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1 hour ago, Adam_ said:

Does firehands need his ass kicked?


Who in the Tempest community besides firehands needs their ass kicked?


Who outside Tempest's community need their ass kicked?


Did you really put your fist in your ass?

Yeah, enough to break some skin.




Probably that Robduct guy from DF (only posting cuz he'll be very proud I mentioned him)


I wish I was that flexible.


1 hour ago, Howl said:

Who in Tempest needs a WWE-style beatdown?


  • sus 1
  • pepesus 1


1 hour ago, Nick said:

favorite and least favorite moments of every clan you've been in?


  • Defeating FT in a 2-hour cap PKRI. They were the class of Sals for several years and it was huge for us.
  • Losing our raw rank to Phoenix Elites in January 2008.



  • Defeating EH uncapped. CR was pulling 25-30 when I joined, six months later we were putting 80+ on week preps and defeating top-10 clans. I always looked up to EH and I really had to sit back afterwards and be like, woah look at what we did.
  • Each time I quit. I was important to CR, I knew that. But my struggles with the head decision makers made a very toxic relationship. I always used quitting as leverage and it caused long-term issues. 



  • Coining 2012 as "Return of the Kings" and defeating RSD for #1 on January 2nd. Fuck you @Rclav



  • Losing the 2012 Jagex Cup to an unnamed clan. @IMK and I got fried.




Best & worst (Ily @Gochance1)




  • PMDark/Spin Cycle fight. 
  • A friend's departure. 
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5 hours ago, Icedragon D said:

If you could recruit 10 people who are still semi-active around the clanning community to Tempest, who would they be?

@IMK- Every Oliver needs his Diggle

@sheli~ - Needs ass kicked IRL

@Bunty - Just cuz he's the 🐐

Rene - Everything you want in a friend, official, member, murder victim etc.

@Applerune - Has a lot of friends here and I feel like he'd be a good fit 

@Lrd - Would love having this guy around

@Crest227- Fuck it

@Ells - Come back home 

@King_Obina Love this guy

@Pope - Training slowly but surely, but hope he finally apps soon

@Shamonk - Needs ass kicked

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2 hours ago, Adam_ said:

In a clan world with very few and a seemingly decreasing amount of clans that don't take things out of game, especially with so many older casual players, why do you think Tempest was seemingly hit harder than many other clans with login locking on their accounts and potentially other out of game tactics? Do you think older/og accounts and thus RSNs being easier to guess played a role?


What are 5 clans you'd like to see reopen? Since a pretty high number of possible answers would likely include people leaving Tempest as a lot of them are here now, you can pretend that wouldn't be the case for the sake of this question.


How did the rumor of you selling DF info after your departure from the clan get started?

We were a new clan with old clanners. A lot of our login names were just.. available to the public from being around forever. I also think they thought we'd fold pretty easily after a few attacks. Overall we came out stronger and banded together, so ye.






Real TR


No idea

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2 hours ago, Vanuckle said:

Tell me a story about Rene.

If you forum readers have met or interacted with Rene, you'll know he's one of the most genuine and best people that's ever played this game. He's way too good for the rest of us.


Rene and I were still good friends for about a year after I quit DF, but eventually he stopped coming around our TS, stopped typing in our Discord and didn't really reach out. I didn't think much of it, I figured he made a silly decision and just rolled on along with it.


Fast forward to just before he stepped down in DF 8 or so months ago. He reached out for a first time in a while and we had what I'd call the most meaningful conversation I've had since returning to the game. I won't go into the details of it, but it was a reminder of how good of a dude Rene is. Whatever the future holds for him he's going to be great at it. I'm glad we're "friends" again.

  • heart 2


2 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What are your honest thoughts on me?


Is there anyone you used to think I was back near the time I arrived? What did you think I was up to? 

I love your enthusiasm for a PVP, a community you weren't officially apart of at any point. You can talk a lot sometimes, but I enjoy your presence in our community.


I got you mixed up with some dude named RSN Alex who was an ex-ROT intro.

  • heart 1


2 hours ago, Pietru said:

What's your favourite clan out of the current ones (excluding Tempest) and why?


How was the experience of shifting from F2P to entirely P2P with DF?


Any members you didn't particularly like at the time of them joining who you actually like now?


Will we ever get a female caller in Tempest?



It was some of the most fun I've had on RS. Rarely can you say the entire clan world doubted you, but they did. Every clan I had spoken to essentially written us off with the embargo and thought we'd crumble without F2P. We got really aggressive in P2P, basically hitting any embargoing clan that popped up on our scout bots in both timezones and ran them out of the wilderness. The F2P embargo on DF started like March 2017, we won the 100v100 P2P CJ Tourny just a few months later. DF members embraced it, they were dogs about it and doubters really fueled our strength. The energy was something else.




