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On 8/16/2020 at 7:45 PM, Geezerpunk said:

Who were some officials you promoted and later grew to regret it (and what were the reasons)

In the early days all that mattered really was being active. Not in order of when or how bad but some I can think of that just weren't that good at being officials, Jeremy Carr, A L I, Zymth, Insertname, Agentjags, Suffocate V, Dawbg3

Start of OSRS again was the same thing really, some bad ones were D156 cause of how awkward it was to work with him, ximm cause he just wasn't active in the community, kaochinx obvious reasons. Guggiey tried really hard but never worked out for the guy, felt kinda bad for him.

Edited by Brian



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Not sure why but surprises me to see Winzents name there lol, i didnt realise Zmyth ever got in DI, if its who i'm thinking of, name was Chris?  I always thought he was one of the ones that always wanted in DI and came from i think ZF but never had a chance like Slicer etc.

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6 minutes ago, Echliurn said:

Not sure why but surprises me to see Winzents name there lol, i didnt realise Zmyth ever got in DI, if its who i'm thinking of, name was Chris?  I always thought he was one of the ones that always wanted in DI and came from i think ZF but never had a chance like Slicer etc.

Yea Christopher. Absolute child of the highest order. Tried to threat me with leaking logs etc after I wouldn't give him retired rank.



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On 8/14/2020 at 12:55 AM, Eric said:

I don't even know if you'll remember this but a LONG time ago Gladz had a official war with Empire(EoH i think) planned, out of nowhere they imploded and died. Gladz leaders said you accepted to take their place but never showed up, were they lying to us to get us hyped  or did you actually dip on the war?

Maybe we did fight? Might be a bit later than you were thinking of though.



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Thanks for doing this, it has been really interesting.

So for your leadership style you seemed to have a great balance between when to step in vs. when to put someone in a role and let them run with it without tons of direction . Did this come naturally? Did you run things much differently in the old era vs. new in terms of leadership style? Any advice on general leadership / management from your experiences?


On 8/14/2020 at 3:34 PM, Brian said:

Look at the middle of the keyboard

In old-school typing classes ghjjf are the first keys you would learn to type if I remember correctly? With the "proper positioning" of your hands on an English keyboard, lol.

Edited by C6 Chris



If you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.

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Interesting thread. 


If there was anything you would go back and do differently in terms of the game and DI`s role/impact on it, what would it be and why?

Do you believe that, closing DI in 2009 was the right move, only to re-open in 2013 when OSRS came out? I mean, DI was huge, fighting for #1 constantly pulling 80-100 people. I was personally shocked.

What kind of music do you listen to? 

What are your political views? (sensitive, delicate question, I realize, but it's worth a shot).

What kind of person was N G C like?





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3 hours ago, C6 Chris said:

Thanks for doing this, it has been really interesting.

So for your leadership style you seemed to have a great balance between when to step in vs. when to put someone in a role and let them run with it without tons of direction . Did this come naturally? Did you run things much differently in the old era vs. new in terms of leadership style? Any advice on general leadership / management from your experiences?


In old-school typing classes ghjjf are the first keys you would learn to type if I remember correctly? With the "proper positioning" of your hands on an English keyboard, lol.

Something that's often "overlooked" is that when I became leader of DI I was still only 16 and most people in DI were older than me. Some people there were 20+. If you're that age you're hardly going to respect some 16 year old telling you what to do. Obviously at that age I had no experience of leadership so I wouldn't say I had a certain "style" coming into it. I did a lot of "learning on the job" and made plenty of mistakes. The style I developed was probably because of the way I became leader and my early experiences in DI. I basically took over running of the clan as an ordinary member when leadership dipped. Then leadership got active again and I was treated badly (overlooked for promotion, not given credit for what I'd done to keep the show on the road). Because of that I sort of became the "people's champion" if you will. Anyone that disliked leadership started backing me. Based on that I think my style was that I was always "one of the lads". It's like being able to be friends with your boss at work. People knew they could mess around and I'd be fine with it. I think people knew how to run stuff without much direct guidance from me because they knew how I'd like it to be done. Perhaps I had a strong influence on them.

