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D2Master12 - AMA


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You should've stayed Exodus ? I really enjoyed the few fights we had after Syndicate mass joined. I think we literally PKed every day until you guys left :hash:. You, FM11, Hios, Lukas, J221, Doom of Gods & Sipstrassi was definitely our peak calling line-up, shame it didn't last too long. 


Although, you left us with Hios & Hscrusader which I'm grateful for, they ended up being very important members / officials for Exodus. Has anyone seen Hios around over the last few years?


If this hasn't been answered already - what happened to Lukas1400? Do you still keep in contact with him / anyone that used to play RS.

Edited by Dark Invoker
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What clans did you enjoy fighting the most/enjoy fighting the least in VR and why?


Who were some memorable people in VR?


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Tempest Old School

~ Dear You ~





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10 hours ago, Adam_ said:

It sounds like you and Lukas were pretty close but he disappeared after retiring from VR - what's happened to him? Do you keep in touch? And more rs related - what were your favorite and least favorite things about him as a clanner/leader?


Unforantely I have no idea what happened to Lukas. My best guess is that he changed all of his passwords on everything, quit and never looked back. When Lukas is done with something he is done for good. I wish we still kept in touch but I lost all contact with him. 
My favorite thing about him was how dedicated to the cause he was. He was the #1 person I could count on in game. From a leading standpoint, you really need at least 2 guys to make a lot of ground on a clan. We would usually space out our fall ins so that I would lead, then someone else, then Lukas so that 1 of us could always be in game calling. He also was extremely loyal to the people he was close with. For example, he did not force me to join Syndicate, we talked about it and (although selfish to all the CoR) I thought it would be the most fun for me to do before I retired. If I would have told him no and that we were going to stay in CoR he would have done that too. Sometimes I wonder if how things would have played out if we both stayed CoR and I got leader. 

My least favorite thing about him is that he created a lot of enemies and destroyed a lot of relationships as he moved on. It's easy for me to defend Lukas because I think his in game work speaks for itself (leading at a top level for years for huge fights) but I also think a lot of what he accomplished isnt appreciated from the community because of the way he went about getting things. Nonetheless, I still think he was a cool personality and interesting for the clan community to have had to deal with. Hate him or love him, people like Lukas is what made clanning interesting. 


10 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What's the most NH thing you've ever done / been involved in?


I killed a few CoR while I was in VR with VR fall ins during their 1v1 fights before the crash wars. I cant remember doing anything NH. I thought NH stuff needed to stay out of the



10 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Did you ever consider jumping ship other than the times mentioned in the original post from any of the clans you were in? Why?


Never. In fact quitting CoR to make Syndicate was the first time I even thought about quitting. I was planning on just retiring. But creating a new clan was an alternative option that sounded like more fun. I was always an all in kind of guy. I couldnt be in a clan with one half in and one half out. Plus I always enjoyed the clans that I was in. In general, I'm not really a person who wonders if the grass is greener on the other side. I'm more of a person that is going to make the best out of where I am.


10 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Clan you respected the most (that you weren't in)? Least?


I respected DF the most. They were a powerhouse F2P can and I loved the rivalry fights that I had against them in CoR and VR. I never really wanted to join them, but I thought they had a great combo of good callers, leaders, snipers, binders, people who would return, etc. I also respected that they always floated around the top 3 and usually never dropped below the top 5 for so many years.


I guess I would have to say I respected EOS the least. This is really tough to say because I respected them also, but in an era of CoR, VR, TT, RSD, DI, EOS I dont know who else you can choose. I say EOS because they tended to have the lowest levels and worst tanks. Although they could return really well and I think were actually the first clan after the CWA era to start the strategy of returning until you win even if you are getting smashed (and took #1 for a short period). It might just be me but I remember a lot of them returning in welfare gear and I always felt like I had a field day whenever I fought them because I could pick out so many easy targets. They kept closing so many times too that I thought they started to diminish their legacy. I don't like having EOS as my answer because they have such a big legacy, but seriously who  else can you say here? xD


10 hours ago, Adam_ said:


Most overrated clan?

