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12 hours ago, poopkid said:

lol ive been passively around you for years and it's just now occuring to me that you aren't xmas bandit............... for some reason i thought you were only in divine forces and never realized that you were in exodus and divine kings



ot: why are you called the hustler

Dude what the fuck are you saying LMFAO


12 hours ago, stone said:

thoughts on @Bob Kelso and dakota edating, then bob losing out to like 4 other men?

Bob Kelso never edated her, but she did used to move him into officials discussion alone with her where I think she attempted several times to get a good look at his Welsh pigstick. Although he denies these accusations and will probably block me for releasing this information.


8 hours ago, Pietru said:

What made you move away from calling and get into the council rank?

Calling in P2P is very different than F2P. I'm easily distracted and P2P calls for many people talking at once (updating information, calling movements, calling clumps, etc). F2P I was able to have the floor uninterrupted, so I was much better in that environment.


8 hours ago, Boss Anthony said:

Will @true ever get fined for poaching?

Jagex is investigating these accusations as I type this



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You mentioned being unsure Tempest would last or do well being both a startup and f2p focused. Seeing the success, do you think other clans would do well reopening or starting from the ground up? Any clans you think could reasonably reopen in 2021+? 


What clan would you say DF has the best relationship with?


Honest thoughts on the following as an individual clan:











Who are some people you were happy to see leave or get kicked from DF? 

Edited by Adam_









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14 hours ago, Juri said:

When will you live up to your serial killer personality :D?

Are you implying that I haven't already?


14 hours ago, Juri said:

Would Tempest & Divine Forces merger be the biggest corporate power play in rs history?

I can't think of a bigger implosion waiting to happen if I tried.


14 hours ago, Juri said:

How are you all so lucky in rs now, Divine Forces seems to be one of most PvM wealthy clan in 2021, but historically when I was there, we never had any PvM knowledge yet luck?

Things can change a lot when you build a memberbase of people who actually enjoy playing RS instead of people who only like PvP.


14 hours ago, Juri said:

One day the pandemic dies down a bit, what will happen to clan worlds activity and how many clans would suffer from other "free time" activities returning?

Personally feel like we've been seeing the return to pre-covid days for a few months now. Even more so now with mass rollouts of the vaccines.



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11 hours ago, Kestas said:

Is Omni the greatest High Council in DF history?

Ye, he called me a dumb <gamerword> earlier just to cement the idea even more into my brain.


11 hours ago, Kestas said:

Did Ross demote Rene for telling him to shut the fuck up?



11 hours ago, Kestas said:

hat lead to the Lovelost incident? At the time it felt spontaneous and bizarre for him to do what he did and I didn't feel like asking questions.

We had like 4-5 Fools members join DF during a time when we were trying to inflate our ML a bit. But as you may know, DF has a policy of requiring all members of any country clans or team that DF and our events must be priority. It was no secret that most members of Fools prio'd Fools and other clans allowed their Fools guys to prio Fools over their clans (DI, Ronin, etc). Lovelost was the only official who was really adamant about letting them prio Fools while in DF but it was still being discussed (their FA applications were still pending). Our FA manager at the time put his foot down and declined them on his own and it caused a whole thing over it. Lovelost started having him ddosed and soon as we had gotten evidence of Lovelost being involved, he left the clan.


The greatest irony in the entire situation is that literally 2 weeks later Fools themselves banned multiclanning and so those members would have had to leave DF anyway.


11 hours ago, Kestas said:

Who do you think had the highest peak between You, Sem and Lovelost? Who was most consistent?

Out of us three... Hard to say. We all shined in different areas. Lovelost was by far our best hype man. He'd make people laugh, have a good time, and pump them up during fights with his calling. Granted, this sort of calling only really worked in the wilderness. He was a disaster in CWA most of the time (especially the whole compass ordeal). Sem was definitely more consistent out of us. He was always just consistently solid. Never really had really awful moments or really amazing moments. Just always got shit done. But when it came to someone just going crazy and popping the fuck off during a fight, I would say that's where I'd come in. It didn't always and there are plenty of fights I can remember where I just plain out fucking sucked, but during my peak I feel like when I got truly going, we did quite well.


11 hours ago, Kestas said:

Are there any callers that were in DF for a short amount of time that you wished stayed longer?

