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Eternal Honour's AMA (3lite, Grug, Slaughter17, Xero)


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5 hours ago, true said:

Is there anything you wish EH achieved that it did not?

I wish we could have held #1 for longer.

What are some things you learned from clanning that apply to your daily life today?

Respect, time management, how to organize business and people, and the importance of character. In my early clanning career, I hopped through a few clans and that word was spread around about me. I realized that people talked, & how hard it is to build a sterling reputation. I learned how hard it is to build that reputation, and how quickly you can lose it. I learned to be the best person you can be at all times, because you never know who is watching. Learned to always be networking, always be kind, and always be on time. Learned you can't always control what others are doing; so focus on yourself, your response, and being the best person you can be.

What is your thoughts on the United Nations of Clans? Did it ever make a difference?

Was never really involved.

Link us an EH YouTube video that you think we'll like!

One of only 2-3 videos remaining that showcase me calling back in those days lmao.















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5 hours ago, Dickus said:

Thinking back on all of it, which moments would you point to as the high and low points of the clan?

High point:

Mentioned it before, but no doubt to me it's beating DF in the 10 hour run in on a Friday in May.


Low point as far as me being in the clan was losing to CR in an uncapped PKRI. Thanks @true.

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5 hours ago, Pietru said:

Worst loss that EH had in your opinions?

Probably losing to DF in a week prepped fight in June of 2009. It was basically hyped as the fight to make or break our #1 status. Losing that shattered the dreams that many of us had and it led to the spiral that often hampers clans. The wave had reached its peak just a week or two before, and was now on the quick crash back down.














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5 hours ago, Flukejiver said:

Whats the most NH thing you've ever done?

We had a big rivalry with CR in Oct / Nov 2009. Myself, Islamia, @true, and a few other CR ranks were in a group MSN convo. We had just finished a fight and I knew CR had a tank practice in a safe portal. One of the CR leaders said something that made me rage like I never had before. I massed us up and we went and smoked them out of their tank practice in the safe portal. Members loved it because of the rivalry but it probably enraged CR members enough and gave them ammunition to beat us later on.

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4 hours ago, Juri said:

How many of your memberbase was really AEST or PST as you always seemed to have a really big "late night" unit? 

I'm PST but there weren't too many of us. Obviously we had a large EST and GMT like most clans, but we actually had a rather large Mountain and Central group oddly enough. But yes, we did have a AEST unit that gave us a massive advantage in the spring of 2009. Tons of our GMT were extraordinary though. I know most clans say that, but ours really were. Most refused to go to bed, even if we told them to.


DO you remember Broski having late AEST pk trips around 1pm GMT-ish? We (Estonian country clan) used to fight you a lot at those during our school breaks when people were at home? 

I personally don't! But that was probably before my time.


Do you think that you could have moved on after the 2009 with a decent leadership chance or was the closure imminent still? 

Leadership seemed pretty set on it. I think it may have worked, I am personally happy that we left with the legacy that we did, though. From a personal perspective, my life was great after EH's closure, and I'm happy to have the memories that I do. Things may have turned out much differently if I had continued on. And not necessarily for the best.















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4 hours ago, Lander said:

Thank you for this EH legends. Did EH have any rivarlies? If so which one was the biggest one and why?

I think there's a lot, but slappin VR since 06 was my personal favourite catchphrase. So maybe VR. ?














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3 hours ago, 5554447 said:



I distinctly remember listening in on the discussion between you and Islamia about closing EH. I remember feeling like I got punched in the gut. At the time, I felt it was a selfish decision on your part to close down the clan instead of attempting to bring in new leadership.  From my perspective, there were enough people with a similar vision and ideals that could have carried on the legacy you left. However, looking back on it, now 10 years removed and with a little more life experience, I can understand why you made the decision. My question is, do you have any regrets about  the decision to close EH, and do you still feel like you made the correct choice?



Hey Kent, not directed at me. Just wanted to say that you were someone I really loved and thought it was such a shame your calling career was cut short. Thought you had the potential to be one of the best in the game. Maybe in the same way that Xero had a soft spot for me and tried to mentor me, I felt the same for you as you were climbing the ranks. Your sentiment, 'I felt it was a selfish decision on your part to close down the clan instead of attempting to bring in new leadership,' is echoed by most members I have spoken to. So I guess that's left me with quite a bit of guilt over the years as well. I think I'll let the others answer the question about choosing to close, though.














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7 hours ago, Secret Agent said:

When I was in EH the most frustrating thing was the "no dragging rule" that clans exploited when they fought us -- how did this rule come to be and what were your thoughts about it?


Who was EH best caller and why was it not Milad?

@MILAD was a great caller and as I told him many times, I always pushed for him and Jonezy to be upped to Commander. The reality is, and I'm positive both are fully aware - they didn't fit the mould that many had in mind for our ranks and how they should act & represent the clan. Both were still very vocal in our ventrilo though.














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6 hours ago, true said:



Could you talk more about the falling out with the Aussies? Not sure if I've ever heard the details now I'm curious.


(The AEST clan was Silent Reckoning, right?)

I actually think it was SR, yes. To be completely honest, I don't remember the full details. Here's what I'll say; the AEST dudes that joined were kind of spastics. They didn't fit our member mould at all. Outside of rocky and reg, they didn't care about our community events, they openly flamed, did stupid shit... Basically didn't follow our rules. I think after we lost to DF, there could have been one or two that were kicked, and from there it was a spiral. They were their own clique, and once one was gone, they pretty much all were. I think the main ringleader was Koray. Maybe someone can correct me on that? It's possible they split off and made their own clan.














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2 hours ago, true said:



What callers from opposing clans did you respect the most?

