissed at me. It would be for something super petty but it was to prove a point, those were the ones where I was thinking if I don't do this I'm a coward but if I do it then it'll reinforce it. 

34 minutes ago, Wee Man said:

Do you think RSC was a force for good in the clan scene or do you think it drove clans towards desperate acts to claim a win?

I think there should have been a better way to go about it and I was pretty vocal at the time of the 'mergers' but was on my own with the opinion. It was that RSC should have set limits as to what they cared about and what was posted. If people are going to try and maneuver the system there could be some balances. Conservatives are shaking reading this, but that really wouldn't have solved it. People would have posted on their own forums and really tried to dive into the hysteria. It's almost 2016 election/2020 election in the US where we're fact checking if EoS ran to single... Of course they did, we 3x'd their KDA and we're still beating DF... let's merge the topic. because EoS has a point of view where they did it until they were bored. But then an uncapped fight happens and we chase 3 EoS around for 30 mins and we leave, so they take an ending.... I know it's a mess, I'm not saying there's a perfect solution but I think all in all, it bred activity, there should have been a better way to go about it with more tournys (maybe shorter span or qualifiers) that would have worked better so people were required to do those fights.

32 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

Thoughts on the following Solace members:


@Jim Jim

Isaiah (no idea what name he rlly used in solace but he owned that TRPK server)


I didn't realize Isaiah played in Solace... TRPK was fun. Jbomb I answered earlier, good guy, talked briefly. Jim Jim went pretty inactive pretty quick (Jbomb was using his acc iirc) but he was a good guy too, hi Jim Jim!


31 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

It seemed like a lot of Solace wound up in RoT, did this surprise you at all? Thoughts on it?

Na, a lot of Solace came from RoT. We had around 10-15 RoT members I think at one point, some didn't make it thru FA. Lots of other Solace liked their banter in TS, myself included. How in the heck did Alien make dominion tower fun


31 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

True has just told me in DMs he is going to make you join, when will that be happening? 


30 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

can u tell us about the ham / nipple incident? 

Yea basically our spy said the leak was some serious shit and he'd probably quit if it got out. Basically some underage teen photos with you guessed it... your local deli on display. 

30 minutes ago, VirgoVaca said:

hi, are you still a twink? asking for a friend

Not as much anymore thank goodness, I've actually started to eat good things.

30 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

Back then it seemed there was a decent mid sized clan scene, but nowadays it's pretty much nonexistent - you either have clans that pull decent or clans that pull 25. Do you think this is just a shortage of people or was there more of a reason to have "mid sized" clans back then vs. now? 

Yea I'd say 'back then' is all perspective, midsized in say 2010 would be 20-30, but by 2012 there was really just 'clans' and 'smaller clans'. Midsized clans are important but the reason Solace had success I'd say was the CWA fights on similar #'s with DF/RSD/VR etc. Then when we got maybe 20-30 more members, doing the CWRI's with ~10-15 down and slapping in kills made statements. The problem is keeping that 10-15 members when activity and quality are issues as well as keeping things rewarding for those who are still there. I think that's always been the issue of mid/small clans--if you don't have a good way of promoting activity then it'll be less important to be active. Right now there's definitely enough people but the commitment is significantly less attractive, at least that's my impression.

29 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

@Tika191 cries on voice once a week about there not being a Solace discord. Any chance you can fix this so he can go back to crying about his run energy hitting 0 because he's 11 agility? 

I think there is one but it was made by King Chronic, it was mainly Tika and Avenged talking about inferno and I'd post an RS3 pic to get Avenge riled up.

28 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

Thoughts on TMO ? 

Good leader, wish he was around more.

28 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

Why is it that you think 2022 DF is in such a poor state? Is it the lack of @True 2k8 , @IMK and other core officials/community members, more indicative of bad leadership decisions, or both? Or neither? 

Idk much about DF currently except that Ghetto is there 😄

28 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

Do you think True 2k8 stole the tbow? 

Isn't this his second forum acc?

27 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

Thoughts on IMK? He regularly refers to you as a role model 

I'll take the bait--I wish I would have gotten to be a PKL in some clan with him, think he got it right when I left Exodus. Definitely DF's best tank/caller that I remember, AZF1 #2 (Exo>SE bud).

27 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

Top 5 favorite clans of all time? Least favorite 5? 







Least fav no order but probably... EoS, VR, TR, SE, KO

26 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

Is there anyone you regretted kicking/getting rid of from Solace, whether they were just a good person to have around or you felt perhaps the reasoning wasn't fully justifed? Who/why? 

