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Eternal Honour's AMA (3lite, Grug, Slaughter17, Xero)


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2 minutes ago, Eric said:

Did EH have any strategy or cared about getting new people into pvp?


If so, @Vanuckle do you think something similar could be done in Tempest? 

I've actually always wondered about this, if EH was unique in this regard.  EH used to host tanking practice events fairly regularly where our PK leaders would demonstrate proper hugging technique and how to eat in one tick with pizzas + other food.  We would take turns piling a member at random and "testing" them.  Maybe a practice every 2-3 months on average.

Was this something that other clans did?


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3 minutes ago, 3lite said:

I've actually always wondered about this, if EH was unique in this regard.  EH used to host tanking practice events fairly regularly where our PK leaders would demonstrate proper hugging technique and how to eat in one tick with pizzas + other food.  We would take turns piling a member at random and "testing" them.  Maybe a practice every 2-3 months on average.

Was this something that other clans did?

Yeah! i remember having some of those in old clans such as Runeraiders. Also JR clans were a good way to get new people into the pvp aspect of the game. 

Not long ago, we had a discussion with Brian i think about how to get new people into pvp clans, my point being clans just don't go after new people but the same clanners all the time, and that is why there aren't as many clans as before. 


For example, when i was in TR we created a JR clan where i'd recruit lvls 90-110 that i just met while doing slayer, and after chatting for a while invited them to join. There we'd have some easy fights in cwa, some AC trips and tanking practices which you mentioned for them to get familiar with the dynamics. 


So, which other tactics, routines, or just things done as a clan did EH do to get new people into the clanworld? 




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@Grug The Zybez Clan Discussion moderating staff was once so oversaturated with  EH members it started to become a problem as there often was not enough non-EH members online to moderate EH fights. It even prompted Brad to post in the CD HQ, simply, "QUIT JOINING EH FFS". So my question is, from what you know of both EH and CD, why do you think was there such an overlap?

Mostly though I just wanted to drop by and say Hi Gruggles ❤️ Hope you're doing well.

Edited by Yoto32
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Hey @3lite @Vanuckle how's it been?

Haven't talked to you 3lite since the good day coming back to OSRS and finding you at the rogue place cooking and we talked for a while and I thought you were coming back to the game at that point.

Did you guys ever feel "hyped/more determined" to winning a fight when going against a certain clan and it'd change your attitude/leadership style for the whole fight?


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What -apart from people quitting- do you feel has lead to the decline of pvp clanning overall?

Proud Tempest - Guest > Verified Guest > Bunny Guest > Verified Guest > Bunny Guest > Intro > Applicant > Member


Please if you spot these missing robes, have them returned to Panda|Mike for a reward.






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9 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Idk how many clans around these days were around back then, I assume these were so thoughts on these clans, and if you know anything about how they are nowadays, thoughts on that?

VR - They would even admit that they never had great organization or leadership, never were strong man for man, never really fought fair, and despite all that... still stayed very competitive. Always found a way to recruit more and more, figured out ways to win fights that you wouldn't expect them to. Above all, were incredibly active. PK'ed more than anyone and could pull big numbers.

DK - not much to say.

RoT - Were dominant in P2p during this era but not as active in F2p. Obviously became that way late in Rs2 (from what I've been told) and no question in OSRS (I just haven't been around to see it). Have obviously done whatever it takes to win, but have proven their skill over the years. What I have to respect is that from day one they never pretended to be anything else. Took some gusto to fly in the face of the clan world and be openly NH in the era that they first opened. Undoubtedly one of the most notorious and infamous clans in the game. 

DF - I always thought DF were a cool clan to be in. Interesting members, always at the cutting edge of tactics, always actively PKing, and an fighting 'the right way' (with honour). Seemed to consistently find a way to get it done throughout the different eras. There was always that "world police" or DFPD vibe from them, that they felt like they had to manage the clan world in some way or another, and often they could with superior numbers and organization. I would say that they were the most competitive clan throughout the entire 2005-2010 era. Maybe not always #1, but very, very rarely outside the top 3.

EoS - Would have dramatic slumps and crazy rises. Very unique clan in every sense of the word. Strange leadership, wild members, generally no regard for human life. Definitely memorable -- if more for their antics, but also were certainly feared at times.


Obviously Trevor and Xero still play so Grug/3lite - do you guys have any interest in playing the game again or even still play just not in clanning? What would it take to bring you back to the game? What would it take to get you back into clanning?

^For Trevor and Xero - if Tempest wasn't here would  you still be involved in clanning? If so, what clan. If not, would you play at all?

Maybe, who knows in what capacity.


I think someone else already asked what the most NH thing you guys did was - so what was the most NH thing proposed that you guys ended up not going through with?

Nothing super NH was proposed to me. 3lite suggested we had an opportunity to spy but I wouldn't have been ranked at that time.


What's the worst thing you guys had to remove a member for - in both senses of the word worst. Aka someone you didn't feel should be removed but had to due to clan rules - and someone who REALLY deserved to be removed because they did something terrible.

Can't specifically remember. Don't think anyone did anything terrible. Think I may have incorrectly removed some people for spying.


Thoughts on the current state of PvP in general in RS and the clanning community? Including f2p/p2p/cwa/etc

Think I've mentioned before but better than I thought it was, still could get better. Wish there was more big cwa fights.


On another game I played a long time ago a dutch kid named Stefan opened Eternal Honour and claimed he was part of the original clan, though I don't think he claimed he was an official or anything. To my knowledge there was no others in the clan claiming to be EH, though some people from 'real' rs clans like Brutality and other clans did end up in the clan, even if only briefly. Do you know who this Stefan guy may be / if he was actual EH, or did he just steal your name and make up a bunch of lies?

