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We are Applerune, Jay Jay665, and Robtokill. We Led Corruption - AMA

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1 hour ago, Eric said:

Do you regret not giving rad leader after how much he did for do and vr?


This is probably a question for Rob but anyone who was involved in the clan world at the time (2007/2008) knew how important Rad was to COR. I joined shortly after the mass-leave but it's no coincidence that when Rad and others joined DI they had a massive surge in power. I was in the P2P mage bank scene from 2006-07 and even I knew this from afar and as someone who never took F2P seriously. Take from it what you will. 

Edited by Applerune

How did you, Jay & Dave end up in Corruption? (You might have told me before but I forgot. I had taken a year+ out of RS when I started Uni, I decided to return to the game and kept in contact with you guys finding out you were in CoR.)


Overall (Code/Jay) would you say you preferred P2P or F2P PKing/Fights?


Which era or clan did you enjoy more CoR or DA?


P.S. Sorry Rob, I wasn't in CoR during your time :<

1 hour ago, Applerune said:


1. Fm11 from Solace messages me on IRC and asks to speak to me, says its serious. I usually would brush things off like this but after some time he mentioned that it was about one of our members. I let him on COR audio and in a private channel he goes:

"So, Merlinm88 (cor member) lives in my apartment complex. He knows where I live and he keeps leaving paper bags filled with shit on my doorstep every day. Can you tell him to stop?"

That's an all-timer. I thought he was trolling, but I knew he was serious because nobody in Solace ever mentioned it to me and I never heard another word of it from any other clan or member or official. If it was a joke, people would have known. 

I asked Merlin about it and he confirmed. It was also his own shit which made it even more funny.




2. Enzock was not a good leader of people. He was the perfect high council. He also had debilitating anxiety that prevented him from doing a lot of the social aspects that made a good leader good. An absolutely outstanding person, a great guy, but not a good clan leader. He got a lot of shit from the clan world (and COR, really) and most of it was justified but was a lesser Chris1791 and Demonchild27. He should have never been leader.

Enzock killed ‘the’ then tried to kill cor 

Edited by Eric

OAKcWeK.pngFree VenomOAKcWeK.png

~Tempest Since Day One~













59 minutes ago, Dickus said:

Who were your favorite officials that worked under you? 


10 years later, how do you feel about the Xbox360 thing? 


Corruption was still pretty decent by the time they closed, still pulling 50-60+ to fights. Do you regret closing when you did? Do you wish you had closed sooner? Perhaps you wish you’d stayed open longer and maybe made it to the launch of OSRS?


Starman050, Chopa234, Conditions21, Jay, Mage Boy, Fast993, Sh0w, Anarchal Pk

51 minutes ago, Juri said:

As I was Cor in 08-09, then what happened with the whole D2master and Lukas situation actually? And why it seemed like the clan leadership complete lost their direction then for months? We were really good during the Clan Wars PKRI era and had strong lineup and strong core activity and then basically 70% leadership went mia as Lukas and D2master left and later joined VR. 


I joined right in the middle of all this beef and quickly rose to Council during this time. From my perspective, Lukas and D2 were at odds with some of the current leadership (Andy4309, Chris1791, and Demonchild27) because they did not want to cross certain lines & they both wanted more power. I don't know the full story, but it's no coincidence that they joined VR, a clan that would readily give them both. Lukas was a moron, but D2 was actually a really good fall in leader and a good official. Nobody cared when Lukas left as much as he'd probably like to make it seem. Lukas was an official who wanted so badly a seat at the adult table but was always relegated to the kiddie table. He was not a "big player." D2 was a much, much bigger loss. 


50 minutes ago, RagingPanda said:

What was the deciding factor of the clans closure? 

If you had the chance, would you bring Corruption back to OSRS?

How did Corruption breed La Hire 44 to be one of the biggest legends in Runescape history? 


Wasn't my decision, but from conversations during the time clan officials grew tired of RS and were moving forward with their real lives. RS was shit too. The last "good" portion of clanning ended at the end of 2010, maybe early 2011. IMO, nothing from then on is really an accomplishment. The clan world was so watered down after that.

Edited by Applerune
17 minutes ago, Kenny said:

How did you, Jay & Dave end up in Corruption? (You might have told me before but I forgot. I had taken a year+ out of RS when I started Uni, I decided to return to the game and kept in contact with you guys finding out you were in CoR.)

Overall (Code/Jay) would you say you preferred P2P or F2P PKing/Fights?

Which era or clan did you enjoy more CoR or DA?


1. We were in DA when DA went F2P and we were the best CWA clan. P2P was going nowhere and we knew the future was in F2P. Me personally, DF tried really, really hard to recruit me. I don't remember why I choose COR in 2008.

2. There was just nothing like the DA-DI-AG MB scene w/ all the other teams and stuff littered in. I think this was my favorite part of RS. MB pking was the best.

3. It's hard to compare the two. They were both so different and so great. I love em both.


Edited by Applerune
48 minutes ago, RagingPanda said:

What was the deciding factor of the clans closure? 

If you had the chance, would you bring Corruption back to OSRS?