Yeah I don't have an 'unregret kick', just regret suspending Duv and the way Solace ended. 

25 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

Who is Dan and what did you do to his ely? Was this a precursor to True 2k8 and the twisted bow? 

Yea this poor guy messed up his GE offer.

24 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

What circumstances could you ever see Solace reopening under?

Whenever TMO/Dan would want, I would never have the time 😞

24 minutes ago, Ssj said:

During Envys ERA I always remember Solace as being one of the most organized clans. I legit saw them as the best man-for man quality. TKO Blitz uncontested as the best quality at that period for teams and Solace was the equivalent in clans, which I thought was really difficult for a clan to be like considering the limiations of clans vs teams,


What was it that you think made Solaces organization and spam so good compared to other clans? Was it just the right talented group of individuals or anything in particular as leadership you did

Really just repetition.  We did style checks and our melee binders were people like yruki, johnnyisbest, j221, ankit, derek, list goes on. Most people in Solace if required could do melee binds using fkeys or if not, at least at a very high level. Having that in our back pocket was awesome so if we were ever low in a style we could even it out and not be super lacking. The spam was mentioned but I made it a requirement, made everyone spread 5 mins before leaving, full gear checked everyone, titles, all of that. Lots of people just do it for the 'big fights' but we did it every single fight, every single round, and mainly because we all hated losing. I think Derek had a great speech saying something about how much he hated it and that was our motivation for a lot of the poop bird fights. We used the minimap a lot, used 3-2-1-clicking when it was pretty new... think about all the Solace people in teams that were leading fights, we were all involved in other stuff and very tight on our stuff. I think that's really what it was, good players expecting a good performance from each other, leaders included. Leadership, myself, being anal definitely helped but once we all had the guidelines, I can't take anything away from the members. It's every one of them, they made it so easy to lead. 

24 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

Going to guess you aren't familiar with a *ton* of modern clans, but what are your thoughts on:




This is not meant as a flame but this is the first question about modern stuff so this is my impression...


VR - someone said its basically a rev open CC clan

DF - rly haven't heard much, just saw a smaller ML

RoT - doing usual RoT things


i feel like I don't hear much/see much about modern stuff so I'm pretty uninformed 😐

23 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

Thoughts on @Wee Man ? He has also mentioned you being his idol 

Idk Wee Man that well 🙂

21 minutes ago, True 2k8 said:

Who were the worst officials in Exo/Sol

Exodus - Dakota, just too far out of touch with reality

Solace - Haron, didn't have any leadership qualities and never displayed any


21 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

If you were to join a clan in 2022 what one would it be?

If I had to join a clan I'd have to start looking into them but I'll say it wouldn't be VR/DF/RoT.


21 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

Does the skiller clan Solace in modern day osrs have any relation or did they just steal the name? 

No and it makes it annoying searching for the youtube vids lol.

20 minutes ago, Roofis said:

when was your favorite era of clanning?

PvP worlds, 2008/2009


19 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

Thoughts on pures and pure clanning?

Kind of weird, I liked the pure CWA fights because it was easier to follow but I never really got into PvP pures etc. For me I don't see it as fun but I'm not a fan of restrictive game styles.


19 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

Thoughts on Evizu, Mike Cera and Sparze? 

Evizu - From what I recall, used to be pretty 'dismissive' of Solace, almost like I wasn't 'worthy' of talking to the VR leader. Pretty much tried to talk to anyone else whenever I could.

Mike Cera - Probably one of the only VR officials I liked, down to Earth guy, I got to hear him call although I don't remember the specific moment, he was definitely good. We killed him on sight if he was leading.

Sparze - Yea idk much about Sparze just a memorable name that we'd pile.


13 minutes ago, Gravety Bomb said:

You seems like a clan hopper. jk lol.


Solace always put up an amazing PKRI event. 


Which clan would you have joined if Solace would have closed earlier and you would have kept playing? 

Yea True was trying pretty hard to recruit me, he was basically giving me an acc to join DF.  So if I would have come back right away it would have been in that manner.


9 minutes ago, Vanzant said:

Lol I was going to try to remember how we met but the mod/outcast scenario makes sense because I was close with Nintendo and mod. 


Eyy dude !

EYYYYY! One of the greats! Good to see you around 🙂

  • Like 5
12 hours ago, Flytan said:

Why's u stop being my friend just because I quit adelais feelsbadman 

Your name sounds familiar I'm sorry I don't remember you!!! I still talk with Brian (Havoc Razor) pretty frequently so hit me up sometime!

