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Everything posted by Juri

  1. Malta super meh ngl. Let's survive the fall and winter first and we'll see how many airlines are still functioning ?
  2. Welcome to forums old guard ?
  3. We actually didn't outlevel them that much as you might think, Lithuanians were always very high leveled and active in that super early GMT zone. The styles and melee part obvs, just different times back then.
  4. I remember TT was the clan who had their members posting bank pictures in public forums, so it was so easy to actually see who were equipped to return in all kind of 10h+ fights and who would struggle after it ? My mate Kapats Est was in TT when I joined Cor and it was a nice battle with them. The way how TT was a nice secluded from the Zybez drama, kind of made them flow under the radar some times.
  5. My own first video ? There's some golden stuff at different yt channels.
  6. It's very emotional and subjective, but as I have been around the clanworld since 2005 and been in some very very great clans and teams. Seen the absolute 1 vs 1 quality during CWA era or wilderness whether is 40 man or 140 man on the side. None of which have been better that what I witnessed within my short term around DS, the mental quality of the members and the way how the victories came - it was always like we were in the 5th gear the most and barely even touched the 6th gear. One my brightest memories is one Saturday when we had a small man f2p pking going at like 5pm GMT-ish. We had like 30 people the most and we were rushed by week prepped Lithuanian Forces, with over 300 opts starting and the way how we managed to hold our own - suffer and just keep the small piles going for 2 hours and end up gaining up to 90+ people before 8pm GMT - I have yet to witness something like that, the way how calmly it was all taken and how confident the pk leaders back then were.
  7. Yea obvs short. But it was an era when dominating actually meant that the winner was the last one standing, before all kind of outlasting shenanigans or crashing and fake ending stuff. I think the all 160 odd ending members here would agree that in the long run the clan would have changed, adapted and we'll see after that. ?
  8. We were amazing and dominated our era, really don't care what we would have done in 2008 - probably a 2008 DS would have been a different kind of monster and dominated that era also. The individual quality of community was amazing.
  9. Context, everyone on like Pentium 2 and dial-up quality internets in a 150 vs 150 on full servers back then, any kind of switching of style would probably have frozen a few clients mid fight ?
  10. Thanks for the fight WIlderland!
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