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Gokuu Ssj AMA


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20 hours ago, true said:

Whats your favorite movies series?


Who are some fictional characters you relate to?

Whats your favorite movies series?

Series? Probably the harry potter as a series. I read the books too as a teen. I was really into that shit man waited at midnight at tesco for the last book release LMFAO.


As a movie on its own? My favourite movie is joint Inception/Interstellar/Blade runner 2049


Who are some fictional characters you relate to?

Officer K from blade runner. Keep to myself, get shit done.


19 hours ago, true said:

What rank did @Dr3ambash3r hold in Envy and what were your thoughts on him as an official?

He was a warlord, he was good at what he did and was a huge community member. He brought in a lot of recruits also with his influence at the time/friendship circles. He also was good with the girls and Envy had like a good 5-10 females who liked being in thanks to guys like him. :hash:


19 hours ago, true said:

Who are some current Tempest members you think could make a great official?


What were your thoughts on @Hamzah as an official in Envy? And then again in DF?

Who are some current Tempest members you think could make a great official?

I think someone like Mitch, personality wise seems to have a good level head on his shoulders and seems like the kind of guy that could give valuable input based on knowing him here/my time on fortnite with him. 


I could also see people like howl and scu, fitting in with the current rank team as they're also an active part of the community with good brainpower and seem like they good give valuable input to decision making/would put the effort in. There's probably more also deserving of this, so apologies if you read this and thought you'd get a mention but I just want to name the first 3 that sprang to mind. There's others that I can agree on tbh


What were your thoughts on @Hamzah as an official in Envy? And then again in DF?

In envy he did his job amazing considering he was like 13-14 years old. He was hell of passionate about Envy throughout, and gave it his all as an app manager.  He would talk to me about envy/rs at IRL events in front of family that's how much he dgaf bout anything but Envy. 

I feel like that stemmed into his passion for DF, and he was the same thing but older and with a voice that inveitably broke, and also wiser, more mature(?). He hit the IRL bullet eventually too and retired not too long after I joined tbh; so I didnt get to experience much of him as a rank from what I recall.

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Ex-Envy Leader / Ex-Genesis Council / Ex-Divine Forces App Reviewer / Tempest Legend /






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8 hours ago, Woot said:

Did you you teach yourself how to make all the amazing graphics you’ve made, or did you do some sort of schooling for it? 

I self-taught; got a cracked copy of photoshop from torrents and just watched youtube videos and copied stuff and learnt new styles. I always had an idea of what I wanted my graphics to look like. I was first inspired by Arp590 who was TCC leader who made photoshops, and I even copied his style which was an abstract brush background and Angry blue font. What about yourself?


5 hours ago, Wise Counsel said:

I'm from the 04-09 era, so I don't really know much about the clan world from 09-11. Which clans would you say were the top 5 from that era?

It varied throughout the era, VR were #1 I think at the end by the time envy closed but top 5 was something like this for the most part if we're averaging throughout the years. Going to only count clans that were alive from start to finish of envys existence, so excluding like DI. Something roughly like this as far as memory serves but I can't be sure since it was so long ago. 


1. RSD

2. TT

3. DF

4. VR 

5. Sol/EoS


The top 4 order was quite variable from what I recall.


5 hours ago, VirgoVaca said:

I think one of my first PKRIs with 'The' was vs. Envy. Let me find the video.



Damn bro, its crazy to think we crossed paths so long ago lmao.


2 hours ago, Dr3ambash3r said:

what the actual fuck @Tika191


If you could have changed 1 thing in Envy what would it have been?

Probably promoted and built up another leader to lead alongside me once shooboo7 left. Envy probably would've lived on if I did it correctly. I oversaw that because I never thought we would ever close but once RL hits it hits.


40 minutes ago, true said:

What do you think you bring to the table as an official in Tempest?

Recruitment- admittedly not as good as 10 years ago because well, 10 years is a long time to be apart from a game, but still brought in some decent recruits here and always a chance of more

Decision making- I've been there on making tough decisions and can always give a decent 2 cents.

Activity- pretty much have made almost all the events pre 12am GMT.

Experience- again, throughout my experiences in other clans and mostly 2 and a half years of leading Envy.

Maturity- I'd like to think I'm pretty mature and always have been, that's important as a rank

Ideas- I'm good at solving issues and can come up with good workarounds/ideas around them to improve on existing protocols or create new ones, which is what building up a clan is about.

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Ex-Envy Leader / Ex-Genesis Council / Ex-Divine Forces App Reviewer / Tempest Legend /






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1 hour ago, Howl said:

What's something you liked about the mid-sized clan scene vs the larger clans?

Easier 1 vs 1 interactions with individuals and you literally know pretty much everyone on a more personal level since fewer people to get to know and manage. I also liked the fact you had a lot more noobs and seeing them grow up and become 1 shots without an idea about clanning to beasts who even went on to bigger things, hearing this gives me some happiness that I knew these same guys when they were just starting out and look at these mfs now all grown up and shit :')

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Ex-Envy Leader / Ex-Genesis Council / Ex-Divine Forces App Reviewer / Tempest Legend /






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Just now, Nancy said:

what 3 things would you bring to a deserted island

3 of you, because thats all i need

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Ex-Envy Leader / Ex-Genesis Council / Ex-Divine Forces App Reviewer / Tempest Legend /






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Are there any e-porking scandals associated with Envy/Genesis/previous clans that haven't been covered in previous AMAs? Specifically with Envy, are there some less-publicized or remembered e-dating moments?

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If you could build a lineup of officials (not including yourself), who would you choose? (Bonus points if you include why you chose particular people)

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Who was your favorite person in Envy, and why is it Scampr?


If you were to do it over, would you have ranked the same people you had at that time? On the flip side, are there any you wish you would have given a shot?


Which officials retirement, leaving, kick, or demotion do you think had large impacts on the clan and/or on you personally? - Can be looked at as two separate questions or one. 


Do you still wish that you were leading a clan so it could go in the direction of your choosing?





Made it to the top row BBY. Started from the bottom now we're here. 

Edited by Scumpr
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If you could choose 3 people (other than your cousins) in Tempest/clan world that you could live with in the same place, who would they be?








PDlMitch ~ Ex: Knights of Order ~ Collision ~ Syndicate ~ Exodus ~ Crimson Raiders ~ Downfall ~ Divine Forces








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If it came down to a 3v3v3 cage match between Envy, DI, and DF for the control of Tempest, which 3 former Envy members would you choose to fight and why?

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don't be the third whale

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