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1 hour ago, Ace said:

If you could stop yourself from taking RoT's side when you were leading DI in the past, would you?

No I don't think so. DI and RoT were always very like minded. Whenever I swapped sides it was because I knew it was what the member base wanted. E.G Members didn't want to do the 1 hour cap and leave kind of fights DF/VR/whoever else was offering at the time. So we swapped sides.



1 hour ago, Adam_ said:

Can you give us more info about the Darkmagi guy you mentioned earlier on the thread?


After Foyboy left for RoT, you mentioned on his leaving thread that he didn't say a word to you regarding it. Did you ever end up talking to him again when he was in RoT, or after he was removed? Have you heard of him being around recently/since Tempest formed? Would you say you guys are on good or "ok" terms now?


What did you think of new new Di (Olde Nite Di)? Do you think they should have opened under a different name? Do you think if they had, they would have retained the members they did? What do you think they could have done differently?


On a topic on old di forums, someone leaked something and you posted a ton of partial IPs one of them being the culprit. You said at the end of the thread that it was "settled". Did the person come forward or did you confront them / find them on your own? What happened to them as a result, were they removed? http://www.di-rs.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=78052


Is @Titanthe biggest nonce you'd had in Di? 

Dark Magi led a clan called Dangerous Business. He was just a DI fanboy. You have to understand during that era clans had fanboys because their impact on the community was so big. I guess the difference with him was that he was obsessed and took it to the point where it just weirded out a lot of his members.


We briefly spoke a few weeks after he left but I could tell he didn't really want to talk. I tried to make contact with him again later regarding another issue but he was reluctant so I left it at that. He streams on Twitch sometimes: https://www.twitch.tv/foyboy But I haven't tried to make contact. I'd say we're on no terms really. If we did come in contact I wouldn't hold anything against him.


I always thought they should have opened under a different name. It would have worked out better for them. DI was always going to be associated with me. If they went under a new name they could have started something new. A new identity. I was gone from RS so I don't know much about them but if @Paul abandoned ship there must have been problems.


That was @bomb. I didn't kick him for it.


Far from it. Someone in DI went to jail for grooming an underage girl.

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1 hour ago, Krystal said:

Are you 100% Irish (that you know of) or are any of your parents/grandparents from other countries? 


Ever participated in any drinking contests at your local pub? If you have: Did you win? 😉


Ever get into any fights at the pub? If you have: Did you win? 😉 


Are there any countries you're interested in seeing someday? 

Yep, 100% Irish. Generally speaking, the majority of Irish people are


Not official ones but I've rarely been out drank by anyone if I'm up for it


Not like actual punches thrown but I've gotten stuck into people on more than one occasion when it's called for it. If I was to put a number on it maybe 10 times. I'm the kind of person to not back down.


There's plenty of places I'd like to see. Probably the top of my list is the US. Big country though so a lot to see there. As I said earlier though I don't leave the country much. Maybe when the time is right.

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1 hour ago, Adam_ said:

Having led several of them in Di, while being an official in Tempest did you foresee something happening with several of the guys who left for VR? 


What's the most nh thing you've ever been involved in (could be something you did yourself or allowed another Di official/member to do, or I guess another clan if it was there)?


Who are your favorite 5 bunny guests?


What did you think of Arne33 during his time in Di? Were you at all surprised to see that he was a rank in RoT within the past year?


It seems like members of your iterations of Di in many cases are high quality members or ranks in the clans they went on to join after. Do you think this is indicative of Di itself and what they learned/experienced there, resultant of the fact that you may have had a more strict process on letting people in than some other clans so you didn't end up with a ton of morons in the first place, or both?


What did you think of the DF rivalry?


You mentioned true basically tricked you into joining as a member, but I imagine you had some say in whether or not you wanted to be an official. You did mention you always put 100% in when involved in clanning, so was that just a direct result? Or was there more that made you want to be/accept a position as an official again?


What is the reason you closed Di in 2017 the way you did? Looking back, do you wish you'd perhaps gone about it differently or even maybe made it more clear you didn't want it "reopening"?


The whole thing with people "leaving for VR" (I wouldn't say they left for VR though, they left and wanted to find somewhere else they could make home, there was options other than VR, but VR was where they felt they could "make their mark") goes back beyond them joining. I foresaw this whole BBU thing ending badly. I'd experienced a lot of "clique" things like that over my years and this was another. Ended badly as I felt it would. Whoever was involved in it was going to go to VR because of the lies they were sold by Eric.


Back in the day, hacking clan forums, which we did a lot of. It was only to gain information though and not to destroy/hack individuals etc. Did delete one or two clan forums accidentally though. Probably the only other thing which wasn't even directly us was getting RoT to ddos a DI "member" which was an AF official on a spare. AF were ddosing us 24/7 then though so no regrets there.




Arne was young back then, but a lot of those guys were at the time. That meant a lot of them were impressionable. He was a good kid though. Realistically he wouldn't have been a long term DI member I don't think, but DI closed anyway so it didn't matter. I'm not surprised to see he was a rank in RoT because I feel like it's a clan he'd fit in.


In original DI we had no problem binning people not up to the standard required. To join DI when I did you actually had to be somebody, you couldn't just be a random no namer. As the years went on obviously this became a bit more relaxed, but we still declined people for not knowing how to PK etc. We always maintained very high standards in that regard throughout original DI. Our FA process was notoriously difficult to get through. So I'd say for original DI it was because we only let high quality people in in the first place. I'm sure people did learn a lot there though.


I don't really think there's much of a rivalry with DF from our side. It would be nice if they'd fight us more but they're weird about it. They seem to hate us when we really don't care too much about them at all. A lot of that is probably coming from Murray though.


He asked me if I'd be interested in helping out more which I said I would be. I'd find it hard to be a normal member in a clan because with my background I'm used to knowing everything that's going on. If I was able to not care, then I could be a normal member, but I can't not care because I don't want to do something halfheartedly if I'm going to do it.


The reason I close it the way I did was because I saw it as the only way of making a clean break. If I had told Olde and Bball hey I'm quitting, they would have done the same thing  they did anyway. I'm fine with them making a new clan, but not fine with them continuing DI. If they had continued DI with me as say retired leader or whatever, I wouldn't have been able to step away. If I had completely left and they continued DI without me as some form of retired leader, it would have been a shit show with everyone being like "this wouldn't happen if Brian was still here" etc. They should have made a completely new clan. It would have been nice if it went cleaner but I had to do what I had to do. There really wasn't many originals left at that stage anyway. It was mostly people who joined 2015-6+

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4 minutes ago, Brian said:



I don't really think there's much of a rivalry with DF from our side. It would be nice if they'd fight us more but they're weird about it. They seem to hate us when we really don't care too much about them at all. A lot of that is probably coming from Murray though.


srry meant the df/di rivalry not with tempest lol 









@Brian thx for taking the time on doing an AMA


1) Which is your fav movie, director, actor, actress.

2) Whats your fav movie genre.




1) What has been the most challenging thing you have accomplished with DI and how did you do it?

2) Which was the funnest war or the one you have enjoyed the most?

3) What makes DI so different from tempest?

4) Was it hard returning to the clan world to another clan that it wasnt DI and not being part of leadership?


Always tried to get your kill msg when i was in NI. Never got it. Would you get mad if i camp u till i get it? ❤️



Edited by Nanne30



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