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Eternal Honour's AMA (3lite, Grug, Slaughter17, Xero)


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If @MILAD and Rocky238 got into a fight, who would win?

Proud Tempest - Guest > Verified Guest > Bunny Guest > Verified Guest > Bunny Guest > Intro > Applicant > Member


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6 hours ago, MILAD said:

I'm doing good!  Life has been nothing but generous and kind to me, thank you xo. How are doing? ❤️


nämen tjena Flummis

I'm super happy to hear that - you deserve it. ❤️I'm doing well - just started playing OSRS again! Good times ? 

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I always like the ZF line of clans.  I randomly met Denker in game and became friends with him and he was always a super chill and nice dude.  I think he was council or something in ZF.  I wanted to train up and join ZF, but never got high enough before they closed and then eventually found my own niche in the top 20ish clan range of that time.


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8 hours ago, Vanuckle said:

@Rclav was a beast.


Imo the only person it could ever possibly be awarded to was Lil Blaknite. Think Alex was openly regarded as the best melee-binder in the entire game from 2008 to when I quit and that's not an exaggeration. 

He was cracked on the binds. I gotta agree with that! 

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On 11/29/2020 at 2:34 AM, Crest227 said:

I remember me and Silverdemon2 trying to join this clan. Grug was the one who talked me into it. Problem was there was a member named blknight in it which had been exposed in my friends circle as being a man pretending to be a girl.


So of course this person wanted to avoid us like the plague and cried to Broski. Broski gave me and Silver an ultimatum. He would let us try to join if we would drop the accusations about blk’s gender. Before I could even answer, Silver went on the topic and said fuck that, Blk’s a man. So i got banned off the forums looool.


So I ended up back in Vr or Corr, can’t remember which. But I would of actually joined Eh. I respected what they had going on. My limited perception was they had a good commmunity, a completely different culture of people to interact with from what I usually was around. That was what I was seeking, a solid place with less toxicity to join. Good times lol.

Are you sure blk nkight was not female?  How do you know?  Kayla never gave me a reason to believe otherwise.  

On 11/29/2020 at 6:17 AM, Anton said:

Hi everyone, Reg 104 here. 


My question is for 3lite or any of the other officials.


When I joined EH it was to follow my Auzzie brother, Rocky238. He actively pissed in my ear and attempted to recruit me for months..as well as many other people to the clan..I don't even know if he knew he was doing it..sneaky! Rocky spoke extremely highly of the officials of the the clan, especially Islamia, 3lite, Slaughter and UnbrokenXero. 3lite was DEFINITELY his man crush..he loved him more than me! When I joined the clan I was surprised at how well loved he was by the members..for hours going crazy on TS, never leaving until it was over (usually pretty pissed and cranky if we called it) 


  • QUESTION: If he hadn't left..I'd like to think he may have eventually moved up the ranks especially under his bromance 3lite's guidance? Thoughts?
    • EDIT: QUESTION: Did EH's skilling community / non-warring members / community have an effect on EH's ability in quickly assembling for spur trips and fights? I personally think we had a pretty good balance..however, I did find it frustrating at times as I loved the thrill of a fight. 



  • Most of the questions I thought of have been answered through the thread. 
  • For me, looking back on my time at EH..I loved every minute of it, It was the first larger clan I ventured to after leaving the AEST tz. and it was one of the funnest experiences I had on the game.  Best moment for me - The 12-15 hour pkri with VR where we finally finished them near Spider Hill.

Thanks for organising this and allowing people the opportunity to pose questions that have been on people's minds. 





I did not know Rocky well enough later in his tenure in the clan.  He seemed like a great personality.  Cannot comment though on whether he would have excelled as a rank or not.  I think 3lite answered this one well.  


Possibly contentious statement here, but I think it's factual.  EH's skilling community did not want to be a part of any spur PK trips, only the large planned efforts and sometimes even then that was a stretch.  Therefore, spur PK trips were always a smaller effort, which depending on who you ran into, could become a large effort and EH was at a significant handicap because certain individuals would refuse to participate.  

