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Eternal Honour's AMA (3lite, Grug, Slaughter17, Xero)


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12 minutes ago, 3lite said:

Damage Inc had a spy in Eternal Honour and hit us on almost all of our PK trips as the clan was just beginning. 

I don't recall ever having a conventional spy in EH, but we had full forum access. In those days it was as simple as scouting the mass point once you knew the time/loc and we'd just follow you. All clans were extremely naive back then.



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How many of your memberbase was really AEST or PST as you always seemed to have a really big "late night" unit? 


DO you remember Broski having late AEST pk trips around 1pm GMT-ish? We (Estonian country clan) used to fight you a lot at those during our school breaks when people were at home? 


Do you think that you could have moved on after the 2009 with a decent leadership chance or was the closure imminent still? 





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1 hour ago, Vanzant said:

Hello lads

Hi there.

1 hour ago, Ssj said:

Most memorable EH fight?

Corruption 2009, first DI win, several times defeating VR when considered the underdog

Worst EH official?

The worst official that EH ever had in my opinion was Striker 36 (founding PK leader).


Biggest regret in EH?

1.) As mentioned earlier, doing a better job of showing folks like S17, Xero, Uber N00blet, and Jonezy50 that I valued their opinions and roles as PK leaders.  I should have let them know that I heard them.
2.) At times, my fight planning tactics were too safe.  Broski used to remind me that one doesn't become the best unless they're willing to throw punches at the big dogs.



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1 hour ago, true said:

What clan leaders did you respect the most? The least?



Did you read Brian's AMA? If so, any thoughts?

This is a really tough question because there are lots of different ways in which an individual can garner respect.  Presuming this question is about non-EH leaders given the follow up.

If I had to pick three that I respected highly:

1.) Flummbullen - I left Gladz, which I felt had a great community, because I didn't really agree with the direction of the clan and I felt that the leadership team was weak/absent.  Flumm led ST with integrity and vision.
2.) Icedrop - I saw Icedrop as a very intelligent tactical leader.
3.) Nodari - Violent Resolution attracted a group of people that was very different to Eternal Honour.  Whether it was true or not, I saw Nodari as a community leader for VR and I think that is a job that I would have failed miserably at.

Picking three that I did not respect is more challenging.  I do believe that successful clans require leaders that garner respect that the members can rally behind.  For that reason, by the nature of the top clans being successful, every major clan leader deserve respect in some way. I can find reasons to respect clans that were as different in values to EH such as RoT and NI.

I read through Brian's AMA.  While I don't think that many in EH would have considered DI to be EH's biggest rival, DI was the clan for EH to fight that got me most motivated personally.  I believe Brian's comments regarding EH were largely accurate.  My opinion of Brian is a strange one - I certainly did not hold DI in high regards 10 years ago but I no longer hold any grudges from that period.  10 years ago, I did not know Brian on a personal level.  I knew him as the figurehead of a clan that I did not like.  Seeing Brian's AMA, coupled with his help on the clan leader's perspective post I made a few months back and what others have told me about him, has given me a more personal perspective on who he is as an individual.  I believe it takes a lot of courage to do the things he has done in the AMA and by opening old DI leadership forums.  There is also no denying that DI was a massively successful clan over a substantial period of Runescape's history, which takes a strong leader. I think if I got to know him, I'd respect who he was as a person and a leader.

1 hour ago, true said:

Thoughts on @MILAD ❤️

I always had a soft spot for Milad.  He was very young when he first joined EH.  His passion for the clan got him into lots of trouble, and he was always the first to lash back at EoS or VR on Zybez.  I think throughout EH, we really saw his growth and movement from a pain in the butt for the leadership team to a caller and key motivator in the clan.


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2 hours ago, true said:

What is your all-time favorite EH victory?


The biggest, most memorable victories I had were of going toe to toe with DI and VR and winning in f2p multi before Jagex removed the wilderness.  

What was the biggest loss in EH's history?


This is a tough one to answer.  I think one that always bothered people was fighting against DI, for the length of time and effort involved, the momentum seemed firmly in EH's camp and then the server crashed, ending the fight.  DI claimed the victory based on higher numbers in their pile.  This was a tough pill for many in EH to swallow.  


What made Islamia a great leader?


Islamia was a very unique individual.  Extremely mature for his age and the kind of person that people just gravitated towards naturally.  His charisma and ability to maintain a calm demeanor in the face of anything were uncommon in that day and age.  

What were your personal biggest strengths/weaknesses?