Ye any of @david's 16 times in DF


11 hours ago, Kestas said:

Is @broom the greatest app reviewer in DF history?

AR was a pointless rank, so I would be validating its importance by naming someone or anyone as its "greatest".


12 hours ago, Kestas said:

What is your general opinion on Lithuanian clans in RS2 and OSRS?

Some of the ones in RS2 like LDK, LPT, LF, etc were all pretty solid. But the ones on OSRS have definitely been less than desirable from my POV.


12 hours ago, Kestas said:

Some of DF members IP's got leaked in 2013, we (or at least I) were never told how. Do you have any memory of how it happened?

I could be wrong, but the only incident with DF member's IPs that happened around that time was when Elrond140 had an IP grabber on Team Trinity's forums which had like 15-20 DF members in it at the time. I don't remember any other incident involving IPs.


12 hours ago, Kestas said:

Do you agree that DF dominated DI for the most of their OSRS history and that the only thing that kept them competitive against us was them pulling more?

100%. It speaks volumes that DI stopped fighting us in CWA after this 4-0 fight and quite literally never fought us in CWA again till their closure.


12 hours ago, Kestas said:

Have you had any interest in playing ironman accounts or is RS purely for events for you at the moment?

I enjoy playing RS outside of events but I've never liked the idea of ironman accounts whatsoever. I prefer making different PvP accounts: maxed alt, maxed med, maxed pure, etc.


12 hours ago, Kestas said:

What is your current favorite game that is not RS?


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12 hours ago, Saxo said:

I don't remember Mini BB coming back and leading after 2010 tbh, but he was quite good in 2007. I'm assuming your experience of him is an old guy coming back after so long and not knowing how to play the game / how to cope with the inclusion of snipers, etc. 

Ye, I heard the same about him from back in the day. I'm basing my post from his stint as ST in like 2013/2014. He's a really cool and funny dude and I liked him a lot, but ye he was pretty washed up at that point. Anyone would be.


12 hours ago, Saxo said:

Favourite leader during your time in DF?

Both Murray & 2k8 had some great moments in DF, far outweighing any of the negatives. Wasn't hard to outdo Shinobi though.


12 hours ago, Saxo said:

What's your dream team officials line up(from all officials, not just DF)?

I've never really had a dream team I could think of tbh.


12 hours ago, Saxo said:

Any current member of DF that you'd like to see ranked but isn't and hasn't been?

There are a few but they're held back by IRL obligations. Aside from that, everyone else lacks experience in the clan or a leadership trait in general.


12 hours ago, Saxo said:

Do you watch Line of Duty? If not ,watch this. Goat show.

I feel like @Bob Kelso has tried to get me to watch this before I told him to fuck off. I'm not big into cop shows really.


12 hours ago, Saxo said:

You said a few pages back the main thing you had in common with europeans was left wing politics. Thoughts on Bernie Sanders?


I like Bernie. I like a lot of his policies but dislike a few of them as well. He may have not become president, but he's done enough to force the dems to adopt a lot of his policies one way or another. Sooner or later being a "berniecrat" will just mean being a democrat, as it should be.

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What do you think is the difference between RoTs “embargo” era with DF and today’s RoT that can’t pull 20 people to “crash” a war.


If you had to pick 1 person from any clan of any era to open up a new clan, who will it be and why? 




Latin Crew Officer Tempest Member



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11 hours ago, dnd5 said:

What do you think of true’s rsn doxing you?

Pretty fucked tbh


10 hours ago, Mitch said:

If Meow Mix, AKA Cat, suddenly reappeared online and contacted you, what would your reaction be and would you freak out thinking it was a ghost from the past?

I'd ask him what happened to him after he put a gun into his mouth on tinychat in 2015 and then got off for the night to never be seen again.


10 hours ago, Mitch said:

Does @sheli~ have a safe word between you two if she ever feels in danger from @true (which might be all of the time)?

Nah, she's on her own


10 hours ago, Mitch said:

What's the craziest thing that you witnessed live while living there in Florida that no one here would ever believe?

Seen a homeless dude taking a shit next to a bus stop on the side of the road. Seen an Alligator eating another alligator. I've seen used needles in the street before. All kinds of wild shit.