On 11/29/2020 at 7:43 AM, Vegeta said:

u guys still in touch with green viking was a old school friend of mine back in 04/05

I wish.  He's a legend.  If anyone could find him it would be great to get in touch with him again.  

17 hours ago, Flummbullen said:

As someone that wasn't around during the period of EH, it's been really interesting to read about your experiences and, from my perspective, especially how EH continued and adapted some of the values carried across from ST. I think it's safe to say that EH became it's own thing and in many ways eclipsed the clans that came before it.


Not having been around for the late 2006 to 2009 era, my questions are more focused on the transition from ST to EH.


What were your opinions on ST closing when and how it did? Did your perspective change when you later decided to close EH?


What were some things from ST you valued and carried across to EH?


What were some things from ST you didn't like and were glad to leave in the past and change how they were done in EH?


Did EH cop any grief for being a "remake" (EH definitely seems to have outgrown any such ideas though), similar to how ST would get comments about the ZF past (despite there being an actual ZF-remake)? Do you have any general thoughts on the line of clans leading up to EH and of it affected anything for you?


@Grug why has every clan you've been in closed and why is it your fault? ? Jk you know I love you. Think it shows the dedication you always had to what you signed up for!

I was barely in the door at ST when it closed.  That being said, I think it was abrupt.  ST's tenure barely lasted until the 1 year mark.  The clan flamed out very quickly which I think was surprising to many people.  I still think it was abrupt, and albeit a bit selfish to close rather than transfer the mantle of leadership.  EH has proven there were many capable leaders present in ST who could have carried the clan further forward.  Because of this, ST is simply a footnote in the history book of EH.  (No offense meant, simply my perspective).  


I remember at the start many people calling EH out as just a remake of ST but that faded with time.  I think it's due to the sustained success EH had and longevity compared to ST.  

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11 hours ago, I Kill Batty said:

If @MILAD and Rocky238 got into a fight, who would win?

Rocky.  This legend and I share the same first name so naturally he would win.  

3 hours ago, EoMeri said:

Interesting read, thanks for the AMA.

You're welcome!

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I was never sure. Blk was one of my best friends for years and another girl in our friends circle brought it to my attention. Someone who knew Blk in real life ppubnkerking or something told sweetpus that Blk was not a girl and just pretending to be one. All the drama when you’re 14-15 generally overwhelms any type of reasoning lol.



Obviously I regret how it went down, not the joining Eh part, but the Blk thing. Losing someone like that is retarded looking at it in retrospect. I’ve lost a ton of friends throughout the years over stupid irrational shit like that, or clan politics/drama. When you have that you’re either with me or against me mentality like I’ve had everytime I’ve taken a clan seriously, it’s never left much room for anything else.



I think that mentality, ride or die for your clan instinct was natural for past generations of clanners. Multiclanning was frowned upon, against the rules. Any fringr behaviour was scrutinized and if you had a bad reputation it would really impact your chances of pursuing anything clan wise.



Since I’m one of the odd ones to have been in the clan world for most of it’s existence. It was anthema to me teams were made and all those restrictions/boundries started to evaporate. I remember running from 1v1’s was Nh, praying was Nh. There should be a topic made on how world 3 was the watering hole of the early clan world if people wanted to dig into clan history. I used to hang out at hill giants with Kidefence512, half dollar, I ran into Yoto and Yoda there too all the time. Speedhawaii was one of my favorite world 3 castle pkers. I can’t remember what world was “the”’s home world, actual home worlds where clans made their members play on. Invading them would cause flame wars, fights in the wild. Hobgoblins was the spot to kill TF at, even Di members like Bibleboy would come there to fight. I introduced some of my best friends like Thugster1, Ambersky and Lancer 3000 to this crap.


Sorry for the derail! To put us back on track, correct me if I’m wrong, but this is how I viewed Eh’s history: Zf—-St—Eh? Not sure why but I always thought there was some connection to Se(not the team) as well.

