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Old School
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Everything posted by Adam_

  1. not sitting on that but guess i'd pee using that toilet? shame to do that to all those cheerios but not like someone is gonna eat them
  2. if less ham and maybe some added stuff sure, but not like that
  3. i think thats like its entire body
  4. i think we've done some of both but generally angel in my family
  5. I can't find a video that sounds even half decent but Rudolph the Rednosed reindeer has always been one of my favorite songs since I was a kid
  6. Idk how many clans around these days were around back then, I assume these were so thoughts on these clans, and if you know anything about how they are nowadays, thoughts on that? VR DK RoT DF EoS Obviously Trevor and Xero still play so Grug/3lite - do you guys have any interest in playing the game again or even still play just not in clanning? What would it take to bring you back to the game? What would it take to get you back into clanning? ^For Trevor and Xero - if Tempest wasn't here would you still be involved in clanning? If so, what clan. If not, would you play at all? I think someone else already asked what the most NH thing you guys did was - so what was the most NH thing proposed that you guys ended up not going through with? What's the worst thing you guys had to remove a member for - in both senses of the word worst. Aka someone you didn't feel should be removed but had to due to clan rules - and someone who REALLY deserved to be removed because they did something terrible. Thoughts on the current state of PvP in general in RS and the clanning community? Including f2p/p2p/cwa/etc On another game I played a long time ago a dutch kid named Stefan opened Eternal Honour and claimed he was part of the original clan, though I don't think he claimed he was an official or anything. To my knowledge there was no others in the clan claiming to be EH, though some people from 'real' rs clans like Brutality and other clans did end up in the clan, even if only briefly. Do you know who this Stefan guy may be / if he was actual EH, or did he just steal your name and make up a bunch of lies? If Jagex reached out to you today and said we want you to reopen - tell us what needs to happen. What would you tell them? Assuming other concerns were non existent (jobs/other irl stuff keeping you busy/being in other clans like Tempest)? And if that happened and you reopened, what leadership team would you want and what people would you want in the clan? What is one clan you never got to be a part of that you wish you had? Did you ever consider leaving EH for another clan? If so why, and what clan? What clan did you have the most respect for? Least respect? What clan was the most overrated in your opinion? This doesn't have to be just from the time EH was open if you've been around ages and seen a lot of clans obviously Is there any funny / interesting stories that never really hit the public about things that happened in the clan that you remember? Or ones that have been lost through time. Did/do you guys enjoy any content ingame other than PvP? Do you prefer F2p or P2p? Why? Thoughts on the one you don't prefer ? Who are 5 people you wish could be part of this AMA but aren't here? Going to guess Islamia will be a common answer for most of you What are some things during your time in EH leadership that really made you wish you weren't abiding by a code of honour - or made you consider even breaking said code?
  7. It's still a pretty nice time of year but unfortunately for me since I was a kid i've never really been able to sleep the night before holidays, incl. thanksgiving/christmas/easter and sometimes my birthday so the actually day is usually really tiring and covid this year doesn't really make things all that cheery or anything. If nothing else it's still a nice time of year and it'll hopefully be our last Christmas in quarantine.
  8. probably ya just glad it's not forks or knives tho the toilet paper would be a bit of a pain in the ass
  9. Adam_

    32m Farming

    gratz, hopefully pet soon do u do seaweed and cacti and all that?
  10. gratz, account cb really has shot up considering you just started training it a bit ago
  11. Happy thanksgiving to everyone celebrating!
  12. first one of these i can actually say yes to
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