12 hours ago, Hex said:

As a VR warlord back in 2012 during the solace eos vr pd crash war. I absolutely hated how many corrupt sets solace members had and it was always a mental hurdle we all had to overcome thinking we weren’t doing shit to your guys’ banks.


How many sets do you think you lost through that time period during the crash wars? Did people cry about having to have so many corrupt sets on hand?

Finally, vindication for losing so many sets! I can't give you a number because in 2012 I was playing primarily on Slayer-VA, Princessrera or Abannan, and if Funkymunky11 was online, it was probably someone else walking around on my acc tanking the EoS raggers/randos on a lap around the wildy. I was making about 100m-250m a week doing PvM/small stakes so I'd say to fund 4+ accs I was losing 50+ sets in a 6 hour fight. Requirements to be a sniper were 10+ longbow sights and 20+ corrupt sets so... all of those people by your pile consistently were required to have BiS F2P gear or they had to listen to me rage.


12 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Thoughts on @B0rntowildy

Great question actually, typical case of omg this guy on RSC is such a troll, he was CoR, wtf what a loser! Until he was hanging around us and then we realized how cool he was. Public perception isn't everything!

12 hours ago, Adam_ said:

why do u think it is that the year is 2022 and @Jim Jim still needs 99 mage and 99 pray? 

I'd have set a date and suspended him if he didn't get it.

12 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Why was Downfall the better "DF" clan? 

Yea they weren't. Loved smashing them with PH though. When Dan told me we were in a crash war with them I didn't know if it was a joke or something at first.


12 hours ago, Pietru said:

How was the EoC experience for u guys?

Yeah I enjoyed it, I had early access like all leaders/maxed players I had a few conversations with Mod Chris L about how broken some of the changes were like Freedom and Dragonbreath. Basically stated that PvP needed some of those mechanics but I felt the CD was too strong. How can I take down someone's prayer every 10 seconds? How can I save Freedom for when I need it? I think for Solace it was a bit easier because we did PvP Area training, which wasn't new for us. I took us into the white portal a lot of times during regular "non EoC" if we had a bad fight. We had everyone's ability bar set up, everyone had the same (or very similar) key binds, we coordinated the CD's appropriately to make sure we could still dominate. This was basically the end of the crash war and we didn't want to be left behind, I think we came out into EoC with an advanced knowledge of how it was going to play out where as most people didn't. I think DF and RSD were the only two clans interested in doing BETA fights. 


11 hours ago, Venenatis said:

thoughts on @Josh 221

Mentioned it earlier but just an all around great guy. Best person to be in a clan with, great mentor figure for newer clanners too. I think that's something I missed on the last one is that in MoD I was 105 cmb and Josh was 117, I eventually passed him but he would get to fight and I was cut all the time, so it was always fun asking him how things were and questions about his previous clan experience.


11 hours ago, Noble Inc said:

Thoughts on ham?


Solid meat, sucks you were basically in every clan I ever had beef with. Hello!

9 hours ago, Kura said:

Who first came up with the cyan:sol idea? Was it enforced when first introduced? Did any member refuse to use autotalkers? How they were dealt with if so?


How do you feel about VR in 2020 trying to use some old True's audio calling a pile on you while making ape sounds back in 2011 to portrait him as racist? 😂

Yeah, that's me 100%. We used shortkeys for a while, you can see on some youtube Krazy Watson videos. Basically when we went full solid blue cape in the wildy, I made them mandatory. There were a few exceptions, PK Leaders typically had their own spam on shortkeys/garys, but were encouraged to use cyan:sol to blend in when not leading. Eomeri was always using IRC and was a beast so when he told me privately he didn't want to use them who was I to say no? Love the guy. Last was Andrew/Crimzen Red because he spammed CC with locs 24/7 with shortkeys. Roll tide baby.


9 hours ago, Kura said:

In a 100v100 Jcup do you recall splitting Solace's pile in half? Whose idea was that? Why do you think it didn't work out? Do you think the results could be any different hadn't you fight 300 opts with two piles consisting of 50 people?


I don't remember exactly if that was either Solace or FOOLS btw. If anyone could enlight me that'd be nice 🙂

Yeah hands down worst decision ever. Someone asked me earlier but this would be it. I forget exactly where this happened first, I believe Exodus, someone would have to back me up here, but for some reason we tried it in Solace and my first two piles sucked. I definitely own that loss forever, it really sucks that it was the Jcup too and we had such an enormous pull.


