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- Thoughts on the following clans in P2P single back in 05/06/07?

  • The Dynasty
  • Dark Ascension
  • Aggression
  • Dark Slayers
  • Runescape Dinasty
  • Others?

- In 06/07, DI was the only clan (by far) that could claim rank #1/2 in all of f2p mutli, p2p multi, and p2p single. Was there a point where you thought of just concentrating on one? There was a time when we were fighting TD for #1 p2p single, RoT for #1 p2p multi, and DS for #1 f2p single. We were the only clan trying to dominate in all areas. Do you think this had positive or negative benefits?


- What do you see as the biggest change between the f2p meta in 06/07 and now? Did we not innovate enough back in RS2?


- You've alluded to it before, but did you think at some point DI standards started to drop in order to keep up with the rest of the clan world? When was this? Was this inevitable?


- Do you ever regret kicking someone in OG DI?


- Any standout DI PvP moments between 06-09?


- Most underrated DI member?


- Most overrated DI member?






Edited by Blogs
- Damage Inc May 2006 - October 2009 -
- Damage Inc Warlord General -



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1 hour ago, Adam_ said:

Having been a leader of a well known clan yourself who felt burn out and left it all behind, were you at all surprised when @True 2k8 burnt out and left DF? 

Bles knows what really happened 

Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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Is there anything that ever caught you way off guard? Clan leaders etc. typically have a pretty good grip on their clans but I'd be interested to hear times where you were surprised/blindsided by something that happened. 


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Alright let's see if I can ask some worthwhile questions.

  • If you suddenly became employed by Jagex and you were given the task of revitalizing the clan world, what changes would you make to the game?
  • Are there any particular philosophies you have acquired over the years that you hold to absolutely when it comes to leadership? As an example: The Prince book says a leader must either be feared or liked, but he cannot be both. The writer holds to this philosophy with absolute conviction. Is there any philosophy you have developed over your time of leading that you believe with absolute certainty to be true?
  • Have you ever wronged someone in DI and wished you could have turned back the clock to change that moment, but found it was too late? If so, can you tell us about it. 
  • Is there any clan you were envious of in the past? Either from a quality they had that DI lacked or just a particular thing you liked.
  • What do you think of the name Tempest? Would you say it's fitting or do you wish we picked something else. Is there any name that comes to mind?
  • So far what do you think of me as an official? What could I do to improve. 




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What was your biggest regret within Di?


Not a question but every time I see you're name pop up i remember the old Di vs World p2p wars, basically Di + friends against anyone, they were incredible.


Hope you're keeping well,


PvM comb Bob

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12 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Who were some underrated/underappreciated people in Di? Who do you feel is that in Tempest ?

In RS2 DI @Lrd for sure. Maybe he wasn't underrated by me personally but overall. The guy was the best member RS2 DI had. He'd be there until the end of every single fight and always give it 100% no matter what. He had a lot of great members though because the standards were so high, you really had to break your back to get into DI back then.


In OSRS I wouldn't say we had "underappreciated" members because everyone who put in a shift made it to being ranked so in that sense they weren't underappreciated. There was one guy though, "Slip" who was at literally never missed a single event and was always there until almost the end. The weird thing about him was he'd talk to absolutely no one. I don't think he ever talked in IRC or TS. He just went about his business and kept his head down.


In Tempest to name a few @Null @Blogs@danex@Icedragon D

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12 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What do you think of current cwa teams ? Adversity and assuming they're open still, mayans/immortal?

I guess there's only really Adversity/IMT now since Mayans closed


Adversity looks to have good leadership who know what they're doing. It's difficult for them to get fights but they've stuck with it.

IMT have a lot of scripters unfortunately. No one minds pile highlighters but there's not really much point in fighting auto tank/auto eaters. So we haven't fought them much.

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12 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What AMAs have you enjoyed reading so far ? Anything in them surprised you or filled in any blanks from years ago ?



The one that I enjoyed most was probably the RSD one. It definitely brought back a lot of memories and filled in blanks. The most interesting thing was how they viewed stuff that went on from their perspective. "Hacking" incidents etc.


Whenever reading someone else's AMA where they interacted with DI I always say to myself, everyone has their own view of history and it's interesting how different people remember events to how I do.

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12 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Would you consider joining another clan if Tempest closed or probably not ? If yes what clan ?

Nope - If Tempest closed I wouldn't play RS. There's no other clan out there at the moment that I see myself fitting in.

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12 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Is there anyone people may be surprised to learn had a stint in Di?


Any people during Di days officials, members, whatever you'd have liked to bring to Di from whatever clans they were in?


Would you want to have any people from these clans around tempest even if not as an actual member ? Rot, rev, af, pd, vr, df, cl. Dont have to mentioning existing bunnies unless you'd wanna bring em into the actual clan 


Thoughts on Bles?


Did true write the clanning users wiki pages ?

Cause of mass joins a lot of people had "brief" stints in DI, but maybe not made it beyond intro, like @Wee Man. @Gochance1made it as far as trial member. 

@davidwas also DI briefly but it didn't end well:



We often tried to recruit officials from other clans and had some success. Normally if an official left another clan or their clan closed I'd send @Flako Rlz in to recruit them. I didn't get involved myself and would keep my distance because I didn't want to be seen recruiting. The only time I personally got involved in what was basically akin to "contract negotiations" was to get Rad, Rad2 and Da Master to join DI after they left Corr and that worked out well. I also got @Tomismeback after DA closed which again worked out well. One person back in the day I would have liked to recruit from RSD was @Bclaybut he was loyal to RSD


I think all clans member bases are so different now that I don't really see people from those clans fitting in Tempest. Though I do think someone like @Paul would fit in Tempest.


@Bleshas actually done a good job since ingame clans launched with building something even if they are a bit of a shambles. I guess it's just a lower tier of clanning. I don't know why he feels the need to lie about his history though, it's not going to impress anyone.


@D2master12wrote the majority of them

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12 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Do you think di related stress cost @inf`his hairline?

For sure. There was one CWA where we were way up on the opponent and for whatever reason the caller choked and we lost the round. Queue headset being thrown off and table slammed. Heavy flames were handed out in warroom after each event.

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