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EOS Leadership - Mar and Oli


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11 minutes ago, Howl said:

where would you put EoS among the top clans of all time?

Of all time? probably outside the top 5. We started small and worked our way up over the years


6 minutes ago, true said:

Who is the most overrated clan of all-time?



Who are the worst/best officials in EOS history?

I suppose Dark Slayers would be the most overrated, sure they were strong for their time and achieved big things, but they failed to stand the test of time like so many other clans did. Part of being a great clan was longevity. 

Worst officials in EOS? They weren't bad because they didn't do their jobs, but Tankhive2 and Nduan1 were constantly fighting with each other in some sort of bitchy high school drama thing. While fun to read privately, it became an issue when they took it public and embarrassed us. But like i said they did the work they was supposed to. 

Best officials would probably be Allstar049 for the sheer work he put into making sure the small things got done. Having "that guy" in your clan that did all those things that needed doing were super valuable. 



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Tell us the story of Marianne, apparently she went mad with power or some shit, the kiwi gilf.








RSN: Knight Frank

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Top 10 in the UK for Riichi Mahjong (UKMA ELO) / Rank 3 for 3-player

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games.



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10 minutes ago, Howl said:

what would you consider the peak of EOS? the strongest/most dominant point in the clan's history?

2010, we were fighting 2-3 of the top 5 alone and winning during the late summer/autumn months. We were also by far strongest clan before EOC came out but I see that period of time as mostly irrelevant. 


- Actually far more dominant in Albion Online from 2015 onwards

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EOS seemed to constantly flip flop between being funny, lighthearted guys who just wanted to fight in the wildy and being absolute shitheads who just wanted to be a thorn in everyone’s side, similarly to VR and ROT. Why? Was this intentional? Which do you think represented the “real” EOS?

Edited by Dickus



The Titans Officer

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15 minutes ago, Pietru said:

What was the favorite crash war you guys were in?

Honestly looking back none of them, crash wars were just another thing the clan world collectively came up with to ruin Runescape clanning. 


14 minutes ago, Yoda said:

Where's Prannoy?


Still around, talk to him on Teamspeak pretty regularly 


15 minutes ago, Scleritis said:

How many laps of red dragon isle have you lads done in your lifetime

We did quite a  few after other clans did it to us first?



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Just now, Dickus said:

EOS seemed to constantly flip flop between being funny, lighthearted guys who just wanted to fight in the wildy and being absolute shitheads who just wanted to be a thorn in everyone’s side similarly to VR and ROT. Why? Was this intentional? Which do you think represented the “real” EOS?

It was 100% intentional, it was a fun way to play the game and nobody particularly liked runescape outside of fights.  Playing by a perceived honor system just never made sense in a game where clans can realistically target you without consequence.

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