Didn't work out because first two piles sucked and it's confusing AF. We had another idea but it's too long to type here, similar concept just not actually splitting the piles. Results would have been very different, could have been a W, but it would have been closer for sure.


9 hours ago, david said:

Hello sir, quite the legend init.


what’s your thought on true 2k8’s best friend mystical?

Good leader, one of my favorite Solace Warlords. Didn't know anything about him before he was a VR official, then I remember him msging me and Derek about joining. Extended FA, all that jazz... then the common Solace problem--lots of good members, not many good callers, so he was one of the first people we had to design a promotion rank around while trying to be 'politically correct'.  By far one of my favorite people I got to clan with OUTSIDE of the game too!


9 hours ago, david said:

How it feel being one of the smallest member list clan with one of the best quality during solace era?

Yeah I felt like that was really the first half of Solace, our main issue was that TMO didn't want anyone to be retired like TT. He saw what it did to them and didn't want the same for Solace, but I saw quite a few people feel awkward about having to leave due to activity etc. Basically it felt pretty bad because you have all these people giving it 120%, firing on all cylinders, going kill for kill outnumbered by 20, and we beat them in KDA! ....but it would have only been outnumbered by 10 if we had some retireds that could have hopped on or whatever so maybe we could have even won?.... One of my first decisions once I was given leader was to put in a system similar to Adelais' reserve and it worked really well. That's when you saw us never falling below 45, it quickly became 50-60 more consistently and were able to build on it.


9 hours ago, david said:

True said you was on of his rivals, why do you think that?

Yeah as far as 'good leaders' of 2012 I'd probably be his only rival.


9 hours ago, david said:

Dream calling lineup? 

Only from Solace I'm assuming, didn't really hear other callers much except CWA teams/spy leaks.








If all these guys were active at the same time my life would have been significantly easier.


9 hours ago, david said:

If you were to reopen a clan right now who would you call to come out of retirement and have as your officials 

Tough one. I think that the clan world perception of me isn't going to change as the deli comments fly in, so I'd never take the reigns directly just to keep the water a bit less muddy. I don't really know, I haven't thought about picking and choosing but if I could just 'go ham'


Idk who's in retirement, but I'd like these homies;

True, Mystical, J221, Old Derek, Tika


9 hours ago, david said:

Tika told me he outcalled you easily, do you think he did? Why or why not

❤️ Tika and I had many talks about how PvP was different than CWA. Tika was a good caller and I definitely pushed him away from Solace with my immaturity, but if you know anything about mah man then you'd know that the runies mechanics were not a given gift. With that being said, Tika is easily the best CWA caller Solace had apart from myself, and a dream CWRI lineup would be Myself, Tika & Mystical. In PvP Tika started to get better, but snipers are a different element for sure.


9 hours ago, david said:

Did mystical hit on every girl in solace 

Na it was pretty much just Daniii and Duv had that on lock with his red:<333 Daniiii <3333 spam.


9 hours ago, Adam_ said:

fuck marry kill: true 2k8, lil david, vanuckle

Is Vanuckle slaughter? Guys cmon... I need some RSNs I'm basically a boomer I'm sorry! Idk who lil David is so...


Kill lil david, Marry True Fuck Vanuckle

9 hours ago, Dr Destiny said:

Thoughts on Bhatu? Think the only guy I remember from Solace and he was an interesting guy...

I love this guy. Super young clanner, not much experience, really was able to feel accomplished by winning awards in Solace. He did well as a member and I still talk to him occasionally on Facebook, he's doing very well.

8 hours ago, Hat said:

best fight you experienced?

There's so many fights. I'm thinking back to Exodus and it was a different feeling when going into a fight then in Solace where I was managing a lot more of what was going on. I'd say the best EXPERIENCE was a specific Solace vs EoS fight in the crashwar, August 2012. Things were starting to die down more, and VR was busy fighting another clan so we knew we'd get EoS to ourselves. We absolutely dominated them, were chasing from GDZ to Mossies, to Corp, to RDG... it wasn't the most eventful but it's that confirmation that you're miles ahead of your competition once the curtain is pulled off. Eventually they ended, we went to take ending and VR hopped on.... This would be the fight where VR was getting mollywhopped by RSD/DF/whoever so they came in ready to mass snipe us..  ...and we put 'em in the box west of spiders. First time doing anything like that and we vaporized them in like 20 minutes. They really didn't like mass sniping after that and would typically try to regroup on different worlds.