I have never liked questions like this.  Self evaluation is difficult for a lot of people, I am no exception to that.  That being said, if I had to say what my biggest strengths were, I'm a very organized, thorough individual and I'm very meticulous in my actions and approach to any task.  I look at the objective and instantly start analyzing a way to tackle it.  I am very sure of myself once I make a decision and I am loyal to my position and I will defend anyone loyal to me with every fiber of my being.  As far as weaknesses, I cannot abide ignorant people and liars.  I struggle to swallow my pride and move away from an issue, especially if I know that I'm right and the other person is wrong.  This can lead to me escalating a conflict and I'm very stubborn, refusing to let something go.  My personality can often be viewed as abrasive or extremely assertive and this leads me to conflict with those around me, even when that is not my intent.  As such, I tend to pull back and be quiet and reserved at times in order to avoid conflict.  


What are the biggest strengths and weakness of everyone else you're doing this AMA with?


3lite - Extremely analytical and a methodical planner.  Has the best interest of those he's representing at the forefront of his actions.  Weaknesses - Too conservative and reserved.  Unwilling to take a calculated risk.  He and I have talked about this, but I feel that EH was not aggressive enough in pushing for being #1, but rather focusing on specific clans rather than stepping into the ring with anyone and taking the risk.  No risk, no reward.  Right/wrong/other, in general I viewed 3lite as rather risk averse when it came to tactical decisions for EH.  


Grug - Grug is a great person.  A genuinely good soul who made the clan better just by being there.  Grug's biggest weakness though was his inactivity.  Grug had the potential to be an amazing leader but he was never around enough to really take that next step.  This held him back.  


S17 - Trevor is a great leader.  He is someone I saw as very similar to myself in many respects so I think this led me to take him under my wing at times and help him grow.  I watched him mature a lot over the time we overlapped in the clan and I'm proud of the leader and person he's turned into.  Weaknesses - Trevor is someone who wants to see everyone succeed and this can lead to him compromising his position on a topic, even when he knows he's right, just for the sake of not upsetting a group of individuals.  A leader knows that they're not going to satisfy everyone at all times, there will be hard decisions and a good leader knows when to make those decisions rather than try and keep everyone happy.  The challenge then is how to smooth things over when you have to make those kind of decisions for the good of the clan.  


2 hours ago, Flukejiver said:

@ everyone


What's your opinion on the current clan world? 


The clan world today reminds me of the burned out husk of a star on it's way to dying.  There's been a bit of a resurgence but it will never be what it was.  It's glory days are behind it.  It has time left, but it's days are numbered.  



2 hours ago, Eric`` said:

Why did you side with df over cor in the original clusters


It came down to a difference of values and ideals.  EH felt that DF more closely aligned to those we held ourselves.  


2 hours ago, Eric`` said:

Who is e undisputed goat of eh callers 


Tough question.  A lot of people had varying strengths and weaknesses.  I was not around to see S17, Jonezy50, or even Rvcwrestler as Commanders but I did see them call often enough as members stepping up and helping.  Overall though I would have to say Uber N00blet was an exceptional caller when it came to leading a fall in and picking initial targets in f2p multi, when it came to CWA, I always enjoyed S17 and Nullusion.  


2 hours ago, Eric said:

That clan was full of nice people. 


Do you think there is place for honour / No Honour in the current clan scene?


No.  It's turned into the wild west and there is no place for a group of arbitrary rules and trust that the other party will hold to those rules and not use it to a tactical advantage.  


2 hours ago, Eric`` said:

Least favorite clan to fight


EoS was probably my least favorite to fight.  You knew what you were getting with DI, and you knew that RoT was going to crash.  You knew what you were getting with VR and Corr, DF, TT, etc.  With EoS you never knew what you were going to get.  They could go toe to toe with you and slug it out or it could be a track meet chasing people all around the wilderness.  Very frustrating not to know what to expect.  


2 hours ago, Flukejiver said:

If you had to join a current clan, who would it be and why?


Tempest.  This should be obvious as I'm an intro.  I enjoy the community and the people here are ones that I closely relate to.  


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I distinctly remember listening in on the discussion between you and Islamia about closing EH. I remember feeling like I got punched in the gut. At the time, I felt it was a selfish decision on your part to close down the clan instead of attempting to bring in new leadership.  From my perspective, there were enough people with a similar vision and ideals that could have carried on the legacy you left. However, looking back on it, now 10 years removed and with a little more life experience, I can understand why you made the decision. My question is, do you have any regrets about  the decision to close EH, and do you still feel like you made the correct choice?



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When I was in EH the most frustrating thing was the "no dragging rule" that clans exploited when they fought us -- how did this rule come to be and what were your thoughts about it?