In terms of leading against, my top three were;

  1. F1r3o - if I remember right, he snaked me for 2009 zybez best warlord award by a few votes and I'll never forgive him for that.
  2. PeterH - so many legendary battles against DF with him being their primary caller, just remember duking it out with him every fight.
  3. Azian Freak1 - guy had so much energy that it was tough to match.

They were all quality callers, and every time I stepped into the ring against them, I knew it was going to be a tough fight. 


Other names which I respected, looked up to, or thought were pretty good at the time;

  • Dennisbruv
  • Cravez
  • Sipstrassi
  • Conditions
  • Radicalsurfu
  • FM11
  • Nintendo
  • d0nts
  • James#
  • Stewie














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Do you think being involved in clanning at such deep level at (assumedly) a younger age helped you out later in life? (The reason I ask is that your clan was founded upon a particular set of values that resonated with your members and ranks - something a lot of brands are doing in the 21st century to build a community / brand image)


Do you have any regrets from your clanning or playing days?


Any good / funny stories of how Runescape effected your lives back then? (playing so much and being so commited to a clan was a full time gig)



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24 minutes ago, Krystal said:

EH AMA hellllll yes.  I am so excited to see this AMA from the folks I spent some of my most enjoyable times in RS with!!  I look forward to reading through all of your responses! I apologize in advance if any of these questions have already been asked. I tried to do a quick glance through the topic to avoid repeats.

Unless otherwise specified, all of my clan-related questions are focused on when I was in EH which was 2006-2007.



1. Do you think @true is going overboard with the amount of questions he’s asking? I mean, good god, dude, save some questions for the rest of us. LOL.


@true is a champion and if he doesn't watch out, he is going to steal @His Lordship's title as clan world historian.


2. Were there any clans that stood out that you would have loved to have had as official allies? People often joked about EH & DF being buddy buddies and some even called us “Eternal Forces”. Could you have seen them as actually being a good clan as an ally, basically a clan that you felt shared similar sort of ideals as EH?

Fun vid I recorded back then of having a Deathmarch with them <3:

I would not have wanted any official allies.  In that time period, I believed that allies were more of a detriment than they were a positive.  There is a limited pool of clans to fight out there and not being able to engage Divine Forces would be problematic.  Our relationship with DF was one of mutual convenience where we would back each other up (by ACing or stepping in to fight a strong crasher) when needed.  This isn't to say that we didn't greatly value our relationship with DF.  We saw them as a friendly, like-minded community.  I think it is likely that DF saw the relationship in a very similar way.  @Eric`` as I believe it helps to add to his question from earlier regarding Corr vs DF. See below:



3. Brian mentioned that DI had a 13-hour PKRI with EH one time. Was this the longest PKRI that we had or is there one that comes to mind that was even longer? For each of you, I would like to know what your personal best marathon was – the longest that you stayed awake continuously for a PKRI?  Any struggles that you had? Crazy stories like having multiple bottles of pee piling up beside you as the night dragged on? ?  [If only it was that easy for us ladies…]

Its all been so long, it has been a blur to me.  We had a lot of long fights, but the most brutal ones for me tended to be DI fights.  They did not want me to remain on the battlefield and in the 10-14 hour fights we had with them, it was not uncommon for me to die 100+ times.  I can't remember ever leaving a pkri early - I always stayed from start to end.  One time that was brutal for me was a fight we had with VR where I was sick to my stomach and was trying to lead while occasionally having to run to bathroom. I remember losing that fight and that it felt worse just because I had tried so hard to put in the effort.


4. Eternal Honour stressed maintaining a positive “honorable” image in the clan community, and one major place to do this was on RSC.  Conveniently, EH had many moderators on RSC that could assist in maintaining this image.. My question is, did you ever take advantage of our mod presence (I think there were like 5 of us at one point – I seriously almost made a pixel sig of our mod unit lmao) to help maintain this image? Such as requesting flame posts to be deleted (could’ve been against our own members or from opposing clans that would post things that made EH look bad) or even doing something like pushing to get people banned to eliminate them completely. If you did try to abuse them, were there any naughty EH mods that actually did delete posts for the sake of protecting EH’s image?

I think there was a perception of Zybez being bias toward certain clans (especially EH) by some of the community.  VR in particular often expressed those sentiments.  I don't recall instances of RSC abuse to further EH's agenda or protect EH's image, but I also was not a Zybez mod so it is possible I just was not privvy to such things occurring.  I believe the large number of moderators we had was likely correlated to our strict rules involving conduct on RSC forums.



❤️ My oldest RS friend. ? 

I am curious to know what other names were in the running when deciding upon the clan name.  Did Eternal Honour win by a landslide? Was there another name that the clan almost adopted?  Who originally proposed the name?

I don't recall who proposed the name or the other names in contention, unfortunately.


My memory is fuzzy.  I obviously remember we were in Gladz together in 2004, but when did you depart Gladz? What clans were you in before EH? How did you find your way to EH? Also, would you agree that green cape > all? ?  


I left Gladz in the Spring of 2006 and went immediately to Sacred Templars.  I really enjoyed ST and followed the community to EH.  On capes, when team capes were released, there was overwhelming support for the cross-style #33 cape.  I was surprised that more clans didn't choose the cross out there, but the cross for me harkened back to the ST style artwork.


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1 hour ago, 3lite said:

The DF Kiwi is that Kiwi?!  I'm pretty sure I remember you.  You used to wear black armor when mining if I remember right for the fashionscape.

Ya man lol.


Like I said, I don't know why I remember that far back, would of been like 11 or 12 lol, apparently you left a lasting impression on my young mind haha.

DF 11/7/06 - 12/31/16

ahri sig.png

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