6 hours ago, Jim Jim said:

theres like 4 of us in tempest alone bro :pepesad:

❤️ Who else? Hello frandz.


5 hours ago, bomb said:



5 hours ago, Lavigne said:

mb misread you were in Syndicate. How good actually was Solace? I was inactive when they were a thing but I heard it was a superclan of sorts. What went wrong?

Yea basically I was doing my usual runies activities, at the time trying to max... All of a sudden an absolutely hammered Dark Invoker came into Ventrilo after getting a leak from AA about Syndicate. Syndicate as I remember was a Tukuruk clan with CoR leadership and some random aussie clan that got dissolved into it. How the fuck is British Lukas1400 supposed to lead a fight starting at 1am GMT? They died pretty quick.


Solace was very good. Short story would be small opts, 30v30 style fights in pvp/cwa for the first year, ramped up to 40+ but nobody pulled that anymore during this stage of the clan world, so we were fighting early to catch GMT country clans and late to incentivize bigger clans to fight us on lower numbers. Basically 2 years of this followed by continuous improvement on quality and recruiting led to us pulling 60+ consistently, fighting usually 80+ people and we were able to 1.5x their KDA. For Syndicate, it was leadership and activity from what I heard. Also Exodus did a number on them. For Solace, pretty much time/place, even RSD had died, EoC was out and there wasn't the OSRS announcement yet. I had suspended a Warlord/Advisor for bringing down the attitude ingame during a fight and lots of other members felt the same way about EoC, so it didn't go well and eventually we closed. I also had found out we were expecting a child so made sense to leave the game.


2 hours ago, Josh said:

Sup Lucas long time

Now THIS GUY... How are you friend??? Miss you, hope all has been well! One of the best people to talk to on TS and thanks for carrying me in LoL 🙂

2 hours ago, Juri said:

What's your biggest "What if?" of your clanning career, either joining a particular clan at some time or doing things differently to achieve more during some era. 



It's hard to say exactly, but my biggest what if would be what if I didn't give a crap about what most people thought. As soon as I was leader I was a bit hesitant about making changes but then instead of just revamping things I kept trying to make continuous changes. I think this would have allowed me to do other things instead of always trying to find a way to merry the old and the new... It may seem weird but Solace was set up with event coordinators to do shit like trouble brewing when I became leader. We didn't have any but the rank and permissions etc... so just making the transition smoother.


After typing that I was like that's not really a what if... so I guess the biggest 'what if' would have been what if I was able to have a better attitude and be better collected? I think Solace would have kept a lot more officials and done better throughout 2012... ...and I probably would have just handed things off to the next in line. That's pretty much the biggest regret/want to do things differently, what if in 2013 I wasn't breathing purely through my mouth and had the ability to show humility? Would that allow Solace to be open?

7 minutes ago, Ace said:

How do you feel about Djw24?


Tell us about your wonderful experience of getting to know Icekid during your time as a rank in Team Supremacy during eoc. 

Haven't spoken to him in quite some time but I always enjoyed having him around. Usual thing where I don't like someone on RSC but then they're cool so...


Yeah this is gonna sound bad but I have no idea who Icekid was or that I was in Team Supremacy. Kind of sounds familiar now that you say it but it's not standing out to me.

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5 hours ago, Wee Man said:

Do you think #slay.evil could have been the biggest gathering of spastics in one IRC channel the game had seen up until that point or ever since?

Don't remember it specifically but generally speaking IRC is one of the lowest forms of security so it sounds like a natural gathering place for the people you described.


5 hours ago, True 2k8 said:

Who were the worst callers you led with?

Just remember I love you homies, but


Jeffreyp's PC/RS Client made it a shit show, we should have worked something out sooner.

I was in DF before Merked was good so that was interesting...

Taylor/Dexter weren't bad callers but never got enough confidence to get going.

I forget his name from Exodus/VR but Alex_Dawg I think? He was such a good hype guy and good member but really spread our cheeks and it sucked calling after him.


I think if you go back and watch some Solace VODs it's kind of apparent when I'm taking over after a similar situation to Alex_Dawg or w/e....


Choose V1/V2 (H1/H2 for you gayboys)

Fall in on spare acc/rest in the center

Kill snipers for 4-5 minutes or until acc is dead doing 3-2-1 countdowns/box

Let Duv/Mystical/Tika take over cause even if I don't die I'm suiciding when I walk next to the pile.