Who was EH best caller and why was it not Milad?

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2 hours ago, true said:

Who are some EH members that you think were instrumental to the clan's success that never served as officials? 


I think the normal members of the clan don't often get enough love on these topics.  Here are some of the many that I'd like to shout out to:

Mr Mooij: Perhaps the most under the radar of the old EH members.  This guy was incredibly loyal, always binding, and was with EH from its start to near its end.
Rocky238: An awesome motivator who used to wake up at 5 am to attend fights with us.
Alex Osu: Our clan videographer and a really passionate member; though he needs to train up in Runescape like he does irl.
Cackerot, XXXjay666, and Archerpower0: Leaders of the snipe unit and great tanks.
S2 Guh S2, Armorhelmet3, Decceiver: Leaders of our Brazilian unit.


What kind of drama did EH have behind the scenes?


I don't really remember any major drama-causing events.

What mid-size/smaller clans did you respect the most and felt carried similar values to EH?


EH had a lot of respect for many of the country clans - in particular TRWF, RDC, MMA, and LF.  However, they were all fairly larger sized clans.  We maintained a good relationship with Gladz and "The" during later periods, though I would consider them to be very different clans to EH.  Many of our miniwar, training, or matched option fights were with the aforementioned clans.

At the time, I felt the clan with the most similar values to EH was probably TT or RSD.


What are your thoughts on WG and His Lordship?

I don't know His Lordship well, so I can't comment.  I used to view him as a bit of a clan world historian, so I see him as a potentially valuable source of knowledge for the old days (future AMA?).


1 hour ago, J0ey said:

would you ever consider reopening eh

I don't think so.  I'm an old family man now with a demanding job.  I couldn't realistically dedicate the time necessary to building and running a successful clan without major detriment to my real life obligations.


1 hour ago, true said:

Who is the most non-EH EH member of all time? 

This one is a challenge.  Going to go with Oergg. I don't know the guy at all or anything about his personality, all I know is that he made a spreadsheet to track magic experience gained during fights to see who was binding.  That is a pretty dang EH thing to do.


1 hour ago, true said:

Is there anything you wish EH achieved that it did not?

I have no regrets on EH's achievements and feel we accomplished everything we had hoped throughout our history.  I believe we had a positive impact on the clan world with our time in the sun.

What are some things you learned from clanning that apply to your daily life today?

I began clanning when I was 15 years old and became a leader of EH when I was approximately 17.  It is hard for me to disentangle what I learned in those formative years with the normal development process, but I do believe clanning had an impact on who I became as a person today.  Here are a few random things:

1.) One of my primary roles in EH was as a strategist, analyzing different potential scenarios and outcomes.  My real life job largely involves simulation modeling of fish and wildlife management scenarios.
2.) I lead a team in real life of approximately 45 staff members.  In EH, I learned that the individuals on your team can be best suited to tasks that interest them.  Allowing individuals to work on those tasks gives them a sense of fulfillment and helps to move the task that needs to be done forward. 

What is your thoughts on the United Nations of Clans? Did it ever make a difference?

I remember that it was a thing but don't remember any effective, clan world defining decisions coming from it.  I think it'd be more relevant (but also more unrealistic and probably impossible) in the current clan world.  A decade ago, there wasn't great inter-clan incentives to abide by rules that create a better clan community.  In the current period, a clan world that has a few rules that make the game more enjoyable to everyone could foster growth of the clan world and improve recruitment prospects for everyone.

Link us an EH YouTube video that you think we'll like!




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2 hours ago, Dickus said:

Thinking back on all of it, which moments would you point to as the high and low points of the clan?

For me personally, I had a period of inactivity in 2008 where I was a leader, but for several months, I wasn't really following along with what the clan was doing.  When I returned, I saw EH in the lowest state that it had ever been.  The clan was fighting SE and Col rather than the more established clans, which were strong clans in their own right, but generally had smaller pulls.  It was really disheartening coming back to that, but we quickly rebuilt and got out of the slump we were in.

There were too many high points for me to pick just one.  As mentioned earlier, I think the first time we beat DI was a big moment for the clan.

1 hour ago, Pietru said:

Worst loss that EH had in your opinions?

8-10 hour fight with DI where RoT crashed and turned the tide of the fight.

1 hour ago, Flukejiver said:

Whats the most NH thing you've ever done?

In my very early clanning days, I was a level 78 in Gladiatorz.  In my first official miniwar, I pked a set of full rune, which was approximately worth my bank.  I looted it and logged out to pretend like I DCed.