TT - In my opinion TT rose to fame and took #1 during the CWA era where clans could not return and were forced to fight in an arena for 1 death fight with a 100 person max cap. They had the best tanks in the game and had at least 30 guys that were absolute beasts. They also implemented a lot of good warring tactics that before any other clan that gave them the edge pretty much through the entire CWA no returning era. But this was in CWA and fortunately it did not last that long because I think most of us missed returning PKRI's. That being said, everyone who had a semi understanding of what was going on was a good tank in this era. Even if you were fighting against 80 people, you realistically were only getting attacked by like 65 people because 15 were snipping/spread out and you were in an arena that was really easy to hug/get people off you. In my opinion TT started to decline when returning came back in CWA and continued to decline when the wilderness came out. The CWA did not last very long but since TT was so dominate they made a really big impression on the clan world and I think they get way more credit than they deserve. I'm not saying they werent good in other eras, but they basically normalized back to like top 5 when returning came back. I think they also get overrated because they had d0nts r4ng3r as their #1 fall in leader. D0nts is easily in my top 5 best fall in leaders of all time. He was 1 of the best tanks in the history of the game and he could pick out the best targets vs any clan. He was really tough to go toe to toe with and not let him get an advantage in kills when you were fighting against him. I think D0nts greatness carries over to TT's greatness meaning a lot of people will overrate TT just because D0nts was such a beast. 


10 hours ago, Adam_ said:


How many current clans do you know anything about? Thoughts on the ones you know?

Pretty much none. I know VR still pks every day and still has the same clan leaders as before. That is super impressive. I knew that Tempest had A LOT of old school guys and they look good. I know DF is still around. I know EOS reopened. That's about it. I heard a clan called Frontline has been smashing ROT. Good job to them. They seem like a badass clan.


10 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What's the worst/most fucked up thing someone did in your team as leadership in any clan that you ended up having to remove them for?

There was a guy named full sorrow in CoR who was their webmaster for a short time. We caught him selling webspace on CoR's site and doing when the leadership team caught him, I think I remember him trying to shut down the forums instead of just getting the fuck out xD he was also a pretty useless member in game. i remember him talking about being a big staker but idk if any real stakers actually knew of him


10 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What's the dumbest thing you had to remove someone for? Whether it was just them doing something really pointless but really stupid, or a clan rule that you may not have necessarily felt warranted them getting the boot.

I cant really remember anything worth of saying for this question. Every now and then there would be random spaz kids that got into our clans and would annoy everyone in irc/ts/in game etc. I was pretty cool with letting people get away with things if they could back it up with their performance in game, but if you were shit in game too you usually got kicked for just being annoying/a shit member. they usually did something that warranted themselves to get kicked and clan members would send evidence of why they should get kicked etc. 


10 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Do you ever see yourself coming back to OSRS in any capacity? What would it take to get you to return? Would you return to VR? Another clan? Start your own? Or stay out of warring/PvP entirely?

I'm not going to play RS again but I might stick around the community (forums/discord). Nothing would get me to return. If I were to return to the game I would rejoin VR though. I would want to train up my own account but I'm not willing to put in the time to do so. I know I could be given a maxed account but there is a sense of appreciation that you get when you train your own account up and I wouldn't even feel comfortable playing on an account that I didnt make.


10 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Did you enjoy other aspects of the game outside of warring/pvp when you played?

I liked playing the game in general a lot. I liked doing god wars and made easily $500m+ from it. I also liked skilling in general but most of my stats were just to show people that I played the game. I got 91 rc, 85 minning, 85 slayer, etc just show other clans that even if I died 100 times in 1 weekend that there was no way I was going to have my bank cleaned. Not having enough money is what made a lot of the top fall in leaders legacy short lived. When I retired I think I had close to $1b. Idk how much in value that is nowadays but back you literally could do anything you wanted.


10 hours ago, Adam_ said:

If you could kick the shit out of one person you met clanning over the years who would it be and why?

Veseble. It's not his fault but that VESEBLE VESEBLE VESEBLE video still pisses me off. Every time I saw Veseble I would think of that video of Silverthug screaming his name and for some reason wanted to take it out on him xD



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Corruption High Council -> Syndicate Leader -> Exodus Warlord -> Violent Resolution Warlord

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11 hours ago, Howl said:

What are your thoughts on these current clans?

honestly, i dont really know anything about the current state of clans. below are just my initial thoughts


Tempest  - a lot of old school people in the clan with a lot of experience. hope they are doing well

Rev - don't know anything about them. went on their forums to look for someone familiar but was unable to find any

AF - glad af is still open. a lot af joined vr and they were all really good members. so hopefully they are doing well now

DF - hope theyre doing well. i dont see too many old faces still in active leadership roles but i'm sure they have a bunch of old school guys around

RoT - hopefully they die soon xD not only did they do nh stuff in game, but they did a bunch of nh outside of the game

SV  - don't know anything about them. went on their forums to look for someone familiar but was unable to find any. didnt really look hard at this point though

DR - couldnt find their forums


Edited by D2master12
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Corruption High Council -> Syndicate Leader -> Exodus Warlord -> Violent Resolution Warlord

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11 hours ago, true said:

Did it freak you out that VR gave him so many chances?