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Been an interesting read so far. Remember you quite welll from the Exodus days when I was CR and whatever other clans I was in at the time that fought Exodus throughout the 2 stints. I guess I hadn't realized Exodus closed and re-opened, or maybe had forgotten such. 


Genuinely interested so I'll have a go at questions as well;


-top 5 memorable moments in DF? (all time)

-top 5 moments in the clan world all time if you can remember that far back

-how did you feel being led by a spastic? (DK Derek)

-IIRC it seemed that DDoSing wasnt very well known in the game at the time until DK came about teaming up with VR/RoT to crash and spy - do you think DK played a role in "pushing" the activity of DDoSing? just genuinely curious on your thoughts about the whole situation if you have any at all. 

-I fought alongside DK a time or two when i was "guest" calling for PH, do you feel as though DK couldve turned things around and gotten proper organization to actually compete? (No crashing, ddosing, etc.) that being said, i remember the few callers they had way back then were actually shit and just yelled at everything and called regroups every 15 minutes. you may or may not have already moved on, i think it was summer of 2009?


@etheroxx on Twitter for GFX needs 🙂


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12 hours ago, Lavigne said:

Also genuine thoughts on Ghjjf and Evizu as leaders?

Ghjjf is a mysterious dude, made some questionable decisions in DI, but overall seems to be a pretty smart dude.


Evizu is a complete monkey. But I guess he knows how to gather up all of his apes since the second he came back all of the people who abandoned VR in their time of need all seemed to magically show back up. So I guess he's good at something (and promoting cheat clients).


12 hours ago, Adam_ said:

How many times did True ask you to do this AMA and what changed for you to say yes? Is it just you wanting to see the world burn?

I've lost count. The only thing that changed was that I had a point to make and I did so with this topic.


12 hours ago, Adam_ said:

True asked about a few current officials and someone else asked about Rene, so what about Alice as an official/person? Never spoken to her but she's pretty well known in the community as a pet hunter/completionist so seeing her also being an official in such a long standing clan that's generally respected in the community is neat.

Nice girl and a good official. Probably too nice. She's a very good worker and helps with a lot of our daily system upkeep. As well as our secret weapon in PvM competitions.

Edited by IMK
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11 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What are your thoughts on all the involvement of the pure and main communities with one another nowadays?

No real opinion. Some of the pure clan leaders are a bunch of losers for giving in to RoT demands so it was only a matter of time until anti-RoT clans retaliated.


11 hours ago, Adam_ said:

When AF reopened a few members jumped ship (I think they were all ex AF?), what were the initial reactions to this and did you guys actually care or not really?

Ye like 3 people who were all ex-AF, so it wasn't really shocking. None of them were exactly core members, in fact two of them were kind of crybabies. So no one really cared.


11 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What would you want to be your legacy in the community?

Most controversial AMA


11 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Are there any notable stories of people spying for/leakning to DF other than Jim?

There was a guy in DF in RS2 who was spying for VR and when caught, tried to claim that a VR member broke into his house and took the screenshots. I wish I was joking and I wish that he was also joking.


11 hours ago, Adam_ said:

If clients were to disappear tomorrow do you think DF would have an incentive to try F2p again, or do you think you still wouldn't bother due to having a more p2p interested member base and not caring for the meta?

Without clients and a better meta, there's a good chance we'd fuck around with it.


11 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What are your thoughts on Jaja as they were throughout OSRS and as they ended? What about CT?

Jaja - A forgotten trivia fact is that Jaja is responsible for starting the crashwar on OSRS. I disliked Jaja for a long time, mostly due to the gear they used. But towards the end of their lifespan (without all the SV freaks), their gear had gotten slightly better and were a solid clan to fight. I very much miss fighting them at altar with DF's EST unit in 2018 for like an hour just mass barraging each other.


CT - Dog clan. Spent their entire existence licking the asscheeks of RoT and because of that lost to DF in a 100v100 P2P full out.


11 hours ago, Adam_ said:

I heard Murray had been in talks with Christy before CT closed, not sure if he wanted to absorb their clan or just wanted to be in some sort of close alliance to help them out/set up fights to give them action/whatever. Is this true, and if so, can you elaborate on what the talks were about and why nothing ever came of them?

Not gonna lie, I'm not sure what you're referring to. I know they ended up becoming anti-RoT (against their will) toward the end, so maybe we were looking for fights? Unsure. I don't remember tbh.

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