Edited by 3lite
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35 minutes ago, Secret Agent said:

When I was in EH the most frustrating thing was the "no dragging rule" that clans exploited when they fought us -- how did this rule come to be and what were your thoughts about it?


Who was EH best caller and why was it not Milad?

This was always an unspoken rule between clans when fighting. We just refused to drop to that level in order to try and win a fight.

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2 hours ago, true said:

What is your all-time favorite EH victory?

For me, there is almost no question that it was EH vs DF on that Friday in early May. Multiple reasons for it; we had just beat DF in a miniwar and capped PKRI. We were on the rise with a huge surge of numbers (primarily AEST members) and climbing the ranks in the minds of many. We had beaten every clan one spot above us in the months prior. We felt we were ready to take down DF in a huge prep PKRI... and then it all happened by accident! ? I'll never forget 3lite dragging me into Staff Infection on Vent right after DF hunted our 100opt non-mand PK and telling us this was a terrible decision and we should end. For the first and (likely only) time, I may have won an argument against him. We stayed and beat them in a 9+ hour PKRI, putting us at the top of the charts for the first and only time.  

Fight topic here:


What was the biggest loss in EH's history?

For me, this is the '3lite castle' fight against Cor. Obviously there was a lot riding on it, being 3lite's retirement scrap. But also the fact that Cor were clearly the first people to drag to the castle, which led to us going there, resulting in a lot of flaming and ridiculing on Zybez. As we lost the fight, the propaganda was easy to start on the first post and from there it went downhill, and that place was pretty much named 3lite's castle from then on. Personally, I felt terrible and even partially responsible (as I did for many losses) that we couldn't give 3lite the sendoff his clanning career deserved and that the castle ended up being his last memory & the legacy other clans could chirp him for.

What made Islamia a great leader?

He was thoughtful, charismatic, methodical, stern, and a just man. He was the perfect replacement for Broski. He was easy to like, easy to befriend, easy to talk to. But he was equally stern, somber, and serious when he needed to be. When he spoke, everyone would shut up and listen carefully. When he applied discipline, it was never questioned. He rarely, if ever, made mistakes in terms of who to fight, and when. He developed his calling over time when we were really struggling for callers, especially deep into fights late at night.

He sacrificed so much for me, as there was a period throughout 2009 where I was dying 80-100 times per weekend and struggling to make money. He'd stay up all night and help me double RC's, or splash in that pvp zone to get emblems for money. Crazy stuff to do for a friend. 

What were your personal biggest strengths/weaknesses?

This is a broad question so I'll try to answer it within the context of the game. 

I think it's fair to say my strength was in my calling. I prided myself on finding piles that members could easily find. EH felt like an extension of my arm. I felt as though they could trust me when I was calling. I had chemistry with the memberbase in terms of in game performance and in that era, it would be so important to have that. Rarely felt like I had an "off night" or bad performance.

In terms of my weakness, well, that has been pointed out by the others in other questions -- but I think it was being 'swayed' / trying to appease certain members, potentially at the expense of others. For instance, I was primarily focused on our fights. I didn't go to many community events, and as a result, would sometimes plan wars at the same time as these events. This would make some members upset (as they were member hosted and a staple of our community), and I think generally I began to rub certain people the wrong way in that regard.

What are the biggest strengths and weakness of everyone else you're doing this AMA with?


Grug is lighthearted and easy going. He was a great community leader and had the respect of everyone, having been around for so long. Grug's weakness - and he'll be the first to tell you - was his inactivity. He hardly seemed to be around by the time I was ranked in the clan. He was in a tough timezone + had a full time job. It wasn't until I was in the high leadership as Holy Commander that I really saw his influence on the clan in the top leadership forums and IRC channel. 



It's been acknowledged already, but 3lite was very conservative with his fights. He would often turn down fights that I thought were winnable and that would sometimes cause clashes between the two of us. Especially in that era, I had a strong belief that history favours the bold. It was only with age and a little humble pie (let's pretend to call it wisdom) that I began to understand how that weakness also, paradoxically, was his strength. 3lite was very strategic and had been around for a long, long time. He had great intuition and his strategies tended to work out. Let's just say that we probably wouldn't have made the run we did in the Spring of 2009 without 3lite at the helm.



Xero was maybe the top caller of his time. I just loved the way he led. He was so clear, so concise, was a great tank, really the only one who was transitioning in that era as opposed to calling fall ins. I only learned later on that he was doing it all with a trackpad. What a fucking lunatic. His weakness would probably have been him talking on forums in italics. That shit was cancer.















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