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11 minutes ago, Crest227 said:



I was never sure. Blk was one of my best friends for years and another girl in our friends circle brought it to my attention. Someone who knew Blk in real life ppubnkerking or something told sweetpus that Blk was not a girl and just pretending to be one. All the drama when you’re 14-15 generally overwhelms any type of reasoning lol.



Obviously I regret how it went down, not the joining Eh part, but the Blk thing. Losing someone like that is retarded looking at it in retrospect. I’ve lost a ton of friends throughout the years over stupid irrational shit like that, or clan politics/drama. When you have that you’re either with me or against me mentality like I’ve had everytime I’ve taken a clan seriously, it’s never left much room for anything else.



I think that mentality, ride or die for your clan instinct was natural for past generations of clanners. Multiclanning was frowned upon, against the rules. Any fringr behaviour was scrutinized and if you had a bad reputation it would really impact your chances of pursuing anything clan wise.



Since I’m one of the odd ones to have been in the clan world for most of it’s existence. It was anthema to me teams were made and all those restrictions/boundries started to evaporate. I remember running from 1v1’s was Nh, praying was Nh. There should be a topic made on how world 3 was the watering hole of the early clan world if people wanted to dig into clan history. I used to hang out at hill giants with Kidefence512, half dollar, I ran into Yoto and Yoda there too all the time. Speedhawaii was one of my favorite world 3 castle pkers. I can’t remember what world was “the”’s home world, actual home worlds where clans made their members play on. Invading them would cause flame wars, fights in the wild. Hobgoblins was the spot to kill TF at, even Di members like Bibleboy would come there to fight. I introduced some of my best friends like Thugster1, Ambersky and Lancer 3000 to this crap.


Sorry for the derail! To put us back on track, correct me if I’m wrong, but this is how I viewed Eh’s history: Zf—-St—Eh? Not sure why but I always thought there was some connection to Se(not the team) as well.

Thanks for the backstory!  Yes, ZF -> ST -> EH.  Shadow Elves was not connected to these clans in any way/shape/form.  

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I would like to preface this by saying this was not written by myself and I am unsure of who the author is, but in discussion with 3lite, we believe that it most likely was authored by him.  Below is a history of Eternal Honour, previously written and documented in some dark hole internet archive.  There is a lot of good stuff in here.  It captures the time from EH's inception through our 4th Official War (post wildy/BH multi era, deep CWA era).  





On August 26, 2006 a decision was made which took many people by surprise, Flummbullen and Hurtbullen had made the choice to close Sacred Templars, leaving many loyal and dedicated clan members without a home. Amidst the chaos and turmoil of a clan and family closing, a number of members took it upon themselves to try and gather others around them, to create a new family. Silentdeathe, Ommoht, Lord Grug and King Zalbag approached Broski, asking him to help lead a new clan, one which would offer a new opportunity and home for those who had lost theirs, as well as a place to make a new name for themselves, to start a new legacy, one of their own. After jumping at the opportunity to play a role in the development of a new clan, brimming with potential; Broski was at first unsure of himself and his own capabilities, having a decidedly large pair of boots to fill left by Flummbullen as a leader. However, despite his apprehensiveness, Broski stepped up large to the task, being one of the original three Grand Officers, alongside Lord Grug and Ommoht. Upon further consideration, the decision was made to add a fourth Grand Officer, one of GMT
orientation, and thus Pt37 was selected.


The next step was the most crucial, sending out the PM’s to carefully selected, dedicated, loyal members to create a core for EH to grow from. After spending many days gathering members on temporary forums, the new family stood strong at 70 members, but without a name. The name came on a whim, with a simple desire to express the clan’s ideals and morals. Thus, Eternal Honour was born. The name embodied everything the clan was to stand for, Honour, self respect, pride, respect towards others, the list is endless. So here EH stood, amidst the shadows, 70 members strong, young, impressionable, ready to take the clan world by storm and prove themselves.


