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2 hours ago, Brian said:

When I left RS in 2017, DF was more EST based. Nowadays DF is basically fully GMT. Could you elaborate on the reasons this happened and being EST yourself how do you feel about it?

DF was the only clan who had the balls to stand against RoT in 2017. Which meant that every clan in the game gave in to RoT's "embargo" (if you fight DF, you get crashed). With F2P pretty much dying because of this (very ironic), we began to focus on P2P.  At the time, PKing at 5-6PM (the usual time for our old F2P fights), didn't really bring us the action and activity we required. We started to venture out into GMT to test it out and we were finding lots of teams and clans to fight. It helped that at the time, a lot of the EST people we did have did happen to be available during GMT (a lot of students). But as time went on, EST people would have harder and harder schedules and most of them weren't fans of P2P (especially RSB, which we were also doing). So it became natural for Europeans to join us and American/Canadians would slowly filter out.


As for myself, it didn't really bother me since I'm fortunate enough to make my own schedule. But it's definitely a huge cultural difference and I can't say I really relate to Europeans on very much of anything (aside from left-leaning politics).



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if you could revive one clan from the grave which one would it be?


have you read any of the other AMAs? if yea which one did you like the most?


what are some good irl stories we can hear without you incriminating yourself?


ever considered spying on any clans you've been in ? 


other than you actually leaving for exo, and your breaks from the game, what's the closest you've come to leaving DF? 









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I don't have any questions, and I'm not going to get into what caused you to make the decision to do this, but I just want to say that I've always been impressed with you and appreciate the role you've played in DF. The few times I have talked with you it's been a very level-headed conversation and respectable one, so thanks for that.

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2 hours ago, true said:

Whats your favorite city in Gielinor?

That wasn't me dude


2 hours ago, true said:

Whats a clan from RS2 you always wanted to join, but didn't get the chance to?

When I left DK, my friends were sitting around waiting for me to pick a clan to join and it took me like a week because I lowkey really wanted to join Shadow Elves but I was a bit reluctant to since they were more GMT than EST, but I ultimately decided Exodus instead due to timezone preference.


2 hours ago, true said:

Do you think you would have liked CR?

Honestly, I don't think so. While I have come to like a LOT of ex CR I've met over the years, everything I know about the clan itself and how it was run probably would have infuriated someone like me who is very opinionated and doesn't like falling in line.





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2 hours ago, Howl said:

Who is your favorite clan leader and why is it @true?

Anyone who takes up the role of leader has to become the villain at some point if they want to do it successfully. Unfortunately I've always been led by people who leaned too far in one direction and never found the right balance.

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On the topic you were arguing bolton on with a while ago, you mentioned mike cera approached DF with the idea of VR going community and all mass joining DF. What happened with that? Why did it fall through? What do you think would have come of it? Is there anything that hasn't been said that you can share or any logs you can show ? 









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2 hours ago, The End said:

What character traits in your opinion make a good leader?

More than anything else, someone who is a good judge of character because the most important thing to do as a leader is promote the right people since that leader won't be around forever.


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3 hours ago, Blogs said:

Thoughts on Tomisme? Do you blame him for the community in Rejuvenation being "lackluster"?

He was a really funny dude and definitely knew what he was doing as a leader and a clan official in general (he was a solid Warlord in Exodus previously). I can't really blame anyone for the community in RJ. It was bound to happen when the clan was made up of different people (ex Exodus, ex DI, Fools, etc). We needed more time to interconnect as a clan and break out of our cliques.



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Given RoT's current decline, which some have hinted was even worse pre-COVID, which clan between Ancient Fury and Revenant would you say played the bigger role in Reign of Terror's decline? As a follow up, which clan between the two do you believe hurts RoT more nowadays?







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3 hours ago, true said:

Do you think RJ had long-term potential? Or was too summer-focused with players that wouldn't be active long-term?

I think it did if all of the officials we had in place had the opportunity to focus on the game and clan instead of being pulled away by IRL obligations.


3 hours ago, true said:

What are your top 5 favorite rivalries of all time?

Exo/CR, DF/EoS, DF/RSD, DF/Bearz, DF/VR


3 hours ago, true said:

Whats your favorite team-cape?

Probably going to sound biased but I think DF's is the best.


3 hours ago, true said:

Who would have won.. Flip Flops or TKO Blitz?

Can't really compare the two teams. Both dominated in completely different eras. Although TKO dominated during a time when most people were dogshit at the game.





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