How did Corruption breed La Hire 44 to be one of the biggest legends in Runescape history? 

Primarily retiring of myself and other high ranking officials with no one suitable to take over. Second to this was normal members wanting to retire and finally it was down the clan world going to shit.

No, I mentioned previously we had a reunion trip about 2 months ago. We still got 60+ people and there was the joke of reopening but for me personally I'm so past that, especially putting in the time to lead a clan. People don't realise but actually leading a clan is a full time job.

Lmao fucking eric, it was all down to his "video"....


48 minutes ago, Juri said:

As I was Cor in 08-09, then what happened with the whole D2master and Lukas situation actually? And why it seemed like the clan leadership complete lost their direction then for months? We were really good during the Clan Wars PKRI era and had strong lineup and strong core activity and then basically 70% leadership went mia as Lukas and D2master left and later joined VR. 

Replacing core leadership is always going to have an effect on a clan. Code or Rob will have more information on this as it happened literally just before I joined.


10 minutes ago, Kenny said:

How did you, Jay & Dave end up in Corruption? (You might have told me before but I forgot. I had taken a year+ out of RS when I started Uni, I decided to return to the game and kept in contact with you guys finding out you were in CoR.)


Overall (Code/Jay) would you say you preferred P2P or F2P PKing/Fights?


Which era or clan did you enjoy more CoR or DA?


P.S. Sorry Rob, I wasn't in CoR during your time :<

1)  I had a stint in CoR when the DA lot all joined; Rudi, Adam etc. Fnny enough we use to just randomly snipe the fi leaders and get the kills (I can admit this now). They all quit after like a month and I quit CoR and RS too for a bit. I came back and Code and Dave recruited me I think (definitely Code did) and I thought I would properly try something new as I'd only been in medium size f2p clans before that.,


2) I actually think I preferred large F2P fights. P2P was fun but F2P just had more competition and more of a competitive edge.


3) DA still had my favourite community because it was purely people who were all similar to you, me, code, dave etc. It was non stop banter and we didn't take things anywhere as serious as we did in CoR. CoR obviously comes very close because it was a great community but DA just slightly trumps it for me.




Corruption Best Official - 2011

Corruption Best Caller - 2011

Ex Corruption Leader & Dark Ascension Council

Someone asked another good story that never came to light:

Kamikaze (was a moderator at some point) e-dated some girl in COR (can't remember who, she wasn't in the clan long) and he shit on her chest during sex and she left him for it. He admitted to it on TS as serious as can be. Jon (Magenoobgirl, was high council) actually ended up marrying and I think had a kid with the woman whose chest was shit on. That's a good one.

Edited by Applerune
1 hour ago, Victor said:

Damn I had great times in cor, even I wasnt the best english speaker I made some good friends like Starman, Slicknick, Felipe Prieb and others!

I miss you guys!

Miss you too bro, the brazilian and portugese were a core part of CoR

23 minutes ago, Vanzant said:

wheres my x box

who opened more clans - you or tukuruk?

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Corruption Best Official - 2011

Corruption Best Caller - 2011

Ex Corruption Leader & Dark Ascension Council

9 minutes ago, Kenny said:

Code/Jay/Rob: If you had to pick 20 people from the time you were active in CoR to fight another clan/teams 'all time 20' list who would you pick? (I guess Code/Jay's might be similar)

This is a hard one because picking 20 people is insane




You (Kenny)









Will (tigers go ra)









It's impossible really to list 20 people because there's so many - 20 is too big but I've tried.



Corruption Best Official - 2011

Corruption Best Caller - 2011

Ex Corruption Leader & Dark Ascension Council

on behalf of own u 1107

When i joined Cor in second half of 2011 , shortly after we ended up in a crashwar with Vr but Kill orgy was also crashing us with like 20 people only in f2p. Why did you post apology topic to kill orgy? Was there something behind the scene that pushed you to do this?



11 minutes ago, scuba sheli~ said:

on behalf of own u 1107

When i joined Cor in second half of 2011 , shortly after we ended up in a crashwar with Vr but Kill orgy was also crashing us with like 20 people only in f2p. Why did you post apology topic to kill orgy? Was there something behind the scene that pushed you to do this?

We were always getting crashed by people - honestly how Corruption didn't win "most hated clan" was a joke. From the moment I got off the canoe I would have people camping me and most CoR members who were known leaders or binders were the same. Having a team with a consistent 20-25 people at EVERY one of your fights is very hard to deal with when you are pulling 50-60. It also creates further difficulty when finding fights or focusing on one enemy because people know you're going to get crashed and you're fighting on multiple fronts.

We were in a process of rebuilding and we were doing well until this point, I knew it was better to save face and make myself look like an idiot for about a week (then it would be forgotten), rather than continuously deal with being crashed and harming our rebuild.

Why it happened was because I supposedly "leaked IPs" to a member of CoR who was in a rival team. I didn't - me and the guy were cross checking because we thought one of the people was a spy from EoS or VR (I forget) so we were crosschecking information on our forums with theirs.

Edited by JayJay



Corruption Best Official - 2011

Corruption Best Caller - 2011

Ex Corruption Leader & Dark Ascension Council

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