One busy week after it all began, EH would move to their new, permanent forums that they would call home. Much of the start for EH would not have been possible had it not been for Gr4ffik, he was the original, and current forum admin, words can’t thank him enough for what he has done for our clan. Many members were encouraged to post suggestions on what they thought would be of need to improve the clan and allow our family to prosper. After collecting their thoughts and ideals, EH would then move as a collective in one direction, with a goal in mind. The first step came with closing their doors to the outside and stopping acceptance of applications. Council members and PK Leaders were then selected after a vote. The PK Leader selections were Flabbergast3, Striker 36 and 3lite. The council choices were Hotgurl71, Mistressabbs, SwtKittN and Silentdeathe (founder, appointed as default council). At this point, EH was ready, and they set a nervous, yet confident foot out into the clan world.  In doing so, we opened our introductions, receiving many new, excited potential members wanting to be apart of EH and what we stood for. Many of the original applicants came from DE, as well as various other clans. Some time later, we opened our applications and accepted the first wave of members who were non-ST. We had lost many members who had joined impulsively after ST closed, the new members allowed us to balance out our member count with the switches.


The time had come to test the waters of the clan world. Happy to be back out in the wilderness, there was much excitement surrounding our first PK trips, which in turn led to our ridiculous activity, with only 70 members, pulling 50+ to PK trips. Whilst still being rusty and figuring out the best way to work with a new group of people and leadership, we had our share of clashes with many respectable clans. Our first run-in found us pitted against Wilderland and in turn led to a loss – our first as a clan. We took it hard on the chin though, turning up the next day for another trip, running into Wilderland again, this time, EH emerged the victor. Another of our early fights was against the combined forces of Titans + Collision. Despite being horrible outnumbered, we fought for a very long time, both clans had a significantly larger memberbase to pull from, however we did not go down without a fight. That day we proved what we were capable of, we made a name for ourselves and we continued to push hard, showing our determination and heart in any way we could.


Over time our name became commonplace on the toplists, being recognized as an up and coming clan had it’s benefits, but it also had it’s drawbacks. There were many expectations, as well as large shoes to fill, often being viewed as the successor clan to Sacred Templars. One of the first large-scale returning fights EH participated in was given to us by none other than The Gladiatorz. An old name, well respected and knowing for giving solid fights, we clashed with Gladz in what would prove to be our longest fight yet as a clan. As time wore on, we began to gain a feel for what returning really was, however when the dust settled, EH emerged as the last clan standing, proudly claiming the win in what was our stepping stone into long fights.


Our membercount continued to grow with time, first reaching the 100 member mark, which permitted us the ability to challenge such clans as BK and TMRD to wars, which we used to improve ourselves. Win or Lose, we stood to gain something from every fight we had, we analyzed our opponents and we learned from them. We would continue to do our best to live up to our potential. The time had come to search for our first official war. The desired opponent, based upon the size of our clans and the skill level was BK, whom which we publicly declared upon, only to have them decline. This left us searching more, only to be approached by The Dynasty with a war offer. And so the stage was set for our first Official War, EH vs TD. We had the numbers advantage, while TD had the levels and experience working with each other. Confidence as well as determination showed in our commitment to this fight after a long week of preparation and practices. All EH members turned up proud, in identical gear, amulets, capes, boots, I’s dotted and T’s crossed to the letter. With just under 100 members at the time, we managed to pull 220 options, a stunning turnout over 75% of our memberbase. The fight was swift, with EH emerging with around 200 options, the victory was decisive.


From that day forward we continued to improve, never looking back, always looking to the future and what we could do to improve. Fight after fight we became better, our member count continued to prosper and grow, soon we began to challenge the best. We had many long, drawn out fights with DS, the clan whom was considered to be the giant, the #1 clan, that which cannot be defeated. Many of these fights were hard fought, EH pulling over 300 options many times. We stood our ground against any clan who came at us, DF, DI, we did not run scared, we stayed and fought, proving that we ran from nobody, we stood our ground with pride.