I wouldn't say my general approach was different in the different era's, just that in the OSRS era I was much less able to be hands on and people were probably less influenced by me because of that and therefore ended up trying to do their own things (which I'd say we saw a lot of).

The advice I'd give is make sure you're always approachable to everyone. Make it seem that you can relate to them. Be prepared to lose friends. You've gotta be ruthless.

You're right those letters are where or near where they used teach people to put their fingers when learning to type, but it's just a coincidence,



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On 8/17/2020 at 5:03 PM, MILAD said:

Interesting thread. 


If there was anything you would go back and do differently in terms of the game and DI`s role/impact on it, what would it be and why?

Do you believe that, closing DI in 2009 was the right move, only to re-open in 2013 when OSRS came out? I mean, DI was huge, fighting for #1 constantly pulling 80-100 people. I was personally shocked.

What kind of music do you listen to? 

What are your political views? (sensitive, delicate question, I realize, but it's worth a shot).

What kind of person was N G C like?




In the original era probably not. Our influence on the clan world back then was massive, much more so now than RoT had in the OSRS era. If I had been more lenient or allowed us to get "dirty", crashing every fight etc we could of destroyed the clan world, but it wasn't something I was ever interested in. I wanted the clan world to thrive. When wilderness was removed I worked with MMK and all other leaders to try come to a solution. If I could go back to the start of the OSRS I would probably of done things differently in terms of who I appointed at the start for the most part and taken things a bit slower. Built on better foundations if you will. Building based on nostalgic feelings probably wasn't the best idea.

For sure it was the right time to close because of people (including myself) getting tired. I didn't have it in me to set out on a complete rebuild with a new generation. Flako, Rad, Tomisme, they were all getting tired. Obviously if OSRS never came out I would of never reopened DI. The main reason I did was because I wanted everyone to have fun again, even if it was just going to be one more time.

I listen to all kinds of music. Probably the stuff I've been listening to mostly in the last few years is late 80s/90s deep house or club stuff. Always love an 80s banger though.

The older I get the more I find myself leaning towards the right. When you've worked all your life and see other people who get everything for free without doing a days then it's hard not to be.

Me and FreDDe have been good friends for a long long time. After I quit RS the first time we played WoW together etc. Haven't talked to him as much in recent years. The stuff about him like having 1000 rune sets from pking was true. He's the kind of guy who could be really good at any game he wanted to be. Got lots of realm firsts when he was playing WoW hardcore He's a funny guy, but quiet. Believe he's after getting married now (not to Mimihansson before someone older asks).



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1 hour ago, True 2k8 said:



who made this and in what year


do you like it


did u ever think about replacing it


It might of been Ran Shadow2. I'm like 99% certain he made this one


So he probably made that one too. It would of been made in 2006. I prefer the "classic" one but prefer to use the skin with that banner instead of classic. I think we did update them at one stage but people preferred the old ones.



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18 minutes ago, Brian said:

It might of been Ran Shadow2. I'm like 99% certain he made this one


So he probably made that one too. It would of been made in 2006. I prefer the "classic" one but prefer to use the skin with that banner instead of classic. I think we did update them at one stage but people preferred the old ones.

Most clans from the mid 2000s era had funny / corny / interesting slogans. DI's slogan was "led by Ghjff". Was this your idea or someone's else?


Edited by Vanuckle
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3 minutes ago, Vanuckle said:

Most clans from the mid 2000s era had funny / corny / interesting slogans. DI's slogan was "led by Ghjff". Was this your idea or someone's else?


Well ours was "DI till I die" but we just didn't really put it in banners etc.



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13 minutes ago, Brian said:

Well ours was "DI till I die" but we just didn't really put it in banners etc.

Yeah, was mainly in our signatures and other various graphics.


Edited by Victoria




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