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D2Master12 - AMA


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2 hours ago, Robelink said:

What made you quit for good?

I had more real life obligations going on and I didn't want to balance both RS and IRL. Plus I felt like I achieved everything I wanted in the game and was leaving VR in a good state.

2 hours ago, Robelink said:

Did RS ever impact your life in a negative way?

I don't think so. If anything it kept me out of trouble and made my other priority studying

2 hours ago, Robelink said:

You went MIA for some time, do you regret quitting RS early, since EOC only came 3 or 4 years later?

No. I put way too much time into building my account and accumulating wealth. I quit a bit before old school rs came out and that was the official dagger that there was no chance id ever come back. There was no way I was going to start over with a new account and i didnt want to use any one else's account either

2 hours ago, Robelink said:

I consider you one of the most underrated callers ever, but if could choose 3 other callers to call by your side, who would you choose in terms of quality? Not considering friends.

Thank you. This is a good question.


Homedawg90 - I don't think I really had any rivals that I beefed with in rs, but if there was ever a rival I would probably say it would be homedawg from df just for the fact that i fought against him so many times while we were the main callers when i was in cor and when i was in vr. I have a lot of respect for the #1 guys that keep bringing it time and time again and that's what homedawg always did. he seemed to handle the pressure well and he also was the main guy for df for several years during their prime. i also respected the fact that he got brought up from df and stayed there his whole time playing. i knew he was one of the guys that wasn't going to leave a fight. the only way you homedawg was leaving a fight was when it ended. i think unarguably he has to go down as 1 of the best fall in leaders in the history of df for all of these reasons. as i said before, he picked good piles, knew what to do in game, didnt seem to make mistakes, and could tank. it would be interesting to see what we would have done fighting together...as long as he would have been ok with me taking the first fall in xD


F1r3o - he is 1 of the best tanks in the history of the game. he also was a monster of a caller and probably had a kill / death ratio of 4:1 when he was leading for rsd, he himself would out tank 2-3 members of the opposing clan every time he got piled. I would have loved leading with F1r3o and getting the fall in back from him after he got us a big lead. Even though Rsd was full of high level/high skilled members, I don't think they would have been as strong of a clan if F1r3o wasnt the main guy leading them. He was definitely their ace and I'm not sure if I ever saw him have a bad night. RSD wasn't as active as the rest of the top 5 clans, but he was consistently their main guy for years.


Conditions21 - i think he is the only player to be ranked in df, vr, eos, and cor - and for good reasons. i think everyone knows how amazing of a fall in leader conditions is, but for those new players reading this, conditions is probably on everyone's top #3-#5 fall in leader list. he was a beast tank but also a fast caller who would pick the perfect piles and was almost unstoppable from from racking up a 4-3:1 kill / death ratio on you when you were fighting against him. he was a really experienced guy (being in an official in probably every clan he joined) and was able to be great in any clan he was in. he instantly earned the respect of every clan he was in and there was a big power boost with having him in the clan. Conditions was also 1 of the best at being unaffected by snipers. 


2 hours ago, Robelink said:

What players were a pain in the ass every time you piled them? In terms of tanking/prebailing


Sgt frank1 was always a pain in the ass to pile. I actually never really piled him for that reason but he regularly dragged and tanked every other caller that attacked him. Most of the time he would position himself ranging across from a clan's pile in front of a rock/tree/or something to hug so that he would have extra time to react if a bind came his way. He always kept his distance and would be fully ready to tank by the time the pile got to him. On the occasions that he would mele snipe, he always was ready to tank when piles ended so it pissed me off to pile him. he was a guy that if we were going to pile him you had to anti snipe him for a while first before you attacked him.


Kronca was another guy that was a pain in the ass to pile. not only was he a beast tank, but he openly shared pictures of his $1b bank account that was practically only a cash pile and f2p gear. he pretty much lived to f2p pk so he was completely pointless to pile because he was guaranteed to tank you and return back immediately. He was another really skilled sniper that knew exactly where to position himself and when to start running. his account was also 1 of those super lucky accounts and binds splashed on him frequently. 


