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EOS Leadership - Mar and Oli


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7 minutes ago, King Stevie said:

Who would win in a fight? Starman or Allstar049?





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On 10/16/2020 at 1:07 PM, Oli said:

Shadow Elves, for a clan who's peak was probably top 6 and 90 in game they get an awful lot of love in the top all-time lists.

Worst? Tankhive2

Best? Mar/Prannoy/Ell01


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10 hours ago, Paul said:

give me ur take on shadow elves

Small clan with 40-50 solid core members with comparatively speaking they had better fall in leaders and members than a lot clan world but they weren't top 5 for any real period of time.

It's just they just never really pushed into the top 5 so I wouldn't rank them as highly in the all time lists as some others.

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On 10/19/2020 at 3:35 PM, Xero said:

Thanks for doing this.  In the period that I played, the two clans I felt like we had the biggest rivalries with were VR first and foremost, and then EoS.  I always felt like I was able to have a good, reasonable conversation with @Mar and never had any issues personally.  

I specifically remember numerous EXTREMELY long fights.  Do you regret these?  Do you think they were still fun to this day?  I personally despised the hours+ long fights and I think that is part of what ended up pushing me away from the game years ago.  It was inevitable, given the ability to return, just like dragging became commonplace, things always evolve, but I can't help but feel that those extremely long fights ruined part of the clan world, Jagex being the final nail in the coffin with the removal of the wilderness.  CWA just wasn't the same.  


I think ultimately i do regret the long fights because they just kept getting more and more ridiculous. Fighting for 6 hours was a long time for clans, then it was 12, then clans had 24 hour fights. I think all clans are to blame for this happening including EOS regardless of what tactics were used to prolong them. The best fights for me where a couple of hours because it was easy enough to keep the intensity up so that the fight would be fun and competitive and you could win definitively. I think if we were all a little older and maturer at the time we might have been able to recognise the problems we were making for ourselves and found ways to correct them, and the clan world experience wouldn't have gone downhill at the rate it did.


On 10/19/2020 at 11:21 PM, Vannaka said:

Had to think for a minute, but I knew a good dozen EOS-at-one-point'ers really well in the first half of my clan career. Btw I looked at my irc logs and I only
got 1 from each of you just asking to set up a fight, nothing funny etc. :hash:


1. This is one of my favorite RS fight vids entirely, what happened from EOS's side that you lost, I assume you both were there.

2. You guys seem like total bros of a friendship to eachother(like the 2 david's here), was it always like this? Especially in the 2009-12 years?

3. Who was mostly responsible for Adelais/Eos graphics and sigs, is there a photobucket still alive with them maybe? Or Are any forums still alive RS-related?

4. When Brozil mass joined, was that all of Durateen's doing? or what was the main cause?

5. Cheezy1989 - What is the TLDR of this guy? How did he get to Leader rank if my #2 is true.

6. Biig-T - This was an eos member or spare acc from 1 of your members, who was he? RS put in the feature 'titles' so he was in-game Hellraiser-Biig T for years.
Is he still around?

7. Members, are the low lvl guys still around, Ante and Bogoroh? Or also Juanafanta2  00phelancr  344 Link?(she was an FA I think)

8. More pals I gotta ask about, also on behalf of other friend groups that I still talk to nowadays. 
I met these guys in early 2008. Twin suns 17, Azn552, Xanderdoom.

9. Jervin and Munkis? Both ended up in TT but Idk if any of you guys got a contact to find them again.

10. Vi3t_x/Abhesive, he was my bro too and had a stint in EoS.

11. Also Clowd, is he still around somewhere? https://www.youtube.com/c/BrianBurge911/videos


Here are some of your older ML's for nostalgia sake too :hash:




1) I skimmed through the video, honestly that went better than expected if they only had 43 left at the end. As i said previously in the topic our attitude towards non returning wars was destroyed by the removal of the wilderness and our hate for CWA amongst the leadership had a negative effect that led us to perform poorly in non returning fights from then on. 

