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Empire Mind AMA

Empire Mind

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Thanks for doing the AMA, always thought you were one of the funniest dude on runescape. Wish I would've been able to lead with you when you were still calling!







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Do you feel Jagex should take a harder stance on cheat clients? I remember using a modified one back in DI (based on SV's client) and Old Nite's spare got banned from it one fight which was obviously unappealable despite the fact it's nowhere near as retarded as this stuff is now. Like the most broken thing on it was it'd tell you how long was left on a freeze/whos already frozen immune etc, but seeing the shit I've seen in fights where I put a staff on and I glow up bright as a mage is very demotivating for playing this game because it's no longer based on mechanical ability, it's who has the better client cos on equal numbers with good callers you can't make someone end or put them at a significant number deficit anymore. Communities carry clanning in this game cos clients made the pvp shit. Honestly tempted to tweet bomb the fuck out of Ash daily until he gets off his fat chink ass and does something about it lol.


Worst of all they black screen/won't patch in somecases won't even open in South Korea where RS is banned lol. So even when I'm in Europe I don't use em cos I don't wanna crutch on them later.

Edited by Lavigne






Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



RSN: South Tyrol

Leader of REIGN community since 2004 - Undisputably the best gaming community in history.

Rank 3 in the UK for Riichi Mahjong (UKMA ELO)

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games.



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3 hours ago, Lavigne said:

Do you feel Jagex should take a harder stance on cheat clients? I remember using a modified one back in DI (based on SV's client) and Old Nite's spare got banned from it one fight which was obviously unappealable despite the fact it's nowhere near as retarded as this stuff is now. Like the most broken thing on it was it'd tell you how long was left on a freeze/whos already frozen immune etc, but seeing the shit I've seen in fights where I put a staff on and I glow up bright as a mage is very demotivating for playing this game because it's no longer based on mechanical ability, it's who has the better client cos on equal numbers with good callers you can't make someone end or put them at a significant number deficit anymore. Communities carry clanning in this game cos clients made the pvp shit. Honestly tempted to tweet bomb the fuck out of Ash daily until he gets off his fat chink ass and does something about it lol.


Worst of all they black screen/won't patch in somecases won't even open in South Korea where RS is banned lol. So even when I'm in Europe I don't use em cos I don't wanna crutch on them later.

Just want to chime in quick and say Ash is a content dev and has no control over any of that rlly, trust me when I tell you a lot of people on the content dev team and community team and just in general the mods who interact with us agree with the player base on a lot of things including the client shit, account security and all sorts of other things but they pretty much have no control or say in these things at the end of the day. It's a shit situation but the people who could actually give the go ahead to solve these problems aren't in the public eye for a reason unfortunately








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9 hours ago, Adam_ said:

So it seems you're not really a big fan of the clients (very understandable and I agree it's really stupid btw). Do you put the blame more on Jagex's side for not enforcing it given that some things just can't be detected (pretty sure pile finder/etc can't actually be detected but could be wrong) ? Do you blame people for using them? Or a mix of both?

I don't blame people for using them. I just think of them as cheat clients and takes away from the way we did things back in the day. I don't think Jagex can do anything. They tried to remove  third party clients before but allowed Runelite to continue but tried banning others. It's either all or none, that's why they'll never be able to ban them now.

Who are some people you were happy to see leave or are happy are no longer around VR? (Excluding Kaochinx)

The dk spastics in general. Like I said prior, I didn't HATE anyone, just didn't agree with some members. I personally didn't like Valeronice or whatever her name, and Cam1mill. I never enjoyed watching people leave, and never held a grudge if they left.

Who are some people you're glad to see are still around after so long? Who are some people you wish were still around / still had contact with?

For people around, I'd say Shak, Zak45, Sparze, Evizu, Cera, Lordkilla, Rj deathlord, Ando, Mav1ball, Arma150, Vivera within VR still. I don't really talk to others outside of VR now. 

People I wish were still around were Viper, D2master, Mauro K Po, Rad, Lukas, Demeagles, Oldman12, Ultraprono, Ruler321. Pasia Man. I still talk to some of these guys but none have any interest in this game also.


Are there any of the newer gen of VR members you've struck up a friendship with or liked?

I don't really talk to many people, I actually enjoy Mad ting, and Food. They're newer members but get along with these guys.

What are your thoughts on RJ? Generally most of what I hear about him is quite positive, but I don't think i've seen him mentioned on this thread yet.
Rj is a good guy, and always has been. He really stepped up when everyone was MIA and made sure VR was still active, he isn't as active as he once was but I knew he was in the same situation as me. I feel he wants to retire as he doesn't enjoy the game anymore. Rj is like Sparze, he's more quiet but will help anyone in VR who needs help.