45chris2 not sure if people remember him but he was a pain to deal with. he was 1 of the kings of camping and would camp binders and fall in leaders nonstop for hours. he also would flame you while he was beasting you because his account hit really accurately so he got under a lot of peoples skin. he made a lot of weak members rage quit for the simple fact that both you and he knew that if he was attacking you, that he was going to camp you for the next 10+ hours if that's how long the fight lasted

Corruption High Council -> Syndicate Leader -> Exodus Warlord -> Violent Resolution Warlord

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2 hours ago, david said:

Being led by both Arma and Cera who you thought was the better one? Everyone thought Arma was better than Cera when they both were in their prime but imo Cera was way better than Arma with pile picking and consistency. Arma no doubt was good but I still thought Cera was the better one so I would like to know your opinion 


this is really really tough. you're talking about which 10/10 guy is better.

in my opinion i would have to give to to cera though. i consider cera the best fall in leader in the history of the game because he has been the only fall in leader leading for 15+ years. during this time he has always been considered in the top 10 and for me the length at which you were great is a deciding factor. cera in many cases was one of the first callers in clans and he has had to keep adapting to different ways to call based on the ways we are forced to fight in. cera is also one of the legend callers that has been with vr since day 1 so there is extra hype when he is calling. arma is a legend on his own but i dont think anyone can touch cera, even if they were really good

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Corruption High Council -> Syndicate Leader -> Exodus Warlord -> Violent Resolution Warlord

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2 hours ago, Kenny said:

Is it true @Homedawg was superior to you in every way?

haha idk if i would say that but i have a hell of a lot of respect for the guy. i already included homedawg in a few posts of mine so i wont repeat them, but in short this guy can go toe to toe with any #1 caller in any clan in any era. 

Edited by D2master12

Corruption High Council -> Syndicate Leader -> Exodus Warlord -> Violent Resolution Warlord

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The comments are flattering. D2master is a big name in my book. Those DF vs Corr rivalries days were some of the best because it was two ascending clans throwing it on the line every day. Older people have always said, the hunt tastes better than the reward. I remember seeing you on the other side day in and day out and it was a lot of fun. I found a picture I must have taken of an MSN conversation we once had. 


Since this is an AMA; how is your memory so crisp?


Also, I know that being in those environments, having those responsibilities at 16, did develop into tools that helped my achieve goals today. Has your experienced help you? 


Lastly, do you have any recollection of the name, Pure Str G40? He wants some clout. 




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DF October 23 2005


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23 hours ago, D2master12 said:

I actually didnt know of Tukuruk until he joined Syndicate. From what I was told by Lukas is that he had a lot of members who wanted to join and we needed the numbers. Getting a lot of members was a top priority of mine. I also think he helped with the technical stuff like webmaster / forum admin stuff which I didn't want to be bothered with.

Tukuruk's claim to fame was being able to recruit the same 70 people to every clan he was ever given a position in or founded, only to pull 30 the next week, struggle for 20+ the week after and then die. And somehow he repeated this with the same group of lads for a decade.




  On 1/6/2021 at 12:36 AM, true said:

Having been in a lot of clans with a lot of skilled individuals, what would be your leadership "dream team"

This is so tough because there were so many great guys. Probably forgetting so many people







Edited by Lavigne








RSN: Knight Frank

Formerly known as: Born2kill 92 / 0utlaw 0f Pk / Owned Thijs / Pixie187401

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Top 10 in the UK for Riichi Mahjong (UKMA ELO) / Rank 3 for 3-player

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games.



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12 hours ago, Homedawg said:

The comments are flattering. D2master is a big name in my book. Those DF vs Corr rivalries days were some of the best because it was two ascending clans throwing it on the line every day. Older people have always said, the hunt tastes better than the reward. I remember seeing you on the other side day in and day out and it was a lot of fun. I found a picture I must have taken of an MSN conversation we once had. 

Thanks, and agree! There was always so much hatred between the CoR and DF rivalries that it actually made the fights so much more fun. Glad we got to share those memories from the other side. Lmao I kind of remember that MSN convo. It's funny to think about but I actually never really interacted with people outside of the clans that I was in. I think there was always a mutual respect between officials but I was never a guy that would converse with the enemy lol. Even setting up fights I typically had other people do it. But I think there would have been value in talking and getting to know more of the other officials. 

