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The Call of Legends AMA - King_Obina - Aiorya - Frank - Victor


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Always enjoyed fighting you guys. I remember TCL had some great members like MrLolz, Srt and the tank-bait king Moska that I thought would've made great additions to the clans / team I was in at the time. Nothing but respect from fights against you with dwood, se, sol and gen.


Which clans did TCL hold in high regard? Alternatively, which clans did you guys dislike? 


Who is the most influential figure in TCL history?








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58 minutes ago, Juri said:

How many of your actually know each other irl?

Has that ever been a thing in Brazilian country clans? 

I know BigbigOK , Aiorya and Skinny_Bmx IRL yes that is a thing, WL does big IRL encounters every year.


Ex The Call Of Legends (2008 - 2012) - Intro - Fa - Legend - Senior - Motm - Fa Manager - Council

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27 minutes ago, true said:



What were your thoughts on your time in DF? Thoughts on current day DF?

The clan who helped me become near perfection, but it became like a evil pact where I had a cost to pay. I can guess DF nowadays its a clan/community private like thing, I know they still exist, still have some friends there and Daniel F is my irl friend.


30 minutes ago, Kurazita said:

What was TCL's opinion back then when WL's leader basically deleted Hell Army's forums? 


Did you guys ever had problems with spies?

Back then, one side of me would say thats a wrong thing to do, the other would say I dont care as long it isnt our forums.


Every clan had problems with spies. We had spies spying on us and we also had our spies in WL and HA. But the best of all was the staff member of WL who did spy for us, they even lended us the forum account 


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Did you have to consider the Libertadores Cup schedule when setting fights up? 


Did people leaving to watch a match ever costed you a fight?




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29 minutes ago, Eric said:

What do you think made Brazilians choose MMA or WL over TCL?


Why do you think people chose TCL over other brazilian clans?

Friends and friends to both questions, because people made their decisions that way.


29 minutes ago, Pietru said:

How do you think TCL would fare in today's clan world?


You guys were probably my favorite brazil clan back then, it was always a pleasure fighting you

If we had the same numbers back then, we would be one of the top clans atm. If we were to open right now it would be difficult to catch up with Tempest and other clans put we would put effort into it I guess


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What did/do you guys think of True as a leader?


For those who were/are in the most recent iteration of WL, can you elaborate on what happened that caused the incident earlier in the year where RoT were doxing a ton of ppl from WL and posting their irls? Was it just for helping clans they are currently in a crash war with, or was there more to it? Did you do anything in retaliation (I use the term retaliation lightly because i'm not expecting you to have done anything similar back, but hey, maybe)?


What do you guys think of Arroz if you know anything about them?


What are your opinions on 3rd party client and plugin usage for warring?


If more clans were open to allowing multi clanning with country clans, and you wanted to join an international clan, what one would you pick? Why?


What do you think of the following clans?:















What do you guys think of pure clans?


What are the main differences between country clans in the past and those of modern day would you say? 


Were there any instances of TCL members doing out of game stuff or other notably bad things that resulted in them either being removed or reprimanded? 


Were there any members you removed from TCL that you didn't necessarily agree with removing?


For @Victor and @Frankventura what drew you to Tempest? How were you convinced to join?


For @King_Obina how hard has True tried recruiting you?


For @Frankventura was there more to you leaving WL than just them taking RWT sponsorships ? 


For @Aiorya would you consider coming back to the game even in a far less active manner? If yeah would you want to get involved in clanning again? What clan(s)? 








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In your opinion, what makes you think TCL didn't have a community as strong as WL's? 


Any remarkable reasons about members who got kicked/banned/warned?


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For @true : Who in the clan world needs their ass kicked? Feel free to choose 1 or multiple people in each clan if you feel a lot of asskicking is needed 










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1 hour ago, true said:



What were your thoughts on your time in DF? Thoughts on current day DF?

DF was a nice home where I found a lot of friendly ppl like Rene, You, Pengy, Rohan and many others. You guys helped me a lot during tough times.

53 minutes ago, Eric said:

What do you think made Brazilians choose MMA or WL over TCL?


Why do you think people chose TCL over other brazilian clans?


Did Pele really had his first sex relationship with a male kid?

Nothing actually we knew ppl are choose to free whatever they wanted to even if that means not being in the best clan xD

53 minutes ago, Pietru said:

How do you think TCL would fare in today's clan world?


You guys were probably my favorite brazil clan back then, it was always a pleasure fighting you

I guess if we have the same community we would be on #5-10




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1 hour ago, King_Obina said:

Finnish (You guys are crazy good at this game, congrats)
Luso-Brozil (TCL/WL/HA back in the day would lose mostly to Fools but could tangle/win of the above most of the time)

Dutch (Had solid clans like VIT)

Lithuanian (Always had good fights with the Lithuanian, LDK back in the day pulled huge numbers)

Australian (had constant wins over CL, but they have that timezone stuff, I don't remember other Aussie clans)

Latvian (never fought you guys)


Latvian were pmuch pre-BH and Lithuanias main competitors. Notable Aussie clans were CL, DS, AA and to some extent TNC had a high Aussie count too, idr if they were actually marketed as an Aussie clan.






Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



RSN: South Tyrol

Leader of REIGN community since 2004 - Undisputably the best gaming community in history.

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games. Now too busy.



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1 hour ago, Eric said:

How do you think Brazil losing to Germany 7-1 would have affected TCL if it remained open in 2014?

That match I watched it with Divine Forces people back then and I remember how Drag Ahrimps felt back that day ahahah


24 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

What did/do you guys think of True as a leader?

Don't know True other than being a leader. He was always a leader when I was DF and now that I'm joining Tempest also. And he is that person that looks to know about the members to help them improve. True knows because we talked about it recently, but if True didn't go inactive back when I left DF, maybe still today I would be DF (but I still find it difficult).


28 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

What are your opinions on 3rd party client and plugin usage for warring?

Totally against it. I use runelite because it is jagex reviewed but jagex is free of responsabilities if something bad happens from it. I find those plugins an unfair advantage because it gives you visual of things you can do just normally if you are an experienced warrer. In my opinion, Jagex should release a client as good as runelite and dont allow the use of all other clients or make runelite their official client and still restrict all other clients.


32 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

For @Victor and @Frankventura what drew you to Tempest? How were you convinced to join?


For @Frankventura was there more to you leaving WL than just them taking RWT sponsorships ? 

1st Question - Friends drew me to Tempest. I could use as many refs as I wanted to join. Its been a year since True, Victor, David and others tried, but true was the one who tried more often and I was available at the moment to take on the challenge despite having a busy irl.

2nd Question - It was all about the sponsorships. The first day it came out I was crystal clear that if the sponsor was still there in the next 2 hours I would leave and that was it. As a Pmod, I couldn't be with a clan supporting rwt ads of things that I and Jagex fight against. It would be supporting a thing that I wished it closed the following day, thats no sense so I left.

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