Wouldn't know personally.


If Jagex reached out to you today and said we want you to reopen - tell us what needs to happen. What would you tell them? Assuming other concerns were non existent (jobs/other irl stuff keeping you busy/being in other clans like Tempest)?

And if that happened and you reopened, what leadership team would you want and what people would you want in the clan?

Same leadership hopefully. That'd be the only way it would work I think.


What is one clan you never got to be a part of that you wish you had?

Maybe RSD post EH era.


Did you ever consider leaving EH for another clan? If so why, and what clan?

Nope, never considered it.


What clan did you have the most respect for? Least respect?

For me I probably had the most respect for TT, least respect for VR (for how they acted, not what they were capable of on the battlefield).


What clan was the most overrated in your opinion? This doesn't have to be just from the time EH was open if you've been around ages and seen a lot of clans obviously

Probably TR imo. They were very arrogant for a clan only fighting at 7pm GMT on Sunday's.


Is there any funny / interesting stories that never really hit the public about things that happened in the clan that you remember? Or ones that have been lost through time.


Did/do you guys enjoy any content ingame other than PvP?

I enjoy farming lol, bit of a weird one. Love logging in to do a farm run.


Do you prefer F2p or P2p? Why? Thoughts on the one you don't prefer ?

F2P > P2P, always been that way for me.


Who are 5 people you wish could be part of this AMA but aren't here? Going to guess Islamia will be a common answer for most of you

Broski, Islamia, Nullusion, Ava Ad0re, Pt37.


What are some things during your time in EH leadership that really made you wish you weren't abiding by a code of honour - or made you consider even breaking said code?

Nothing really, at least not in my era. Was happy to help AC, happy to have people know who we were, and what we represented.


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3 hours ago, Yoto32 said:

@Grug The Zybez Clan Discussion moderating staff was once so oversaturated with  EH members it started to become a problem as there often was enough non-EH members online to moderate EH fights. It even prompted Brad to post in the CD HQ, simply, "QUIT JOINING EH FFS". So my question is, from what you know of both EH and CD, why do you think was there such an overlap?

Mostly though I just wanted to drop by and say Hi Gruggles ❤️ Hope you're doing well.

OMG I remember Brad saying that and us having that dilemma sometimes since we were supposed to stay off our clan's topics, so modding EH topics became a challenge.  I had to pester non-CD mods to help out, and they hated modding CD.   Ahahahaha.  Funny thing is, I actually became a RSC cl when in Gladz and then joined EH after buddying up with the other EH cl's, so I didn't help with this problem. =X 



Brian.. or Brianna?! | The artist formerly known as Pequ 
The Gladiatorz [2004-06] | Eternal Honour [2006-08]RSC CD Mod [2006-08]

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To be a clan leader we all know you need to put a serious amount of hours into it, almost as if it was a full time job. Do any of you regret the amount of time you spent on RS during those years looking back on it now?



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6 hours ago, Yoto32 said:

@Grug The Zybez Clan Discussion moderating staff was once so oversaturated with  EH members it started to become a problem as there often was enough non-EH members online to moderate EH fights. It even prompted Brad to post in the CD HQ, simply, "QUIT JOINING EH FFS". So my question is, from what you know of both EH and CD, why do you think was there such an overlap?

Mostly though I just wanted to drop by and say Hi Gruggles ❤️ Hope you're doing well.

Yoto! ❤️ I'm doing well, hope you're also doing well.

I think because of the type of clan that EH was, it attracted mature people, people who were more likely to be noticed and move up on Zybez CD. 

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2 hours ago, Brian said:

To be a clan leader we all know you need to put a serious amount of hours into it, almost as if it was a full time job. Do any of you regret the amount of time you spent on RS during those years looking back on it now?

Most of my RS time to do with clanning was done in the late hours of the night/early hours of the morning due to being an Australian, so it didn't really affect me too much there. I do wish I spent more time doing other things when not doing clan related activities on RS though.

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Seeing as you're in the Australian timezone, which obviously made it difficult for you to attend events back then, I am wondering. Was it uncomfortable for you to wake up early, and how much effort did you care to put in? I ask this because I understand that in order to attend actively, you had to put in that effort many people did not have to. My follow-up question to this: Did you ever think about permanently stepping down, but still somewhat try and do as much as possible when it was more suitable for you? If so, who do you think would have been the perfect candidate to replace you? We had a tendency in EH to have between 2-3 leaders, so obviously there would have been a replacement at the time (2007-2008).



@3lite @Vanuckle



Do you believe that EH reached the maximum that we could've reached? Did we have any more things to achieve that we didn't and what was the reason? Also, I now remember that you also played WoW, but my question is: What do you think about the outcasts (that's what they were called, the WoW crew that seperated a bit from the community and some even skipped events too,  by specifically Flavofaven99 back then (may God bless that cute voice of his)) and what kind of impact did they have on EH as a whole? 


In regards to the question above, this is is somehow connected. Do you remember at one point we had a few key members leave for TT? Finalman123, Warren121212, Devil1081, Gilby18, Ptw Matrix3, etc etc. Why do you think they all left simultaneously and what was the cause of it? I remember Warren121212 stirring up a lot of shit on forums/IRC about how we're very cautious with everything, we don't take risks, we don't try and push for our maximal potential that we know we have within the clan, and so on. It is possible though that some of these names were kicked, but it has been 11 years, so my memory of it is vague. 



Thank you ❤️




Edited by MILAD


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Hi Guys,


No questions from me but wanted to express my gratitude towards EH's leadership team. Having been my first "big clan" in RS, I have so many great memories from my time in EH. Everyone here's leadership had a lot to do with that. 


Miss you all!



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