12 hours ago, Homedawg said:

Since this is an AMA; how is your memory so crisp?


Also, I know that being in those environments, having those responsibilities at 16, did develop into tools that helped my achieve goals today. Has your experienced help you? 

I basically look at the timeline of significant events in my own clan history and then I can remember who I was fighting against/what I was doing at that time. 

Agreed, I actually think leading at a young age for a top clan adds a lot of value to a person. For me, I felt like I was always good at finding the right guys to promote in clans, but at the time I had always thought they were super obvious choices only to find out that no one had noticed them until I brought them up. Finding the right people to be around you is a big part of a team's success. Finding the right people to put around me in real life also has given me a lot of opportunities. 


It was also good for learning how to manage personalities and people. And being able to diffuse conflict and keep everyone motivated and going in the same direction. 

Lastly, I think that I am really good at handling stress and heavy work loads in my personal life. Making a stretch here and a bit of a joke out of it, but you could look at being able to stay on top of my calling for 10 hours+ in the middle of the night while getting snipped by 35 tanks every weekend as helping with that lmao. 

12 hours ago, Homedawg said:

Lastly, do you have any recollection of the name, Pure Str G40? He wants some clout. 


Yes I remember Pure Strg G40. He joined DF in 07. I think he always went by Pure Strg | Ross. I confirmed that he has now been going by only Ross which is how he was evaded mentions thus far since I just looked at df forums and df discord for references. Pure Strg G40 is one of those names that come up just by mentioning the clan DF. From what I remember he was 1 of the sniper leaders for DF's snipe unit. He was also a guy in the CWA era that if you piled early in a fight you were sure to lose the fight for your clan because he was going to stack up a lead for DF. He was a guy that you would cringe when you had to pile but you did HAVE to pile him in pk run ins. He was too skilled and too impactful of a sniper to let him rip apart your binders but you knew you were going to pay a price for piling him. Piling Pure Strg G40 was only to make the binders happy because he was 1 of the best tanks in DF. He also was one of those guys that would step up and bind during rough patches in a fight for DF since he never left fights until they were ended. Looking back on it, I respected Pure Strg G40 a lot, but when I was fighting against him he was 1 of those pain in the ass guys that I hated. 

Corruption High Council -> Syndicate Leader -> Exodus Warlord -> Violent Resolution Warlord

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13 hours ago, Flukejiver said:

Hardest decision you ever made as an official?

definitely deciding to quit CoR for all the reasons already mentioned

Corruption High Council -> Syndicate Leader -> Exodus Warlord -> Violent Resolution Warlord

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12 hours ago, true said:

Were there any high level officials from other clans you really wanted for Syndicate? Were any big names close to hopping in?

I didn't try to recruit anyone to Syndicate. From my point of view we had everything we needed. Most of the guys that in leadership roles had been clanless before we quit CoR. For me, I really wanted to create our own thing. Not steal guys from other clans. 

Corruption High Council -> Syndicate Leader -> Exodus Warlord -> Violent Resolution Warlord

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Good AMA, never really spoke to you much back in the day but you seem like a good guy with a level head! You were a big part of the clan world and making it so good - shame how things have gone with it all. It was interesting to read about Demonchild, I used to speak to him quite a bit in 2008 and nearly joined Corruption instead of DF due to being friends with him and Magicarrow in TKO Blitz. 



Edited by Dalejamesw
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1 hour ago, D2master12 said:

Thanks, and agree! There was always so much hatred between the CoR and DF rivalries that it actually made the fights so much more fun. Glad we got to share those memories from the other side. Lmao I kind of remember that MSN convo. It's funny to think about but I actually never really interacted with people outside of the clans that I was in. I think there was always a mutual respect between officials but I was never a guy that would converse with the enemy lol. Even setting up fights I typically had other people do it. But I think there would have been value in talking and getting to know more of the other officials. 

I basically look at the timeline of significant events in my own clan history and then I can remember who I was fighting against/what I was doing at that time. 