No. If Evizu or Cera S6 were willing to give him another chance then so was I. Evizu is such a mastermind that you never have to question what he's doing. He always has his best intentions for the clan. I think all of VR also feels this way which is why he was always welcomed back

Corruption High Council -> Syndicate Leader -> Exodus Warlord -> Violent Resolution Warlord

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11 hours ago, true said:

Who are the top 5 worst officials you've worked with and why?


#1 kaochin - for all the reasons that I already mentioned

#2 demonchild - was more concerned with himself than he was for his own clan and everyone in it

there were plenty of other poor officials but i respected anyone who wanted to contribute and tried. the realitiy is just that some people arent any good. but i still appreciate them trying to do something to contribute


11 hours ago, true said:

Did you ever deploy spies in other clans?


Yes. I actually put 1 of my second accounts in VR when I was in CoR. I only used it to hunt them though. Truth be told I actually enjoyed being in VR and when CoR wasn't fighting and VR was I would do my best in game for VR. I think that's why they never found out my second account was a spy because It was a good member in game xD. 


11 hours ago, true said:

What mid-size clans did you respect the most?


The Rising. They had a lot of respectable leaders and members. I think at their prime they even broke into the top #5 for short spurts. They could return too. They just didn't have enough numbers to compete consistently with the top 5.


Corruption High Council -> Syndicate Leader -> Exodus Warlord -> Violent Resolution Warlord

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Do you have any thoughts on the current box meta? Do you think you would still enjoy F2P warring in this capacity?


Is there an aspect of the game in the era you played that you would've changed if you could've?

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don't be the third whale

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10 hours ago, RagingPanda said:

Thoughts of clans from your time in VR (09-10)


My memory may be off but I think this time was during the crash war. so my replies will be based on that era.


VR - I think they achieved the highest strength than any clan in the history of the game. If my memory is correct this was the time when VR had what I consider the best fall in line up in the history in the game and were fighting clans 1v3 / 1v2 / etc. They also had a mass joining from DI, AF, FF.  It was a good time to be VR. We welcomed the challenge and weren't afraid to fight any/everyone.


DF - I think DF was still pretty strong at this point but VR was too massive for even DF to deal with. I think DF eventually leveled back out but I feel like they were in a bit a of slump to their own standards floating around the top #3. 


DI - I don't remember DI doing too much in F2P at this time. They were always kind of floating around the top 5 and a fun clan to fight. I don't think they participated in the crash war so we didn't see too much of them. They were probably running shit in p2p.


TT - I think they were slumping and starting to really weaken at this point. I dont think their members enjoyed the crash war and started retiring. Their prime had already past and I dont remember them being significant


RSD - They were still a force but I dont think they really had many fights during this time. They could compete with anyone but didnt pk too much from what i remember because everyone else was tied up in the crash war


Cor - I think they were slumping a bit because of the crash war. They still had a significant impact but they started pulling less options than they should have. i think they tended to stick to having their own piles and were pretty easy to roll through because they were greatly out numbered. 


EH - Can't remember if they had closed yet or not. Eh was the first domino to fall in my opinion in terms of top clans closing. I wish they didnt close because I feel like this gave other clans the, "OK" to close since EH did. They had a strong leadership base/members. I dont think I ever knew the reason why they closed.


SE - They were a skilled non returning warring clan. they had wins over a lot of top clans in 30v30 fights and fights of that nature. Not sure if they were into pki's but they seemed to know what to do in warring and probably would have made great members in bigger clans



Corruption High Council -> Syndicate Leader -> Exodus Warlord -> Violent Resolution Warlord

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10 hours ago, I Kill Batty said:

As a figure in this man's early days, are you able to deduce for us why @Eric`` is a complete spastic?

he probably picked up bad habits from robtokill xD

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Corruption High Council -> Syndicate Leader -> Exodus Warlord -> Violent Resolution Warlord

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10 hours ago, true said:

Were you involved at all with the ddosing stuff VR was doing during the first major crash war?



No I wasn't. I never participated in it nor encouraged it. I'm pretty sure RoT started ddosing. ddosing was pretty shitty and should not have happened. it got way too out of control and to be honest it seemed like, "fighting fire with fire" was the solution to this. i dont think anyone should participate in ddosing, but vr had the resources to fight back and protected a lot of their members. for example, if someone ddosed a vr member then vr would ddos that clan back. it was a really stupid time that i'm sure everyone hated but i'm glad vr were pretty aggressive with it because people were afraid to fuck with us. i was never apart of what happened but i dont think it got abused in vr

Corruption High Council -> Syndicate Leader -> Exodus Warlord -> Violent Resolution Warlord

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