The time had come to look for our second Official War, another chance to test our mettle, to see what we were made of. Publicly declaring on RSC towards VR, whom we were on good terms with at the time would lead to our next war. After a few hours of negotiations, terms and date were agreed, set in stone as a two week preparation war, to be held on February 17th. EH bolstered a member count of 145 at the war date, VR showing strong with 130-135 members. EH pulled a stunning 330 options to the war, in comparison to VR’s 290. After some interference from crashers, many VR had felt that it strongly affected the outcome, although both sides suffered losses. EH emerged with the win, standing strong with 140 options. Our improvement since our last Official War was obvious, but it would not end here. EH continued to improve, at one point we were approached for a one day prep war by THE, a warring powerhouse known for pulling immense numbers. EH proved themselves this day with an incredible show of activity, outpulling THE, pulling over 399 opts, maxed opts to a war, only time EH had done so on a warring scale. The war was swift, with EH ending with a stunning amount of people remaining, in excess of 350 opts. This would be the peak of EH’s activity and shine as one of our best turnouts in our history.


Shortly after the war, EH ran into its first official snag - the slump. One of Eternal Honour's Grand Officers would leave, and with him, many of his close friends. Due to the reasoning of his leaving, the clan was unsure what to think- They were devastated with the fact that one of EH's cornerstones was leaving. Many were confused, many were not sure what to think. After Pt and his company had departed, another wave of leaving had occurred - Those who were sick of large clans and long fights, those who felt our community was not what it used to be, and simply those who wanted a change of scenery. WG was re-surfacing again, and due to it - the large amount of WG members that came to us when WG was having problems, left. After the dust had settled, and the remaining members looked around and gathered their bearings - we had depleted from a member count of 150 to under 120. The duration of the leavings lasted from Mid-February to the beginning of March. After they had departed, the remaining members were uncertain, and left with low spirits. We had entered our first depression. Members were unhappy, and left in shellshock from the mass leaving. But with weeks of endurance, many, many amazing members being encouraging, suggestive and keeping up peoples spirits - we got back on our feet.


We regained our spirit, our heart, and we had recovered. We lasted through our slump, and shook it off. We went back to being the force we were, fighting, improving - fixing our community, lengthening our FA process, putting in measures that would help support the growth of our community, fix the problems that had led to our member depletion - and set ourselves right back on track. Our member-count has never bolstered since, but we do not NEED a large member count. Regardless of how many members we have - we will be the best we can be. No matter how many fights we lose, no matter what happens - we will improve. We have shown it time and time again, that the determination and dedication of our members is unmatched in any clan. We can not ask for a better group of people.


From this point on, things took a downward turn, after the controversy surrounding our Official War with VR, our relationship turned ugly. VR had a vendetta, and that meant hunting us down anytime we were out PK’ing. However, we were not a clan to be taken lightly. We knew full well what to expect every time we set foot into the wilderness. This would be the start of what would come to be known as one of the biggest rivalries in the clan community. A rivalry that pushed the limits of our clan in terms of fighting, we were forced to improve in order to compete. VR is a clan known for their tanking, for being the pioneers of it, having some of the best tanks in the game. The rivalry was intense, incurring many fights in the wilderness. EH managed to emerge victorious in their share of the fights, as did VR. Things went back and forth, even going so far as to stretch the limits of flaming, taking things outside of the game. At one point, even a forum hacking was involved. Eventually this heated rivalry began to die off, as VR stopped hunting EH, due to reasons that are quite complicated, but VR’s doing. Seeing as EH never hunted VR, we simply stood our ground, the rivalry began to die away.


After a period of time, it became apparent that there was a need for another Official War. After searching, our opponent was to be none other than The Titans, often considered one of the best warring clans in the game. Due to their known prowess as tanks, also boasting a high combat average, TT would be a difficult task for EH to step up to. After a long two week prep, EH massed up on May 5th, pulling a solid 249 options to compare with TT’s 210 opts. Despite the large number difference, TT put up a solid fight, however 40 minutes later when the dust settled, EH would emerge the victor with 170 options remaining, continuing EH’s unbeaten streak in Official Wars.