5 hours ago, True 2k8 said:

Why did you dislike KO? Was it bc @Mitch is a bch?


Why did Exodus “fail” ?

I totally forgot about my KO homies. Shoutout DOG and Da Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And many more. Love all these guys, I have ZERO beef. It sucks because they were a good CWA clan and Adelais was....not.... so my inherent nature was flame and be an ass, but it was cool to reconnect with some of these guys in Solace.


Edit: Forgot to put why Exodus failed... So yeah, think I mentioned J221 and Invoker went inactive, so it was pretty much just me and Da Man going at each other or any member that did some dumb stuff on RSC, followed by Dak0ta who was... a character. Super nice lady, would speak well to my face, but then I'll get a random IRC DM.... its from her... saying how she doesn't like what Lucas is saying and he has too much power.... Super boomer moments like this but on a large scale, like not muting a mic dumb stuff. Anyways, that's not a person to lead a clan, especially when she's more concerned on if I got the animation on her crown to be pink instead of green instead of how to stop people from leaving the clan. It was a 'mass Exodus' as soon as I came back from my vacation in Arizona. I didn't even pay attention to what happened while I was gone which is the first time in any clan I had not cared.

5 hours ago, True 2k8 said:

Tell us an untold story 

First time I was involved in anything like this.... In Adelais we used a 300k password list on The Neggas Clan's forum we had ACP access on 3/4 accounts. Joined Exodus all those years later and was still able to use some of them for Syndicate logins.


4 hours ago, Logan said:


Great dude holy shit. Another one of the good core Solace members I was way too rude too. It's been nice to occasionally chat here and there since the return, all pets yet or what???


3 hours ago, Casey said:

Hey Lucas, hopefully life’s going well for you. The good old days in exodus/solace were fun. 

Heya Casey! Definitely some fun times and I enjoyed getting to fight with you instead of against you 🙂

1 hour ago, Brian said:

Solace was outside of my time in the game so I don't really know anything about them or why it closed. Why didn't you re-open for OSRS?

Hi Brian! Basically RoT was doing the usual cycle...

>Nobody fights RoT

>Play by rules cause CWA and there's no P2P pvp action

>MattyB closes cause members aren't having fun

>Most RoT are interested in Solace since we were seen as a 'second chance' clan. A lot of previous ranks in other clans/people with bad reputations would be willing to stay for an Extended FA process and voting.

>Had about 10-15 active RoT in Solace near EoC release

>Closed clan due to real life/issues with people not wanting to be in EoC fights


Then, when OSRS is announced hear that RoT is reopening (for the xth time) and most Solace were going there. I was already on my way out the door as far as RS, and the next leaders would have been either Ghetto (current DF rank) or Derek (current RoT rank). As I recall Ghetto isn't one for spotlight much and Derek was pretty pissed about be suspending Duv and had some serious interest in RoT. It was more like we closed right before the opportunity was ever there. Timing played a huge role.


1 hour ago, True 2k8 said:

What's the scummiest thing you've done that you're willing to admit?

In text? Probably when I was like 10 years old and catfished guy for a Santa through an RS forum clan at like level 80. Then like 10 years later mah man Mark (Zilpherest, the OG), an EoS rank hits me up one day with "hai u"... was so funny and awkward. That was pretty scummy/scammy although I think one of the worst was when one of the advisors and I were monitoring the VR/EoS spies and decided to try to stir the pot a bit too much. The individual who I cannot even remember (sorry!) didn't get past officials voting even though they had stuck it out on the line for us. Didn't really offer an alternative and that's a bad thing to do.


37 minutes ago, MILAD said:

enjoyed the fights you gave TT when you were smaller and building up momentum to grow as you finished your beef with Eos. 

Oh for sure! I loved the TT fights, I enjoyed the TT+CoL vs Solace fights, I think my first impression of TT skewed my life because I was a low level in MoD and saw the Runehead of 126's that feasted on us... and I think the TT vs DF stuff I was on the DF side. Hope all is well MILAD!

Edited by fm11

What are some clans you always wanted to join, but didn't?


In hindsight, are there any clans you think you would have fit in with besides the ones you joined?


Rank top 10 clans of all-time?


Worst/shittiest clans you've ever fought?


If you didn't have to/want to retire and Solace stayed open, how do you think you guys would have faired on on OSRS? Did you have a few years left in the tank if IRL/family responsibilities didn't come up?


Did you have any spies/leaks in DF in the time I was there?


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