2) Yeah i think we have always been like this, i gave Ben my account to use when i stopped playing during CWA in 2008 so we must have been on good terms then, an since then we've been very good friends ever since. We've been planning on hanging our irl for years but never got round to it but after this covid shit is over definitely going to get it done as who knows what the fuck is going to happen next in this world we live in.

3) Guy called Hypno Monkey, very talented graphic designer. He probably still has them saved as he's that kind of guy, iv'e actually known him the longest out of anyone in RS as i knew him in like 2004. As far as i know all our old forums were lost partly due to the ddos attacks that had our host drop us, we may have some stuff left but i'm not sure. Waybackmachine is all we got now.

4) Durateen would have definitely been a contributing factor to that as a guy who could speak both Portuguese and English fluently, but Ben would have also contributed as he has always been amazing at the recruiting and social aspects of being a leader, whereas tbh i've been pretty shit at it. 

5) Cheezy was a decent guy who was high council when i joined, and ended up being promoted to leader as others stepped down. He wasn't a bad leader, i just think that by 2009 his ideas and ways of doing things weren't the same as the way Ben and I wanted to do things. He stepped down, Ben got leader and promoted me back to leader with it and he had a thing with supermom from TR so he ended up joining them. I spoke to him a couple years ago an he seems to be doing well for himself an i hope he still is. 

All of those guys you listed are no longer around unfortunately, cos i remember some of those names and they were decent people who were very solid members. I haven't heard from any of them in 8-10 years so i suppose they've moved on with everything. I do know Phelan moved to the Philippines for work an he met a girl there, he's having a kid soon i think not sure if it's with the same girl. Clowd may still be around in our discord if he was involved in Albion but he might have changed his name since because i can't recall seeing it. 


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On 10/20/2020 at 9:00 PM, King Stevie said:

Who would win in a fight? Starman or Allstar049?

Allstar because he was EOS 

On 10/21/2020 at 10:31 AM, Dalejamesw said:

Mar want to go for a pint I'm in your neck of the woods these days


Idk i'm abit scared of people from other clans after Jayjay threatened to come down from Manchester an cough on me to try give me some Covid 19 


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1 hour ago, Scleritis said:

Thoughts on Brutality in F2P 

I don't really remember much about them in f2p but they were well organised and competitive in p2p so they may have lacked experience of f2p but otherwise would have been competitive there too.


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49 minutes ago, Mar said:

I don't really remember much about them in f2p but they were well organised and competitive in p2p so they may have lacked experience of f2p but otherwise would have been competitive there too.

Not great, better than some actual f2p clans though

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On 10/19/2020 at 7:10 PM, Dickus said:

Regarding your answer to #3: Why would you directly compare your ability to Lovelost or Cuon in this scenario? Feels like you’re overlooking Battleneo/D0nts/Cravez/Plaffy, all of whom were active #1 callers for TT in the 2008-2012 era.


On 10/19/2020 at 7:10 PM, Dickus said:

Regarding your answer to #3: Why would you directly compare your ability to Lovelost or Cuon in this scenario? Feels like you’re overlooking Battleneo/D0nts/Cravez/Plaffy, all of whom were active #1 callers for TT in the 2008-2012 era.

Was more about the people I mentioned than TT, plenty of clans had terrible callers and I those were the two that came to mind. D0nt's was pretty shit. I enjoyed Cravez leading and Plaffy was probably TT's last legitimate caller but yeah, it was random more than anything.

I also think Cravez/Battleneo/D0nts were all mostly inactive after 2010? I remember Milad/Lovelost/Plaffy/Cuon/Jazy leading TT for the majority of my time playing after clan wars.

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On 10/16/2020 at 7:13 PM, Xmas Bandit said:

How long was J40k spying on DF for you guys, and what did yall think about Whazaa not kicking him even after Saxo figured it out?

Awhile, honestly don't remember the amount of time

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