Not long after, things began changing for EH, our opponents changed slightly as VR dropped out of the picture for a short while, we began butting heads with DI and Corr on a more regular basis, both tough clans whom tested the limits of our dedication, forcing us to spend long hours returning and competiting, trying our best for the sake of a win. On one pleasant Saturday, EH headed up with the intention of acquiring a fight with Damage Inc, whom we had been told were out PK’ing. After talking with Brian, terms had been agreed to and the fight began. Things started off incredibly well, it seemed as if we were taking a somewhat quick advantage, only for the circumstances to change drastically in what was to come. After an appearance by Corruption, both DI and EH ceased fighting in an effort to sort out the situation at hand. After the dust settled, it was obvious that our fight was simply not meant to be.


The next set of events would be one that would define the next path of the clan world, be it for the better or worse, that was yet to be decided. Shortly after the occurrence during the DI fight, a fight was scheduled between Eternal Honour and Corruption for the following day, a Sunday. The goal was simple – revenge. EH is not a clan which simply allows themselves to sink low in a petty manner designed for payback, hindsight would show that the choice was likely not the best. However, blinded by human nature and frustration, the deed was decided and the plan hatched. The plan would be seen by all the next afternoon. So the scene was set, EH and Corr, toe to toe in the wilderness in what was set as a grudge match, Corr having no idea what was to come. Both clans fought hard, EH performing well, keeping pace with Corr early into the fight. Then without warning, DF rushed from one side, VR from the other, quickly causing quick and utter chaos, all three clans in turn piling any Corr members in sight. Corr was quickly dispersed, leaving the three clans standing together as one in the wilderness, a common enemy had been found in Corr. In a weird turn of events, VR was now on the same ‘side’ as EH in what would come to be known as the cluster fights era.


Reflecting back on this decision, it was not the best decision to make, nor the most moral, however the deed was done and we would have to live with our choice. It was a weak moment in the history of EH. In the next few weeks, what would follow would be a series of cluster fights, with sides pitted against each other, staging the clan world into three groups, those two fighting each other, and those staying out of it all. It was comparable to a World War on a pixelated scale. After the hype surrounding the cluster fights began to die down, there were two major PKRI’s that EH would participate in before what would be the most drastic change the clan world will have faced yet. In what appeared to be an increasingly heated situation between EH and EoS, tensions were growing over time. Small fights breaking out here and there would eventually lead up to what would be one of the longest fights in EH’s history as a clan, 12 hours of fighting takes a toll on anyone, it only further proves the dedicated members EH has, those who are willing to do whatever it takes for their clan to succeed. 12 hours were spent fighting EoS on what would prove to be a late night, which would further increase the tension between our two clans. This would not prove to be EH’s longest fight though. That title would be held by, and is still held by Collision. In what would prove to be a stressful fight, EH and Collision went toe to toe for 14 hours, neither clan having any desire to give up, both clans putting all their heart and soul into it, wanting the win so badly, however, Collision would prove to have something that EH did not. Collision wasn’t just fighting for a victory, they were fighting for a person. Having recently lost a member, Col was fighting to honour the death of not just a clan member, but a friend, it takes something unheard of to overcome that type of motivation, and at the end of the day, we did not have it. Col would walk out with the victory after 14 hours, long fought and hard earned.


This would prove to be the last fight that EH would have in the wilderness prior to Jagex’s dramatic change to the game, which effected the clan world immensely. On February 19th, 2008, Jagex removed the wilderness from the game, thus effectively eliminating PK’ing as we knew it. The attack option in the wilderness was gone. In turn, Jagex left us with a new alternative, Bounty Hunter, which would be known as BH. BH was an arena, within the walls of which was contained a multi combat arena with little to nothing to hug for obstacles. Some clans preferred the new way of PK’ing, some despised it. All were forced to accept it, seeing as Jagex left us with no other alternative. One positive benefit of this day would be the Clan Wars Arena. A gift from Jagex, the arena allowed two clans two war in a safe environment, free from crashers and returning to a war. There would prove to be a number of downsides and glitches in the new arena, most would work themselves out with time. The most obvious downside would be the 100 person cap placed on the arena, which still has yet to be fixed. The changes to the community would force clans to re-evaluate the way they function and how they setup their fights, due to a confined space, restricted to a number of worlds, it made it extremely easy to run into clans, thus providing a field day for large clans and a nightmare for those who got in their way.