8 hours ago, B0rntowildy said:

Just admit you were a VR spy in Cor bro no hard feelings.

You're dumb!

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8 hours ago, true said:

Do you remember anyone in DF that leaked/spied for VR that that wasn't already made public

Not that I know of. Kao/Mike were more behind getting spies into clans. I didn't get involved with spies in general as I don't think they're worth it as it ruins their image.

8 hours ago, david said:

Thanks for doing the AMA, always thought you were one of the funniest dude on runescape. Wish I would've been able to lead with you when you were still calling!



Would of been fun, and thanks Lil David!

7 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Are you gonna briefly unretire for the jcup this year assuming it's actually delivered?

Nah. I hardly have time as it is, I get my schedules made two months in advance so the chances of me getting the time off is always slim to none.

6 hours ago, Lavigne said:

Do you feel Jagex should take a harder stance on cheat clients? I remember using a modified one back in DI (based on SV's client) and Old Nite's spare got banned from it one fight which was obviously unappealable despite the fact it's nowhere near as retarded as this stuff is now. Like the most broken thing on it was it'd tell you how long was left on a freeze/whos already frozen immune etc, but seeing the shit I've seen in fights where I put a staff on and I glow up bright as a mage is very demotivating for playing this game because it's no longer based on mechanical ability, it's who has the better client cos on equal numbers with good callers you can't make someone end or put them at a significant number deficit anymore. Communities carry clanning in this game cos clients made the pvp shit. Honestly tempted to tweet bomb the fuck out of Ash daily until he gets off his fat chink ass and does something about it lol.


Worst of all they black screen/won't patch in somecases won't even open in South Korea where RS is banned lol. So even when I'm in Europe I don't use em cos I don't wanna crutch on them later.

Jagex once went after the cheat clients but backed off from the backlash of the community and allowed Runelite to stay open. I personally don't think they'll ever get rid for them due to the fact that they already backed out of it once already. It'd give them a bad image now. It's either ban them all or keep them all. I personally refuse to use these clients as like you said. It just makes fights too easy now and you can take advantage of other players who don't use it. I don't think Ash can do anything about it, most things are ignored it seems. They want to please one set of players and ignore the PVP scene or if they do try and fix it they just fuck it up even more.

2 hours ago, Rmd said:

Sup Steve, good old memories from VR

Hey Rmd! We had some good memories back in the day! 


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It was only a few years ago that 2/3 of the current VR leaders got exposed for saving IPs to ddos for Jcup as well as doxing. Did VR ever get involved in any of that stuff (that you're aware of) during your time there?









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If you were starting a clan in the golden era and could grab 1 person from each major clan who you taking?


It seems like for the most part VR end up on pretty good terms with a lot of the people who spy or leak but later regret it or try to correct it (yourself, kaochinx, viet, savageraven). Are there any cases where the person has tried to come back and fix things but essentially been told to fuck off? (Not sure if ruon3bs counts but exclude him either way I guess)








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9 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Just want to chime in quick and say Ash is a content dev and has no control over any of that rlly, trust me when I tell you a lot of people on the content dev team and community team and just in general the mods who interact with us agree with the player base on a lot of things including the client shit, account security and all sorts of other things but they pretty much have no control or say in these things at the end of the day. It's a shit situation but the people who could actually give the go ahead to solve these problems aren't in the public eye for a reason unfortunately

Appreciate it, thought he had a bit more swing than that. In which case then we are most probably fucked. Does explain a lot. Because I always got the impression people like Mat, Ash and most of the Content Dev team cared a lot about what we want and have to say so it was odd to come back and find this client situation as an absolute fucking mess and it actually makes me mald so hard it was allowed to get this bad.

Edited by Lavigne
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Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



RSN: South Tyrol

Leader of REIGN community since 2004 - Undisputably the best gaming community in history.

Rank 3 in the UK for Riichi Mahjong (UKMA ELO)

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games.



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2 hours ago, Scleritis said:

It was only a few years ago that 2/3 of the current VR leaders got exposed for saving IPs to ddos for Jcup as well as doxing. Did VR ever get involved in any of that stuff (that you're aware of) during your time there?

Not my topic but vr were known ddosers and they legit targeted every clans forums and audio in the first crashwars (df, cor, tt) 


I'm pretty sure vr kicked most of that shit off in f2p clanning



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Put me in the game coach.


Idk how I ended up getting in an L4d2 lobby with you, EoS Oli & True but I think it helped slightly in convincing you to join DF and the community we at at the time outside RS. I don't blame you for your lack of motivation at the time but it would have been good to be in the same clan as you when you were motivated.  Ty for doing an AMA.

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