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3 minutes ago, MILAD said:

you`re really doing this



True 2k8 must be the Jesus of Runescape. He`s doing wonders haha.

Retired Forces got him around and I believe some of them talked him into it ?


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3 hours ago, true said:

What is your favorite fight all-time?


There were so many with rivals like Corr, TT, RSD, etc but I have 2 that stand out.  The first one was an evening fight against DS.  They had been unbeaten in forever and they went out with not a ton of people.  We held the upper hand for a good hour or so and then they started gaining numbers and we couldn't hold it.  The performance we gave that night though was amazing.  The other one was the first DI fight after DS closed.  Once DS closed DI basically had claimed the top spot before fighting anyone and we took that personally.  Both clans pulled max ops and it was never really close that day.  



How did the DF-CoR rivalry start to you knowledge?


It started before I became DF, so all I really know is what I've been told and read about in the history of both clans.  Both clans were friendly for a time and had a falling out and Rob wanted to end DF.  I believe it fueled both clans to being the best they could be.


What is the most fucked up thing a clan did to you out-of-game?

Pretty sure I had a pizza delivered to my house a couple of times but honestly most of the worst things were done in game and personal attacks.  I'm good with all of those things now but they didn't belong in a game.  At the same time I was a leader of a top clan for a long time and exposed myself to it as well, and I accept that.

Edited by Lego
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1 hour ago, Go Leafs said:

Hey Lego, who was your favorite DF member and official?

I don't believe I could ever pick just 1, there were far too many for me to choose 1.

1 hour ago, VirgoVaca said:

Don’t think my time in DF overlapped with you much if at all, but thanks for doing this. 

who are some DF members/ranks over the years that stuck out to you and you still remember to this day and why?

Some of the old school guys that came up before me, Schol, STOD, Bunty, Carolina4eva, Scotticon, Death240, I could really go on and on, all the way up to the ones I served with and once I retired.  Again really hard for me to pick and choose because if I didn't like most of them, I wouldn't have stuck around as long as I did.

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2 hours ago, Robtokill said:

Hey mate.


Not sure if you remember but I was a bit of a dick to you on a personal level at times. I'm sorry, it wasn't cool.


On the question side of things, What was your drive to get DF to the top?

While I'm multiple quoting some of these, this one deserves its own response lol.  Hey Rob.  I remember you well, conversations we had and the battles.  I read your response about me on your AMA and I respect that and no need to apologize.  We had some decent, respectful conversations and then we've had some others and I get it, we were both trying to do the best thing for our clan and I think we both did that.  I may have outwardly disliked you during those times, but I always had respect for you.  My only complaint was what you already addressed and that was allowing the members to take things to IRL, but it's all water under the bridge now and I hold no hard feelings.


My drive to get DF to the top was really just due to the members that wanted that top spot.  I'd have been just as happy leading a top 50 clan with some great people and stay out of the spotlight but the drive DF members had to continue to improve and get better was the driving force.  Before I became ranked in DF what I respected the most was their willingness to fight anyone at any time, even if it meant losing and learning.  A lot of top clans at the time would pick safe fights so they wouldn't hurt their rep.  Death pushed DF to fight anyone who would, and I respected that.  I guess you could also say that a huge driving force was that after leading a clan that was lead by Death240 and Bunty, I didn't want to let that legacy down.  


I hope you are well mate!

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2 hours ago, true said:

Who were the officials in Corruption you respected the most? The least?

I respected Rob, but would have never admitted that back then, but he knows that now.  I feel he felt the same way mostly.  Demonchild had my respect as well.  As for the least?  I would also say Rob, but only during the period he let the IRL stuff get out of hand.  I know Rob was strict and in the beginning he cracked down on it but then the rivalry just got the best of everyone.  After all was said and done I know he had to do the best for Corr and I already know how he feels about all of that and I understand it.  We all got caught up in it and I was no angel myself.

2 hours ago, Scleritis said:

Thoughts on current day DF?

I've been so far from RS and the clan world that I do not know much.  What I can say though is the fact that there are still dedicated enough people that are still carrying on the DF name, I have nothing but the utmost respect for them and I support them.

2 hours ago, DoSoQi said:

when u was df leader !?


also when u was leader  did u regret from any decision you took ?

I don't know the exact dates of when I was leader but it was maybe 2007 about?  Until I retired in 09/10.  I think.

2 hours ago, true said:

What are your thoughts on the 2010-2012 DF after your retirement? 


Thoughts on Omniusha as Leader?

2010-2012 DF, I couldn't tell you anything about them because once I retired, I retired.  I didn't go on forums or keep in touch with many people at the time.  I tried to unretire once and I just didn't have it in me anymore and it wasn't fair to DF to stick around, nor was it fair to stick around so that everyone would compare new leadership to mine.


I always like Omni a lot as an official.  He loved DF and was dedicated AF.  We had a little falling out with me retiring and we fell off around that, but again he did what he had to do to keep DF going and I respect that and him.

1 hour ago, VirgoVaca said:

What can you tell us about your (first) clan (The Kings of Chaos)? Do you still keep in touch with anybody from there? What did members from that clan go on to do in the clan world if anything? 