This stage would prove to be what is arguably the worst stretch in EH’s history. After the removal of multi, many people quit the game, clans lost many valued members. These would be known as the dark days for EH. At one point, before the switch from the Wilderness to Bounty Hunter, our member count dropped so far as the low 70’s, leaving us stripped to our core of hardened, dedicated members. We were left with those who would be there no matter what, our strong, resilient members, yes these were dark days, but these would be the members who would do whatever it took to bring EH back. And bring EH back they did. With time, we proved ourselves in BH, redeeming our loss against Collision numerous times, as well as drastically improving our warring ability as a clan. We began to master the art of capped fights, improving our ability and becoming adept with melee sniping. EH was quickly becoming known as a clan which boasted one of the better warring skillsets, that of strong organization, solid binding and sniping. Our member count, whilst still low, would continue to grow from this point. Our dedicated core of members would not fail us, we fought hard, doing everything we could to improve, taking an active role in the CJ tourney, starting out strong in many categories, eventually we would end up in the finals of the 20 vs 20 category, something that would have been unheard of for EH a year back.


Having worked hard to recover from our dark days, EH was looking to gain back their former place as a recognized clan, and as such a fight was scheduled with DI, always a powerhouse clan, always a difficult opponent. Little did the EH members know going into this fight that it would be their last in a multi combat zone as a PKRI. Having spent a number of hours working out the rules for the fight, the motivation put in place, the day arrived. EH would square off with DI after a long search for a world in what would prove to be one of their hardest fights in BH Multi ever. For four hours both clans fought hard, many times the momentum went back and forth. Both clans put forward an incredible effort. At the end of the four hour cap DI would stand tall with the higher option count, but no EH would hang their head, having given DI a fight to remember. 


The next major fight EH would attempt would be a tall task indeed. Having never beaten Corruption in anything except a 20 vs 20 for the CJ tournament; EH had their hands full after setting up and prepping for what would prove to be their most hyped fight in a long time. Alas, it was never to happen. Only days before the fight was scheduled to take place, Jagex struck once again. This time, the effect was more devastating. Rather than changing the way multi combat functioned in their game, Jagex simply removed it entirely, with the exception of the Clan Wars Arena. Clans were left with no option for PK’ing, only warring remained. The community lay stunned and the future uncertain. The next few months would prove trying for many clans, those whom were extremely PK based would struggle, whereas those whom were accustomed to warring would prosper. A new era was born, that which was highly dependent upon organization, tanking became crucial, as well as the turnout. The environment is one that EH was well suited for and would use to their advantage. Having been well accustomed to clan wars since it’s release, EH knew well how it functioned, whereas many of the other clans had scoffed at the Clan Arena, labeling it as unnecessary.


These next months became a blur, being run together with more wars than could be kept track of, wins would come and go on opponents; RAW wars would become more commonplace. One war which would stand out clearly would be EH’s fourth Official War. Red Devil Clan had approached EH looking for an opponent for a RAW war and EH gladly accepted the challenge. RDC would prove to be tougher than EH had anticipated. Country clans have the advantage of being able to pull high turnouts, since they are all in the same timezone. This would lead to a large importance placed on turnout for EH. As both clans massed up for the fight, their turnouts were equally impressive. RDC, however, would prove to have the numerical advantage for the war, forcing EH to work hard in an attempt to come back. EH fought hard, but were no match for RDC on that day. RDC were simply brilliant, giving a strong performance, they handed EH their first loss in an Official War. A loss is important, but learning from it is more important, and that’s just what EH would do. Continue to learn and improve their abilities.


There are clans and then there are families. Some come and go, some stay eternal. Families stick together through anything, through the hard times and the good times, no matter what, they stay strong. Eternal Honour is a family and will always hold strong those values which have made them what they are. To take pride in one’s work is to cherish it, to show others how much you care, how you live your life and how you value respect. The history of EH has been filled with both dark times and bright times. Let there be many more good times to come. Fight as one, fight as family, fight together.