Waiting for @keirezz

  • sus 1
  • sushmm 1


What unexpected hurdles have you come across in your first year of leading Tempest?


In your clan career, who are some of your strangest or most unexpected allies? Do you have any stories about them?


Rank the following gays of DF’s history in order of smashability:








the white bear






Will you get matching Brutal Forces tattoos with me?


Tell me a story about anything weird that happened in Silent Ember behind the scenes that people might not know about. 


Not fishing for a compliment, just genuinely curious - you messaged me on August 6th inviting me to join Tempest discord. This was obviously done intentionally by you as a skilled recruiter. Was I supposed to be part of the original memberlist and my lack of enthusiasm/reliability in the past put me on the back burner?






2 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Do you think Tempest will get more and more involved in P2p over time? It seems like you have some members who really dislike P2p, while there may be others who wish it happened a bit more, though it does seem like you guys are doing it more than some months ago.


A few weeks ago when we were talking briefly on RS, you mentioned something about wanting to rail @VirgoVaca. Does he know? Does he consent? Why did you feel the need to describe to me, in detail, how badly you wanted to rail him? 

Not sure if more is the right term, but we'll probably swap out some of the Single Spells for Multi-Spells for variety. We've always left the door open to supplement our schedule with P2P, but considering our ML size, we usually have a bit of flexibility to sit people that aren't too hot on P2P. Most will come if needed and have a good attitude about it.


Lmfao, nice try. Virgo is my guy though.

  • pepesus 1


We're doing this again? Should we have just let AMA's die instead?


Where did Shinobi go? Did you find out if he was still shredded?


What intrigues you about the leadership role?


What do you think was the most valuable lesson you learned from all of your clan experiences?


In spite of all of the personal issues during your time as DF leader, why did you feel like you had to open Tempest? Has it helped you, or is there still work to do?


We've discussed how DF was extremely hard to lead because of the personalities in it, what do you think caused this?


Rank them - DF leaders all time, yourself included. Give your best guess if you weren't in the clan scene during their reign, and say why for each.


Edited by Bunty
  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Adam_ said:


Who spied on DF in your time in the clan (as leader or otherwise)? Who did they spy for? How did you catch them, did any of them admit to it? 


We didn't get that many spies during my tenure as Leader thankfully. There was definitely a long-term ROT spy (or maybe a few..) between end of 2014 and 2016, but I think they were soft spying and not consistency feeding information. I tried to get it out of Derek over a year ago, but he wouldn't budge.


He denied it, but I'll go to my grave@N FOREST3 spied on us while he spied on AF for ROT, even if it was short-lived. It just helps me sleep at night.


We had that Panic Twitch guy from AF spy on us for ROT. It was pretty weird since he was using a family member's illness to cover his inactive spurts, but he was spying like 100mph ROT pride the entire time. They basically exposed it themselves when he was ready to join ROT. He was only there for like two months though.


And I guess Jim was spying when I was still Leader, probably.


Has there been anyone to leak apart from Ammastus and Batty since Tempest opened? I think before I even registered on forums I saw something that was allegedly tempest private chat (very well could have not been) posted on Twitter. Though I believe i'd also heard it was perhaps not a leak obtained through usual means - but perhaps a compromised discord account? Is there any truth to this? Yeah someone got schlonged on Discord by a fake official, but we've ben pretty tight on security-related things since we've opened, rarely letting in people from outside of our social circles. There may have been a rat and a half near the start, but we're very diligent. 


Are there any people who were around in Tempest at the beginning or even between then and now who aren't playing anymore you thought would be around longer? Are there any people you thought would be long gone by now but have stuck around? I thought (and hoped)  @Teemo would be here long-term. I really loved having him around. And not really, I tried not to come in thinking like that.


2 hours ago, Adam_ said:

If Tempest closed today due to reasons out of your control but you still had a desire to be clanning, where would you go? 

I don't think any current clan would really fit me, but if I had to join a clan I'd join PD or make Murray pretend to like me.

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2 hours ago, Flukejiver said:

most expensive pair of shoes you bought?


do you actually wear them? lol

I don't buy anything super expensive, I just like to window shop. I have a few pairs in the 200-300 range, including those Shadow 2.0's I snapped you the other day. I rarely wear them, but we're also in a pandemic right now. I want to do a bit of traveling early next year so I'll bust them out in Vegas or something. 


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