I have 6 or 7 members from that clan that I still have on FB and keep in some kind of touch with.  It was a small clan and we mostly did fun events and some pk's.  Not many joined the big clan world but a couple of them did spend time in DF.  It was a member of that clan that joined DF first (Siwoods) that recruited me to DF in the first place.

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2 hours ago, DoSoQi said:

when u was df leader !?


also when u was leader  did u regret from any decision you took ?

I think I missed answering the second question.  I wouldn't call anything a "regret", at the time anything I did was what I, or the leadership team felt was best for the clan.  There are always fights I can say we should have called off sooner and allowing ourselves to get into a crash war were things I would do differently.

2 hours ago, Eric`` said:

Holy fuck, been a while lol


You got a lot of shit from us back in the Cor v DF days, did it ever get to you or were you able to ignore it?

While it was happening, yes it got to me sometimes.  I never cared about the "biased mod" spam or some of the other things, but some people got pretty nasty.  I still remember someone spamming "your son is dead" in a fight and I still remember that.  You learn to ignore it when you need to but at the same time, when we all played RS back then, you invest a lot of time in energy into things so even though you want to say "it's just a game", we all know we treated it as more than that, so yeah I'm not going to lie and said it never got to me.  Most of the time it was motivation and we would take it out in game.  I remember for awhile us showing up to every VR fight before their fight would start and hit them because they were allowing their members to say a lot of IRL shit about me.  It was our way of trying to get some of it to stop, give consequences.  Most clans didn't allow it but as you know, VR were cool with it and it was a bit much.  

2 hours ago, true said:

Even if DF leaned towards the honorable side of clanning during your tenure, what decisions did you/DF make that you feel like contributed to the clan worlds downfall?

The long fights.  It burnt people out and we were a part of that which I consider one of the things that hurt the clan world.  On one hand you love the dedication but that 24 hour fight was fucking ridiculous.  

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2 hours ago, RagingPanda said:

Being an older player of the game. How was it leading a bunch of Highschool kids and what sort of mind set did you go through to be successful? 


If you had the chance to lead DF again, would you? 




I had an advantage not many knew about at the time.  Before I got into RS and lead DF, I was a football (soccer) coach for around 15 years or about.  I already had a lot of experience leading teenagers to push themselves.  It also gave me a lot of experience psychologically and knowing what kids that age were going through, and how to treat them fairly while still keeping everyone in line.  Granted 150 people are a lot more than 18, but I also never lead alone and had a ton of great officials to help me every day.

2 hours ago, Sus said:

hmm, thoughts on the 2020 election? 

Fuck Trump.  If you want to know what I think about the actual election process, I think people spoke and came out and voted and the result was what it was.  Personally I don't care for either party, the 2 party system is ruining this country, but the election was fair.

2 hours ago, Eric`` said:

Did you abuse your power on RSC in favor of DF?!?! ?

Actually no.  I probably abused it more against DF.  Posts that I removed should have been removed, but what most of you don't know is that if a DF member was trolling any topic, they would be told to get off the topic and stop posting or get punished in DF.  Even if their posts weren't ones that should be deleted, I held their posting to a different standard.  I fully understand anyone else's feelings though, if I deleted a Corr member's post, obviously I had to be biased.  I'm sure I would've felt the same way at the time so I don't blame anyone for it, it's more heat of the rivalry things.

2 hours ago, Flukejiver said:

Greatest accomplishment DF achieved while you were leader?

It depends on how you define accomplishment.  To the outside world the greatest accomplishment was attaining #1 and holding it for over a year and a half.  Personally it was serving with and getting to know so many people and creating a family like atmosphere.  I hadn't really talked to anyone in DF since I left, but coming back to the retired discord showed me how much we all genuinely cared about each other as people.  To me that's more of an achievment.

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What did you find to be the most difficult part of leading DF? And what was your proudest moment, whether it was personal or from the group?


Also love ya man and I'm proud of the job you did as leader. I waited to retire until you felt you were ready to take the reins because I knew it had to be you to be DF's next leader. You didn't disappoint, and it shows from how all of those old school DF members respect you.

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2 hours ago, RagingPanda said:

If you had the chance to lead DF again, would you? 




In today's clan world no.  Not because of anything other than I don't have the time or energy to do so and I know nothing about fights and would be a hinderance.

2 hours ago, true said:

What would be your DF dream lineup of officials you served with?

I've already had them but I feel like if I named a perfect lineup it would hurt someone's feelings that I probably care a lot about.  The group I started with was pretty fucking amazing though and that was with Death and shortly after he left.

2 hours ago, Sus said:

Who was your best member while in DF 

Impossible to answer.  We had probably 70 plus people fight in a 24 hour long fight, how do you ever choose 1?

2 hours ago, RagingPanda said:

Have you ever considered coming back to Runescape? 



Nah, but if I did it would just be to skill and quest, I've no interest in pking at this point.

2 hours ago, true said:

What do you miss about the clan world?


Did you ever lurk DF while they were on OSRS?


What did you and your son do together on RS?

1. The rivalries.  I think that pushed most clans to be their best.  Some it pushed to be the very worst.  As I mentioned before, Corr and DF were the best they could be and a lot of that had to do with each other.  DF learning to survive Corr trying to kill them off and Corr never stopping coming for us brought out the very best in us.  


2. No, not once.  Once I left for good I never came back.  


3. Skilled and quested.  He was also in the first clan I was in as well.


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