Agreed, I actually think leading at a young age for a top clan adds a lot of value to a person. For me, I felt like I was always good at finding the right guys to promote in clans, but at the time I had always thought they were super obvious choices only to find out that no one had noticed them until I brought them up. Finding the right people to be around you is a big part of a team's success. Finding the right people to put around me in real life also has given me a lot of opportunities. 


It was also good for learning how to manage personalities and people. And being able to diffuse conflict and keep everyone motivated and going in the same direction. 

Lastly, I think that I am really good at handling stress and heavy work loads in my personal life. Making a stretch here and a bit of a joke out of it, but you could look at being able to stay on top of my calling for 10 hours+ in the middle of the night while getting snipped by 35 tanks every weekend as helping with that lmao. 

Yes I remember Pure Strg G40. He joined DF in 07. I think he always went by Pure Strg | Ross. I confirmed that he has now been going by only Ross which is how he was evaded mentions thus far since I just looked at df forums and df discord for references. Pure Strg G40 is one of those names that come up just by mentioning the clan DF. From what I remember he was 1 of the sniper leaders for DF's snipe unit. He was also a guy in the CWA era that if you piled early in a fight you were sure to lose the fight for your clan because he was going to stack up a lead for DF. He was a guy that you would cringe when you had to pile but you did HAVE to pile him in pk run ins. He was too skilled and too impactful of a sniper to let him rip apart your binders but you knew you were going to pay a price for piling him. Piling Pure Strg G40 was only to make the binders happy because he was 1 of the best tanks in DF. He also was one of those guys that would step up and bind during rough patches in a fight for DF since he never left fights until they were ended. Looking back on it, I respected Pure Strg G40 a lot, but when I was fighting against him he was 1 of those pain in the ass guys that I hated. 

How much did Ross pay you to write that about him? Don't lie.

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2 hours ago, D2master12 said:

Yes I remember Pure Str G40. He joined DF in 07. I think he always went by Pure Str | Ross. I confirmed that he has now been going by only Ross which is how he was evaded mentions thus far since I just looked at df forums and df discord for references. Pure Str G40 is one of those names that come up just by mentioning the clan DF. From what I remember he was 1 of the sniper leaders for DF's snipe unit. He was also a guy in the CWA era that if you piled early in a fight you were sure to lose the fight for your clan because he was going to stack up a lead for DF. He was a guy that you would cringe when you had to pile but you did HAVE to pile him in pk run ins. He was too skilled and too impactful of a sniper to let him rip apart your binders but you knew you were going to pay a price for piling him. Piling Pure Str G40 was only to make the binders happy because he was 1 of the best tanks in DF. He also was one of those guys that would step up and bind during rough patches in a fight for DF since he never left fights until they were ended. Looking back on it, I respected Pure Str G40 a lot, but when I was fighting against him he was 1 of those pain in the ass guys that I hated. 


Woah. Never thought I would see the day a Corr member compliment me since we were such big rivals back in the day and flamed eachother at every opportunity lol. I appreciate the nice words. It's nice to know all those rune sets weren't a waste. Tanking was the most fun I had in this game. Especially if you did a good tank in CWA and it gave your clan a leg up. It was very fun.


Sniping was indeed very very fun. But towards the end it became about mass sniping and that kind of ruined fights. Kind of felt sorry for fall in leaders when the mass sniping started as it would of been difficult to call effective piles.


Interesting AMA though. It's cool to see what goes on behind clans especially when the clan world was active and there were multiple rivalries going on.


But rivarly aside you seem like a good dude so it's easy to see why you were ranked in most of the clans you joined.


Perhaps..get Corr to reopen? ?

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Ross & Peterh are straight up studs. Ross the Boss!


Anyways, interesting read. Quite crazy you remember specific details, such as the RSN's of several members of other clans. You have a good memory!


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4 minutes ago, Shinobi said:

Ross & Peterh are straight up studs. Ross the Boss!


Anyways, interesting read. Quite crazy you remember specific details, such as the RSN's of several members of other clans. You have a good memory!



Bloody hell...hello mate lol

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