Edited by Xero
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2 hours ago, Crest227 said:



I was never sure. Blk was one of my best friends for years and another girl in our friends circle brought it to my attention. Someone who knew Blk in real life ppubnkerking or something told sweetpus that Blk was not a girl and just pretending to be one. All the drama when you’re 14-15 generally overwhelms any type of reasoning lol.



Obviously I regret how it went down, not the joining Eh part, but the Blk thing. Losing someone like that is retarded looking at it in retrospect. I’ve lost a ton of friends throughout the years over stupid irrational shit like that, or clan politics/drama. When you have that you’re either with me or against me mentality like I’ve had everytime I’ve taken a clan seriously, it’s never left much room for anything else.



I think that mentality, ride or die for your clan instinct was natural for past generations of clanners. Multiclanning was frowned upon, against the rules. Any fringr behaviour was scrutinized and if you had a bad reputation it would really impact your chances of pursuing anything clan wise.



Since I’m one of the odd ones to have been in the clan world for most of it’s existence. It was anthema to me teams were made and all those restrictions/boundries started to evaporate. I remember running from 1v1’s was Nh, praying was Nh. There should be a topic made on how world 3 was the watering hole of the early clan world if people wanted to dig into clan history. I used to hang out at hill giants with Kidefence512, half dollar, I ran into Yoto and Yoda there too all the time. Speedhawaii was one of my favorite world 3 castle pkers. I can’t remember what world was “the”’s home world, actual home worlds where clans made their members play on. Invading them would cause flame wars, fights in the wild. Hobgoblins was the spot to kill TF at, even Di members like Bibleboy would come there to fight. I introduced some of my best friends like Thugster1, Ambersky and Lancer 3000 to this crap.


Sorry for the derail! To put us back on track, correct me if I’m wrong, but this is how I viewed Eh’s history: Zf—-St—Eh? Not sure why but I always thought there was some connection to Se(not the team) as well.

As far as the history -- yes, ZF -> ST -> EH. SE was in no way connected, we were strong rivals with one another.














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On 11/28/2020 at 11:48 AM, Monkey said:

I think this hits the nail on the head. People are so intent on winning that they’ll do just about anything. That, in combination with the advantage a clan has from effectively sucking the fun out of the game for their opponent, has led to things spiraling out of control. Early on, people rationalized certain changes (dragging, returning, etc.) as the clan world evolving, and maybe there was some truth to that. But for the last several years it’s been a race to the bottom.


I don’t have any questions for you all about EH, but I wanted to apologize to those of you who were there (3lite, Grug, Xero, Krystal, to name a few) for the way I acted during my time there. I was an immature little shit, not to mention a dick to some of you on a personal level.

No grudges held for things that happened 10 years ago when we were all a whole lot younger.  Glad to see you still around and hope life has treated you well.


16 hours ago, I Kill Batty said:

If @MILAD and Rocky238 got into a fight, who would win?

This one depends on when the fight occurred.  Milad was younger than Rocky back in EH, so if they got into a fight during EH times, Rocky would have won.  If we're talking about a fight occurring today, Rocky is a geezer and Milad is still in his prime.  Rocky would have the moves and technique to win a fight given his countless hours studying Floyd Mayweather, but Milad would have the craziness factor going for him, with an unpredictable fighting style.

2 hours ago, Xero said:

I would like to preface this by saying this was not written by myself and I am unsure of who the author is, but in discussion with 3lite, we believe that it most likely was authored by him.  Below is a history of Eternal Honour, previously written and documented in some dark hole internet archive.  There is a lot of good stuff in here.  It captures the time from EH's inception through our 4th Official War (post wildy/BH multi era, deep CWA era).  



Thanks for posting this.  I don't remember writing this one, but no one still contactable in EH leadership can recall who wrote it.  It is possible that it was Broski, but the embellishing and emotive language looks more like something I would have written than him.  Much of this history was before Islamia's time.

Whatever the case, the story is incomplete.  I think the folks on this AMA should get together with Null, DP9, Ava_Ad0re, Swt, and other important folks from the period to finish it before it is lost to time.

Edited by 3lite
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