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Anything you want to accomplish this run around on rs?


Do you still keep in touch with any of the people you were staff on zybez with? It seems like you've talked a fair bit about people you were in clans with, but not as much about them.


If you had to either join a pure clan or join a clan led by Melo C, what you joining ?


Do you think you'd ever consider bringing back PH ?

Edited by Adam_









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On 3/8/2021 at 6:54 PM, Adam_ said:


Anything you want to accomplish this run around on rs?

Keep/increase the activity in F2P, I'd hate to see that part of the game completely die out again.


Do you still keep in touch with any of the people you were staff on zybez with? It seems like you've talked a fair bit about people you were in clans with, but not as much about them.

I'm still in the Zybez discord with most of the staff but we don't really speak much. I'd say Bow was the person I spoke to most after RSC died since we were in VNG together for a bit.


If you had to either join a pure clan or join a clan led by Melo C, what you joining ?

Pure clan definitely. 


Do you think you'd ever consider bringing back PH ?

Nah, there'd be no point.

Edited by Wee Man





Wee Man#0028 | @ZybezWeeMan | Wee Man

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1 hour ago, Victoria said:

Okay, no one’s asking it so I will: What was it like being in a clan with Wack Sparrow and what are your thoughts about him?

He was a good guy, talked a lot and made some spazzy clan world videos which everyone enjoyed, never really caused any problems. He slowly went off the rails and ended up making weird tweets about made up science with diagrams and everything. It's seriously impossible to tell if he's genuinely nuts or whether he's the greatest troll that ever lived. Time will tell.





Wee Man#0028 | @ZybezWeeMan | Wee Man

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Is there anyone going into joining tempest you thought would be horrible/unpleasant to deal with / be around based on previous experience or what you'd heard, but they turned out to be really pleasant?


Least favorite people you've met in the clans you've been in?











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what would you say in your opinion was the biggest reason that led to ronin eventually fizzling out (along with most of the clan world at the time)


what would you say was scotts biggest weakness in regards to leading ronin 


who was the biggest idiot we ever had in ronin in your opinion and why was it sippinpurple

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Question from Irvin:



What did you think of the Bhatu/R3D/Ehms trying to snake Daman for his phat? What did you do to retaliate when they all left? Was there more to it than just hacking one of the members?


Does your mom still play runescape?



Edited by Blackinise





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Firstly you've been and continue to be an instrumental figure in Tempest. The popularity of this AMA is a testament to that. Some questions I had:


1) Were you asked by any of the officials in any clans you were in to leak IPs off Zybez? If so, how did you respond?


2) After getting exposed for spying, why did Charlydog4 get a public hearing (only for it to get recorded) versus straight up being banned?


3) While in Downfall Elrond140 was an OK member and was offering to train others account for GP. One day he went insane and hacked someone he was training for and also posted an IP grabber in his signature on forums (supposedly Robin made him do it). If true, how did you guys manage to convince him to do that?


4) After EOS crash war, Ronin had a good period where you guys were doing well in CWA and even setting up fights with top clans in PvP. However, it quickly went down hill (even before the Downfall/Ronin crash war started to some extent). Why do you think that was? Was it more so b/c of internal issues or top clans didn't give any room for Ronin to thrive? 


5) Any funny Ronin stories that haven't been shared yet?

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